from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import os import sys import gc import time import json import pickle import random import shutil import operator import argparse import numpy as np import torch from tools import get_embedding, get_split, get_config, logWritter, MeaninglessError, scores_gzsl, Step_Scheduler, Const_Scheduler from libs.datasets import get_dataset #from trainer import Trainer import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import nn, optim, cuda, backends from torch.autograd import Variable from torch.utils import data from torchvision import datasets, transforms, utils backends.cudnn.benchmark = True def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--config', default='***.yaml', help='configuration file for train/val') parser.add_argument('--load_model', default='None', help='path to preTrain model') parser.add_argument('--first_unseen', type=int, default=25, help='first several pixels are pre-set as unseen categories') parser.add_argument('--threshold', type=int, default=30, help='at least threshold pixels in a block should be unseen') parser.add_argument('--cc_max', type=int, default=12, help='maximum category count within each block') parser.add_argument('--num_iter', type=int, default=10000, help='total iterations of generation') parser.add_argument('--start_id', type=int, default=0, help='start index of generation') parser.add_argument('--flag', type=float, default=-1, help='split random/pixelcnn++') parser.add_argument('--p_base', type=float, default=0, help='p_base / label_count = unseen_adder') parser.add_argument('--topk', type=float, default=1, help='topk percentage of categories are chosen for multinomial') parser.add_argument('--suffix', default='', help='suffix in name of generated dir') return parser.parse_args() class MaskedConv2d(nn.Conv2d): def __init__(self, mask_type, *args, **kwargs): super(MaskedConv2d, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) assert mask_type in {'A', 'B'} self.register_buffer('mask', _, _, kH, kW = self.weight.size() self.mask.fill_(1) self.mask[:, :, kH // 2, kW // 2 + (mask_type == 'B'):] = 0 self.mask[:, :, kH // 2 + 1:] = 0 def forward(self, x): *= self.mask return super(MaskedConv2d, self).forward(x) fm = 64 class Net(nn.Module): def __init__(self, n_class, condition = False): super(Net, self).__init__() d = 600 self.conv1 = nn.Sequential(MaskedConv2d('A', d, fm, 3, 1, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(fm), nn.ReLU(True)) self.conv2 = nn.Sequential(MaskedConv2d('B', fm, fm, 3, 1, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(fm), nn.ReLU(True),) self.conv3 = nn.Sequential(MaskedConv2d('B', fm, fm, 3, 1, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(fm), nn.ReLU(True),) self.conv4 = nn.Sequential(MaskedConv2d('B', fm, fm, 3, 1, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(fm), nn.ReLU(True),) #self.conv5 = nn.Sequential(MaskedConv2d('B', fm, fm, 7, 1, 3, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(fm), nn.ReLU(True),) #self.conv6 = nn.Sequential(MaskedConv2d('B', fm, fm, 7, 1, 3, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(fm), nn.ReLU(True),) #self.conv7 = nn.Sequential(MaskedConv2d('B', fm, fm, 7, 1, 3, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(fm), nn.ReLU(True),) #self.conv8 = nn.Sequential(MaskedConv2d('B', fm, fm, 7, 1, 3, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(fm), nn.ReLU(True),) self.conv9 = nn.Conv2d(fm, n_class, 1) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=0.5) if condition: self.b1 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(d,fm)) self.b2 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(d,fm)) self.b3 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(d,fm)) self.b4 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(d,fm)) #self.b5 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(d,fm)) #self.b6 