# Troubleshooting If you're running into problems there are 2 sources of logs you can check to get more information about what's going on: ## 1. Debug logs Add the `DEBUG` environment variable and filter the messages by `express-openid-connect`. ```shell script $ DEBUG=express-openid-connect:* node index.js ``` On Windows, use the corresponding command. ```shell script > set DEBUG=express-openid-connect:* & node index.js ``` For more information about `debug`, see [debug](https://github.com/visionmedia/debug) ## 2. Auth0 tenant logs If you're an Auth0 customer, you can check out what's happening on the Authorization Server using your [Auth0 tenant logs](https://manage.auth0.com/#/logs). Visit [View Log Data in the Dashboard](https://auth0.com/docs/logs/guides/view-log-data-dashboard) for more information.