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TypeScript Examples

Language-Support: Stable

This section contains all the CDK code examples written in Typescript. For more information on using the CDK in Typescript, please see the Developer Guide.

Running Examples

To run a Typescript example, execute the following:

$ npm install -g aws-cdk
$ cd typescript/EXAMPLE_DIRECTORY
$ npm install
$ cdk deploy

Then, to dispose of the stack/s afterwards

$ cdk destroy

Table of Contents

Example Description
api-cors-lambda-crud-dynamodb Creating a single API with CORS, and five Lambdas doing CRUD operations over a single DynamoDB
api-websocket-lambda-dynamodb Creating a websocket api with Lambdas, DynamoDB as messaging endpoint
application-load-balancer Using an AutoScalingGroup with an Application Load Balancer
appsync-graphql-dynamodb Creating a single GraphQL API with an API Key, and four Resolvers doing CRUD operations over a single DynamoDB
aws-transfer-sftp-server Example for deploying AWS Transfer SFTP Server with public key authentication and IP address allowlist
classic-load-balancer Using an AutoScalingGroup with a Classic Load Balancer
custom-resource Shows adding a Custom Resource to your CDK app
ec2-ssm-local-zone EC2 deployment to AWS Local Zone with AWS Systems Manager support using AWS CDK
elasticbeanstalk Elastic Beanstalk example using L1 with a Blue/Green pipeline (community contributed)
ecs-cluster Provision an ECS Cluster with custom Autoscaling Group configuration
ecs-network-load-balanced-service Starting a container fronted by a network load balancer on ECS
ecs-service-with-task-placement Starting a container ECS with task placement specifications
ecs-service-with-advanced-alb-config Starting a container fronted by a load balancer on ECS with added load balancer configuration
ecs-service-with-task-networking Starting an ECS service with task networking, allowing ingress traffic to the task but blocking for the instance
fargate-application-load-balanced-service Starting a container fronted by an application load balancer on Fargate
fargate-service-with-auto-scaling Starting an ECS service of FARGATE launch type that auto scales based on average CPU Utilization
ecs-cross-stack-load-balancer Shows how to use a single load balancer with services in other stacks
lambda-cron Running a Lambda on a schedule
lambda-layer Running a Lambda with a lambda layer
my-widget-service Use Lambda to serve up widgets
resource-overrides Shows how to override generated CloudFormation code
s3-object-lambda Creating an S3 Object Lambda and access point
static-site A static site using CloudFront
stepfunctions-job-poller A simple StepFunctions workflow
ecs-service-with-logging Starting a container fronted by a load balancer on ECS
fargate-service-with-logging Starting a container fronted by a load balancer on Fargate
custom-logical-names Example of how to override logical name allocation
fargate-service-with-efs Starting a container fronted by an application load balancer on Fargate with an EFS Mount
http-proxy-apigateway Use ApiGateway to set up a http proxy