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(d,fm)) #self.b7 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(d,fm)) #self.b8 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(d,fm)) def forward(self, x, h=None): if h is not None: b,_,_,_ = x.size() c = 64 #print (h.size(),self.b1.size()) #print(torch.matmul(h,self.b1).size()) x = self.conv1(x) + torch.matmul(h,self.b1).permute(0,3,1,2).contiguous()#.view(b,c,1,1) x = self.conv2(x) + torch.matmul(h,self.b2).permute(0,3,1,2).contiguous()#.view(b,c,1,1) x = self.dropout(self.conv3(x) + torch.matmul(h,self.b3).permute(0,3,1,2).contiguous())#.view(b,c,1,1) x = self.dropout(self.conv4(x) + torch.matmul(h,self.b4).permute(0,3,1,2).contiguous())#.view(b,c,1,1) #x = self.conv5(x) + torch.matmul(h,self.b5).permute(0,3,1,2).contiguous()#.view(b,c,1,1) #x = self.conv6(x) + torch.matmul(h,self.b6).permute(0,3,1,2).contiguous()#.view(b,c,1,1) #x = self.dropout(self.conv7(x) + torch.matmul(h,self.b7).permute(0,3,1,2).contiguous())#.view(b,c,1,1) #x = self.dropout(self.conv8(x) + torch.matmul(h,self.b8).permute(0,3,1,2).contiguous())#.view(b,c,1,1) return self.conv9(x) else: return self.conv9((self.conv4(self.conv3(self.conv2(self.conv1(x)))))) args = parse_args() config = get_config(args.config) vals_cls, valu_cls, all_labels, visible_classes, visible_classes_test, train, val, sampler, visibility_mask, cls_map, cls_map_test = get_split(config) class_emb = get_embedding(config) class_emb_vis = class_emb[visible_classes] class_emb_vis_ = torch.zeros((config['ignore_index'] + 1 - class_emb_vis.shape[0], class_emb_vis.shape[1]), dtype = torch.float32) class_emb_vis_aug =, class_emb_vis_), dim=0).cuda() class_emb_all = class_emb[visible_classes_test].cuda() print (class_emb_all.size()) Em = nn.Embedding.from_pretrained(class_emb_all) Em = Em.cuda() Em.weight.requires_grad = False unseen_range = (vals_cls.size, vals_cls.size+valu_cls.size-1) # (15, 19) for voc12 print('Unseen index ranging from {0} to {1}'.format(unseen_range[0], unseen_range[1])) label_count = config['dis']['out_dim_cls'] - 1 # 20 for voc12 print('Label count equals {0}'.format(label_count)) assert(unseen_range[1]+1 == label_count) assert(class_emb_all.size()[0] == label_count) assert(config['num_unseen'] == unseen_range[1]-unseen_range[0]+1) net = Net(label_count, True) net.cuda() net = torch.nn.DataParallel(net) assert(os.path.exists(args.load_model)) state_dict = torch.load(args.load_model)['state_dict'] net.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=True) print("Pre-train model {0} successfully loaded".format(args.load_model)) torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = True net.train(False) cc_max = args.cc_max # 3 for default threshold = args.threshold # 6 # at least 'threshold' pixels in a block should be unseen unseen_adder = args.p_base / label_count # adder gets smaller when label_count increases / p_base decreases print('threshold = {0}, unseen_adder = {1:.3f}'.format(threshold, unseen_adder)) assert(args.topk > 0.0 and args.topk <= 1.0) label_top = int(label_count * args.topk) print('label_top equals {0}'.format(label_top)) assert(label_top > 0) bs = 3136 #6400 #16384 block_size = 7 assert(args.first_unseen>=0 and args.first_unseen<=block_size**2) datatype = np.int64 res = torch.zeros((0, block_size, block_size)).long().cuda() p_unseen = torch.zeros((bs, label_count)).cuda() p_unseen[:, unseen_range[0]:unseen_range[1]+1] += unseen_adder margain = (torch.LongTensor(range(bs)) * label_top).long().cuda() # shape = (bs) prior = np.ones((config['dis']['out_dim_cls']-1)) for k in range(config['dis']['out_dim_cls']-config['num_unseen']-1,config['dis']['out_dim_cls']-1): prior[k] = prior[k]+config['gen_unseen_rate'] prior_ = prior/np.linalg.norm(prior, ord=1) num_iter = args.num_iter display_iter = 100 count_random, count_pixelcnn = 0, 0 print('Start generation ...') for t in range(num_iter): h0 = (unseen_range[1] - unseen_range[0] + 1) * torch.rand((bs)) + unseen_range[0] #h0 = h0.