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Setup kubernetes cluster federation on AWS

There are many use cases for configuring k8s cluster federation. Most important is high availability across AWS regions (also same regions) but this approach can also be applied to hybrid use cases. In this exercise, we setup two clusters earth and mars in two different AWS regions us-east-1 and us-west-2. Then, we configure federation between both clusters called interstellar. Lastly, we deploy Service to federated cluster

Create Earth cluster in US East (N. Virginia) region

  1. Create VPC

    EAST_VPCID=`aws ec2 create-vpc --cidr-block --region us-east-1 --query 'Vpc.VpcId' --output text`
    # modify dns hostname resolution for the VPC
    aws ec2 modify-vpc-attribute --vpc-id $EAST_VPCID --enable-dns-hostnames "{\"Value\":true}" --region us-east-1
    # create internet gateway and attach it to VPC
    EAST_IGW=`aws ec2 create-internet-gateway --region us-east-1 --query 'InternetGateway.InternetGatewayId' --output text`
    aws ec2 attach-internet-gateway --internet $EAST_IGW --vpc $EAST_VPCID --region us-east-1
  2. Create Route53 Private Hosted Zone

    ID=$(uuidgen) && aws route53 create-hosted-zone --name earth-k8s.internal \
    --vpc VPCRegion=us-east-1,VPCId=$EAST_VPCID --caller-reference $ID \
    | jq .DelegationSet.NameServers
  3. Create k8s cluster

    kops create cluster --dns private --name earth-k8s.internal \
    --zones us-east-1a,us-east-1b --state s3:https://dalbhanj-kubernetes-aws-io \
    --vpc $EAST_VPCID --network-cidr --ssh-public-key $mypubkey
    # edit cluster info if needed (for ex, subnet size)
    kops edit cluster earth-k8s.internal
    # update cluster and commit
    kops update cluster earth-k8s.internal --yes
    # Earth cluster should be ready to use in few minutes
    # refer to[setup cluster hacks] to
    # see how you can use master nodes for running rest of administrative commands
    # on master node, set alias for context and verify you receive correct info
    kubectl config set-context earth --cluster=earth-k8s.internal --user=earth-k8s.internal
    kubectl --context=earth get nodes

Create Mars cluster in US West (Oregon) region

  1. Create VPC

    WEST_VPCID=`aws ec2 create-vpc --cidr-block --region us-west-2 --query 'Vpc.VpcId' --output text`
    # modify dns hostname resolution for the VPC
    aws ec2 modify-vpc-attribute --vpc-id $WEST_VPCID --enable-dns-hostnames "{\"Value\":true}" --region us-west-2
    # create internet gateway and attach it to VPC
    WEST_IGW=`aws ec2 create-internet-gateway --region us-west-2 --query 'InternetGateway.InternetGatewayId' --output text`
    aws ec2 attach-internet-gateway --internet $WEST_IGW --vpc $WEST_VPCID --region us-west-2
  2. Create Route53 Private Hosted Zone

    ID=$(uuidgen) && aws route53 create-hosted-zone --name mars-k8s.internal \
    --vpc VPCRegion=us-west-2,VPCId=$WEST_VPCID --caller-reference $ID \
    | jq .DelegationSet.NameServers
  3. Create k8s cluster

    kops create cluster --dns private --name mars-k8s.internal \
    --zones us-west-2a,us-west-2b --state s3:https://dalbhanj-kubernetes-aws-io \
    --vpc $WEST_VPCID --network-cidr --ssh-public-key $mypubkey
    # edit cluster info if needed (for ex, subnet size)
    kops edit cluster mars-k8s.internal
    # update cluster and commit
    kops update cluster mars-k8s.internal --yes
    # Mars cluster should be ready to use in few minutes
    # refer to[setup cluster hacks] to
    # see how you can use master nodes for running rest of administrative commands
    # on master node, set alias for context and verify you receive correct info
    kubectl config set-context mars --cluster=mars-k8s.internal --user=mars-k8s.internal
    kubectl --context=mars get nodes
  4. IAM role configuration

