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How to Develop BFE Extension Module


When writing a module for BFE, the following aspects should be considered:

  • How to load configuration
  • How to write and register callback functions
  • How to expose internal states

In the following description, mod_block will be used as an example for ease of understanding.

The code of mod_block is located in /bfe_modules/mod_block.

Load Configuration

Types of Configuration

For a given module, there are 2 types of configuration:

  • Static configuration: be loaded when BFE starts
    • There is only one such configuration file for each module
    • The name of the configuration file is the same as the module name. It is suffixed with .conf
    • Example: mod_block.conf
  • Dynamic configuration: be loaded when BFE starts. It can also be hot-reloaded without restarting BFE.
    • There can be one or more such configuration files for each module
    • The name of the configuration file usually ends with .data
    • Example: and in mod_block

For each configuration file, independent loading logic should be written.

Placement of Configuration Files

  • The configuration files of modules should be uniformly placed in the directory independently established for each module under the /conf directory

  • For example, configuration files of mod_block are located in /conf/mod_block

Verification of Configuration

Configuration files are verified whenever they are loaded, regardless of static or dynamic configuration.

  • BFE fails to start if the configuration files fail to be loaded.
  • BFE will continue to run if dynamic configuration fails to be hot-reloaded.

Hot-reload of Dynamic Configuration

For dynamic configurations, it is required to register callback function on dedicated web server. Hot-reload of dynamic configuration can be triggered by accessing specified URL.

For example, in the init function of mod_block, there is some logic as follows, used to register callback function for configuration reload(see mod_block.go for details).

    // register web handler for reload
    err = whs.RegisterHandler(web_monitor.WebHandleReload,, m.loadConfData)
    if err != nil {

Write And Register Callback Functions

Write Callback Functions

According to the functional requirements of the module, select the appropriate callback point and write the callback function accordingly.

Note that for different callback points, definition of callback functions may be different. Definition of callback points and callback functions in BFE can be found in bfe_callback.

For example, there are two callback functions defined in mod_block(see mod_block.go for details)

func (m *ModuleBlock) globalBlockHandler(session *bfe_basic.Session) int {

func (m *ModuleBlock) productBlockHandler(request *bfe_basic.Request) (int, *bfe_http.Response) {

Register Callback Functions

Callback functions should be registered when the module is initialized.

For example, registration of callback functions in mod_block is as follows(see mod_block.go for details):

func (m *ModuleBlock) Init(cbs *bfe_module.BfeCallbacks, whs *web_monitor.WebHandlers, cr string) error {
    // register handler
    err = cbs.AddFilter(bfe_module.HandleAccept, m.globalBlockHandler)
    if err != nil {
    err = cbs.AddFilter(bfe_module.HandleFoundProduct, m.productBlockHandler)
    if err != nil {

Expose Module Internal States

For each BFE module, it is strongly recommended to expose enough internal states.

To expose internal states of a module, do the following 3 steps:

  • Define state variables
  • Register callback function for exposing internal states
  • Insert code for doing statistic

Define State Variables

Firstly, design statistical metrics and define them as member variables.

For example, define ModuleBlockState in mod_block (see mod_block.go for details)

type ModuleBlockState struct {
    ConnTotal    *metrics.Counter // all connnetion checked
    ConnAccept   *metrics.Counter // connection passed
    ConnRefuse   *metrics.Counter // connection refused
    ReqTotal     *metrics.Counter // all request in
    ReqToCheck   *metrics.Counter // request to check
    ReqAccept    *metrics.Counter // request accepted
    ReqRefuse    *metrics.Counter // request refused
    WrongCommand *metrics.Counter // request with condition satisfied, but wrong command

Secondly, define a member variable of type ModuleBlockState in ModuleBlock. Also define a member variable of type Metrics for related calculations.

type ModuleBlock struct {
    state   ModuleBlockState // module state
    metrics metrics.Metrics

Thirdly, do initialization in constructor function.

func NewModuleBlock() *ModuleBlock {
    m := new(ModuleBlock) = ModBlock
    m.metrics.Init(&m.state, ModBlock, 0)

Register Callback Function That Exposes Internal State

In order to expose internal status, callback function should be implemented.

For example, in mod_block, there is logic as follows, where monitorHandlers () is the callback function(see mod_block.go for details)

func (m *ModuleBlock) getState(params map[string][]string) ([]byte, error) {
    s := m.metrics.GetAll()
    return s.Format(params)

func (m *ModuleBlock) getStateDiff(params map[string][]string) ([]byte, error) {
    s := m.metrics.GetDiff()
    return s.Format(params)

func (m *ModuleBlock) monitorHandlers() map[string]interface{} {
    handlers := map[string]interface{}{           m.getState, + ".diff": m.getStateDiff,
    return handlers

Then register callback function during module initialization.

    // register web handler for monitor
    err = web_monitor.RegisterHandlers(whs, web_monitor.WebHandleMonitor, m.monitorHandlers())
    if err != nil {

Insert Code For Statistic

In the execution logic of the module, you can insert some statistical code.

For example, in mod_block, you can see the following code (see mod_block. go for details):

func (m *ModuleBlock) globalBlockHandler(session *bfe_basic.Session) int {


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