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, block_size, block_size).long().cuda() h0 = h0.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, block_size**2).long().cuda() h0[h0==unseen_range[1]+1] = unseen_range[1] assert (h0.max() <= unseen_range[1] and h0.min() >= unseen_range[0]) h1 = h0.view(bs, block_size, block_size) h = Em(h1).float().contiguous() if np.random.rand() > args.flag: # sample = torch.LongTensor(bs, block_size, block_size).cuda() sample = torch.LongTensor(bs, block_size**2).cuda() sample.fill_(0) if args.first_unseen != 0: sample[:,:args.first_unseen] = h0[:,:args.first_unseen] sample = sample.view(bs, block_size, block_size) for ij in range(args.first_unseen, block_size**2): i = ij // block_size j = ij % block_size # for i in range(block_size): # for j in range(block_size): input = Em(sample).permute(0,3,1,2).contiguous() out = net(input, h) probs = F.softmax(out[:, :, i, j], dim=1).data probs += p_unseen #probs = F.softmax(probs, dim=1) #sample[:, i, j] = torch.multinomial(probs, 1).long().squeeze(1) probs_k, chosen_labels = torch.topk(probs, label_top, dim=1) # shapes = (bs, label_top), chosen_labels < label_count probs_k = F.softmax(probs_k, dim=1) selected_indices = torch.multinomial(probs_k, 1).long().squeeze(1) # shape = (bs) sample[:, i, j] = chosen_labels.view(-1)[(selected_indices + margain).long()].long() # shape = (bs) #utils.save_image(sample_numpy, 'blocks/sample_{:02d}_{:02d}.png'.format(epoch,k), nrow=12, padding=0) unseen_ones = torch.where(sample>=unseen_range[0], torch.ones(sample.shape).long().cuda(), torch.zeros(sample.shape).long().cuda()).long().view(-1, block_size**2) gen_sum = torch.sum(unseen_ones, dim=1).long() unseen_exist_index = torch.where(gen_sum>=threshold)[0].long() temp_unseen_0 = sample[unseen_exist_index] # add category count restriction here gt_sample = temp_unseen_0.view(-1,block_size**2) ones = torch.ones(gt_sample.shape).long().cuda() zeros = torch.zeros(gt_sample.shape).long().cuda() one = torch.ones(gt_sample.shape[0]).long().cuda() zero = torch.zeros(gt_sample.shape[0]).long().cuda() cal = torch.zeros(gt_sample.shape[0]).long().cuda() for cate in range(label_count): a1 = torch.where(gt_sample==cate, ones, zeros).long() a2 = torch.sum(a1, dim=1).long() a3 = torch.where(a2!=0, one, zero).long() cal += a3 cc_lt_max_index = torch.where(cal<=cc_max)[0].long() temp_unseen = temp_unseen_0[cc_lt_max_index] count_pixelcnn += temp_unseen.shape[0] else: sample = torch.LongTensor(np.random.choice(a=range(label_count), size=(bs, 1, 1), replace=True, p=prior_)).cuda() sample = sample.repeat(1, block_size, block_size) temp_unseen = sample count_random += temp_unseen.shape[0] res =, temp_unseen), dim=0) if (t+1) % display_iter == 0: print('[{0}/{1}], count_pixelcnn = {2}, count_random = {3}'.format(t+1, num_iter, count_pixelcnn, count_random)) res = res.cpu().numpy().astype(datatype) res_index = list(range(res.shape[0])) for i in range(3): random.shuffle(res_index) res_index = np.array(res_index, dtype=datatype) res = res[res_index] bs_new = 784 #1600 #4096 times = res.shape[0] // bs_new print("OutputFile total: {0}".format(times)) #outputdir = './gen_{0}_{1}_{2:.3f}_{3:.3f}_{4}_{5:.3f}_{6}{7}'.format(config['dataset'], threshold, unseen_adder, args.flag, args.cc_max, args.topk, args.first_unseen, args.suffix) outputdir = './gen_{0}_pa{1}_fu{2}_th{3}_cc{4}{5}'.format(config['dataset'], block_size, args.first_unseen, threshold, args.cc_max, args.suffix) print('Outputdir: ' + outputdir) if not os.path.exists(outputdir): os.mkdir(outputdir) start_id = args.start_id for i in range(times): s, t = i*bs_new, (i+1)*bs_new temp_res = res[s:t,:,:] # (bs_new, block_size, block_size) filename = os.path.join(outputdir, str(start_id+i) + '.npy'), temp_res)