    # In addition to master node hacks, you need to give additional permissions on both master node IAM roles to access
    # S3 and Route53 zones
    # Edit Earth master node IAM role and add ARN of Mars Route53 zone under Route53 permissions. Do the same for Mars IAM role
    # Edit Earth master node IAM role and add S3 ARN for Mars object under S3 permissions. Do the same for Mars IAM role
  5. Route53 VPC association

    # Get Route53 Zone ID for earth-k8s.internal and mars-k8s.internal
    export Zone1ID=ZQ7FF98RPJWSF
    export Zone2ID=Z39IYJL1VINZWF
    aws route53 create-vpc-association-authorization --hosted-zone-id $Zone1ID --vpc VPCRegion=us-west-2,VPCId=$WEST_VPCID
    aws route53 create-vpc-association-authorization --hosted-zone-id $Zone2ID --vpc VPCRegion=us-east-1,VPCId=$EAST_VPCID
    ## I ran into an issue with Route53 console not showing correct VPC associations. I manually added VPC associations via console
    ## It took few minutes for getting dig to resolve both domain names on both master nodes
    ## You need to make sure both master nodes can run 'validate' successfully and have 'context' defined on both clusters before
    ## moving forward

Setup Federation

  1. Install latest k8s client library

    # Login to earth master node
    # download latest k8s client library and copy the binaries
    curl -LO$(curl -s
    tar -xzvf kubernetes-client-linux-amd64.tar.gz
    sudo cp kubernetes/client/bin/kubefed /usr/local/bin
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubefed
    sudo cp kubernetes/client/bin/kubectl /usr/local/bin
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl
    # check context settings
    kubectl config get-contexts
    CURRENT   NAME                 CLUSTER              AUTHINFO             NAMESPACE
              earth-k8s.internal   earth-k8s.internal   earth-k8s.internal
              mars                 mars-k8s.internal    mars-k8s.internal
    *         mars-k8s.internal    mars-k8s.internal    mars-k8s.internal
              earth                earth-k8s.internal   earth-k8s.internal
    # Use earth as host cluster
    kubectl config use-context earth
    # Create RBAC role binding
    kubectl create clusterrolebinding admin-to-cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=admin
  2. Deploy the federation control plane in host cluster

    kubefed init interstellar --host-cluster-context=earth --dns-provider=aws-route53 --dns-zone-name=earth-mars-k8s.internal
    Creating a namespace federation-system for federation system components... done
    Creating federation control plane service..... done
    Creating federation control plane objects (credentials, persistent volume claim)... done
    Creating federation component deployments... done
    Updating kubeconfig... done
    Waiting for federation control plane to come up............................................................................ done
    Federation API server is running at:
    # you can check newly created context
    kubectl config get-contexts
    # change the context to federation
    kubectl config use-context interstellar
    # create default namespace if you don't see it (possible bug)
    kubectl get namespace --context=interstellar
    kubectl create namespace default --context=interstellar
  3. Join Earth and Mars cluster to the federation

    kubefed join earth --host-cluster-context=earth --cluster-context=earth
    kubefed join mars --host-cluster-context=earth --cluster-context=mars
    # check status of cluster
    # it took several hours for both clusters to show as Ready
    kubectl --context=interstellar get clusters
    NAME      STATUS    AGE
    earth     Ready     13h
    mars      Ready     13h
  4. Deploy application

    # deploy an application using replica sets
    kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --replicas=2
    kubectl get deployments -o wide
    nginx     2         0         0            0           14s       nginx          nginx      run=nginx
    # didn't get successful deployments
    # works for independent clusters but not on federation
  5. Deploy Service

    # expose the application using ELB
    kubectl expose deployment nginx --type=LoadBalancer --port=80
    kubectl get services -o wide
    kubectl get events
    kubectl delete services nginx
    kubectl delete deployment nginx


# Remove clusters from federation and delete clusters
kubefed unjoin earth --cluster-context=earth
kubefed unjoin mars --cluster-context=earth
kops delete cluster earth-k8s.internal --yes
kops delete cluster mars-k8s.internal --yes