A workbook repository of example test smells and what to do about them.
📝 A curated list of Web Performance Optimization. Everyone can contribute here!
Implementation of simple bug prediction hotspot heuristic
Automate cloning of ESXi/ESX VMs using PowerCLI
Nagios monitoring script to check JSON response
Nagios script to check http redirects
Nagios script to monitor postfix mail queue
NAGIOS NRPE plugin to monitor MySQL replication
ActiveRecord (>=3.0) plugin which allows you to hide and restore records without actually deleting them. IMPORTANT NOTE: I'm currently out of time for fixing and improving this gem since I'm leavin…
Automate the removal of SSH keys which are no longer in use
bbuchalter / file_column
Forked from tekin/file_columngit mirror of file_column plugin, patched to partition ids
bbuchalter / parallel_tests
Forked from grosser/parallel_testsRails: 2 CPUs = 2x Testing Speed for RSpec, Test::Unit and Cucumber
bbuchalter / SlickGrid
Forked from mleibman/SlickGridA lightening fast JavaScript grid/spreadsheet
Allows easy rendering of SlickGrids in Rails 3
Use Guard with jasmine-headless-webkit
wantful / will_paginate
Forked from mislav/will_paginateAdaptive pagination plugin for web frameworks and other applications
bbuchalter / jquery_chained
Forked from tuupola/jquery_chainedChained selects jQuery plugin.
bbuchalter / decoder
Forked from sandipransing/decoderCountry and State code lookups
Rails plugin to set created_by, updated_by, deleted_by to ActiveRecord objects. Supports associations.
Airtunes emulator! Shairport is no longer maintained.
Chained Selects for jQuery and Zepto