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A note on the conversion of ICI's code from C to C++

This is a note about the changes to the ICI code resulting from its re-working from C to C++. The note assumes familarity with the previous C code and C++.

The general approach

The interpreter's architecture is retained. All is as before but is now expressed in C++. C++ is mostly used as a better C and the code is most definitely not in the, so-called, modern C++ style.

It is a testament to the previous code how few changes were required to initially compile it as C++. Most code just worked and only code that violated C++'s stricter ideas around function types and const-ness required immediate change to permit compilation. The initial C++ build required modifications to only two contructs, cfuncs and static strings. The current code uses a lot more C++. The transformation has been iterative with the interpreter kept working after each change.

Not modern C++

The style of C++ used is a mostly minimalistic, better C style. Very little of the C++ standard library is used. ICI's types remove the the need to use C++ container types and the C++ standard library way of doing things is generally avoided.

C++ features are used in many places but are mostly used to reduce the amount of code, improve its reliability via stricter type checking, simpler reference count management and the avoidance of repetition and boilerplate. It works well.

A number of template functions are used to help define values of different types, track object references, and to easily work with C++'s stricter type checking. These are well contained and there is no proliferation of templates which is a hallmark of the modern C++ style but which often brings slow build times, and larger, slower, programs.

C-style mostly removed

Various C-isms have been replaced by C++-isms:

  • inlines functions replace parameterised macros
  • NULL becomes nullptr.
  • C++'s constexpr is used to define constants
  • cstddef and cstdint types are used - size_t, intXX_t, etc...
  • C++ standard threads are assumed


The ref<> template wraps a pointer to an ICI object and manages the reference count. A ref otherwise acts as the T. ref<> is used to protect against object-related memory leaks.


All ICI code now resides within a namespace ici and many, but not yet all, of the ICI_ and ici_ prefixes used on identifiers have been removed. This is actually a reversion to the naming used in the first ICI code, what was termed old names in later version. The prefixes being added when ICI was a C library to be embedded within applications C++ namespaces allow us to revert this change and the code is easier to read as a result.

ICI language changes

Athough not directly related to the change in implementation language this version of ICI changes some keywords and builtin functions names:

  • struct -> map
  • auto -> var
  • static -> local
  • thread -> go

Why? The old names mimic C's names with semantics that somewhat resemble C's if you don't look at things too closely. While that was kind of nice, or at least cute, ICI really isn't C and the actual semantics of each statement are quite different. But really...the new names are shorter.

The renaming of thread to go obviously shows a recent influence as does the renaming of struct to map. That particular change does have one major advantages - map is not a C++ keyword we can use it in C++ code without disguise unlike struct. No more ici_struct!

Adopting var is for the Javascript people. The implicit var using the := assignment operator largely replaces much of its use anyway.

ICI objects

The ICI object header is now used as base-class ici::object, and is used to provide the standard ICI object header fields. ici::object is not a C++ polymorphic base and has no virtual functions.

All ICI object types inherit from ici::object struct to embed the standard object header and allow them to be an object. Inheriting the header struct replaces the C code's convention of having all object types start with an o_head object header value. The C++ representation is easier to write and read, e.g.

struct new_object_type : ici::object
    ...  type-specific data

ici::object supplies numberous member functions to do object-related things. Inline functions are used in place of the C code's use of macros and much of the direct manipulation of header fields has been replaced by inline member functions with descriptive names. Modern compilers are smart enough to collapse it all.

The C++ type rules mean that all types of ICI objects are is-a ici::object (sic). This removes the need for many casts means the downcasting ici_objof macro is no longer required. It has been removed.

All of the previous macros defined to work on ICI objects are now inline functions. Extra functions are defined to avoid direct object header accesses.

The ici::object class defines inline function versions of the per-type operations that apply to the this object. These replace the C code's direct access to an object's type table and calling the per-type functions directly.

The result of all the changes is easier to read code.

Member functions

Some types such as ici::array have many operations the C code defined using free functions. These are now member functions. This is an experiment really and not all types have been changed to use this style (member vs. free functions). I generally pefer the free function approach but members work reasonably well with the array type.

ICI types

ICI types are now represented by instances of classes derived from a base ici::type class.

The ici::type class is a C++ base class with virtual member functions for the various per-type operations. The different ICI types define classes that construct themselves appropriately and override the member functions they need to override. This approach replaces the initialized struct ici_type structures used previously - which was just a manually implemented virtual function table.

The ici::type class provides default implementations of the different member functions to provide the default behaviourf for types. e.g. the default fetch and assign implementations result in errors (equivalent to the C code's fetch_fail and assign_fail) and so forth.

More type operations

The per-type operations have been extended. All types now provide forall, save and restore operations. forall is used to implement the forall statement, save and restore defining object serialization. This allows forall'ing over user-defined types and makes serialization more efficient.

The change to a per-type forall allowed channels to be used in forall statements with only the implementation of a single function.


C++ standard threading support is used for ICI's thread related code. This makes the code both portable and simpler.

ICI file types

The old struct ici_ftype has been replaced with a class, ici::ftype that defines an I/O interface for ICI files. The C code again implemented a virtual dispatch table which is now expressed via a C++ class with virtual member functions.

This makes things much simpler. In particular the popen file type is now derived from the stdio type and overrides a single function to implement itself.

The number of functions in an ftype has been reduced too.

Now standard modules

The sys, net, channel and serialization modules are now included in the base interpreter. Serialization has been embedded into the language now and the code cleaned up.

Issues (worked-around)


The C++ stronger typing makes cfuncs even more problematic. ANSI C rules made cfuncs rely on undefined behavour and C++ made that illegal. The workaround is a template'd constructor function that accepts the different function types and forces the type cast (undefined behaviour). It works on the system's I've tested.

Static strings

The old approach to defining static ICI string objects was hackily replaced with a version to work around me not figuring out the appropriate C++-ims to statically initialize the array used to store the static string's characters. There will be a method, perhaps ugly, but I gave up at the time (one of the first things changed) and copied the characters at startup.