This module provides an implementation of the WebAssembly System Interface.
- args_get
- args_sizes_get
- environ_get
- environ_sizes_get
- clock_res_get
- clock_time_get
- fd_advise
- fd_allocate
- fd_close
- fd_datasync
- fd_fdstat_get
- fd_fdstat_set_flags
- fd_fdstat_set_rights
- fd_filestat_get
- fd_filestat_set_size
- fd_filestat_set_times
- fd_pread
- fd_prestat_get
- fd_prestat_dir_name
- fd_pwrite
- fd_read
- fd_readdir
- fd_renumber
- fd_seek
- fd_sync
- fd_tell
- fd_write
- path_create_directory
- path_filestat_get
- path_filestat_set_times
- path_link
- path_open
- path_readlink
- path_remove_directory
- path_rename
- path_symlink
- path_unlink_file
- poll_oneoff
- proc_exit
- proc_raise
- sched_yield
- random_get
- sock_recv
- sock_send
- sock_shutdown
import Context from "$STD_VERSION/wasi/snapshot_preview1.ts";
const context = new Context({
args: Deno.args,
env: Deno.env.toObject(),
const binary = await Deno.readFile("path/to/your/module.wasm");
const module = await WebAssembly.compile(binary);
const instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(module, {
"wasi_snapshot_preview1": context.exports,