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Swiss Ephemeris worker

The Swiss Ephemeris is not safe for use from multiple threads. To use multiple processor cores, the Swiss Ephemeris is linked into a simple worker that can be parallelized by running multiple copies simultaneously. The worker act as a RPC server that can handle a single request at a time.

Implemented library functions

Most of the Swiss Ephemeris functions are implemented and exposed as functions that can be called as RPC.

The following functions that are unsupported via RPC:

  • swe_get_library_path
  • swe_set_astro_models
  • swe_get_astro_models
  • swe_set_interpolate_nut
  • swe_csnorm
  • swe_difcsn
  • swe_difcs2n
  • swe_cs2timestr
  • swe_cs2lonlatstr
  • swe_cs2degstr

Some Swiss Ephemeris functions depend on global state within the library. This state is modified via functions like swe_set_jpl_file. These functions are exposed as RPC functions and could be called as a context call. Each RPC call has a context with zero or more context calls. These context calls are executed before the actual library function is called. Clients may call these functions directly, however they are discouraged to do so as they may unable to predictably target a specific worker or a set of workers that will handle the call.

The following functions modify the internal state of the library:

  • swe_close
  • swe_set_ephe_path
  • swe_set_jpl_file
  • swe_set_topo
  • swe_set_sid_mode
  • swe_set_lapse_rate
  • swe_set_tid_acc
  • swe_set_delta_t_userdef

Wire format

Requests and responses are serialized in the MessagePack format.

Stateful functions in Swiss Ephemeris

Some Swiss Ephemeris functions depend on global state within the library. This state is modified via functions like swe_set_jpl_file. These library functions are exposed as RPC functions. To bridge the gap between the Swiss Ephemeris and world of RPCs each RPC call has a context that allows to do context calls that will modify the internal state. All context calls will be executed before the requested function that is called via RPC is executed.

Worker implementation

The RPC function handlers are internally defined as an array for quick dispatch. This means RPC functions are identified by the index in this array of handlers. The order of the handlers follows swephexp.h except for the heliacal functions, as they are defined after swe_split_deg followed by swe_difdegn. This means the index identifying a function is depended on the version of the library and is unstable.

That said, there is an exception: the first entry in the handlers array (index 0). The first entry must always a RPC function called rpc_funcs. It returns an array that contains the name of each function in the internal array of handlers. This allows to create a mapping between function name and index in the handler array.

RPC protocol


A request is an array that contains three values:

  • Context: an array of zero or more context calls, may be nil.
  • Function: the function index encoded as an uint8_t.
  • Arguments: an array that matches the types of the library function, may be nil if there are no arguments.

A context call is the same as request array except the array contains only a function and arguments, no context.

A request that calls swe_calc with a couple of context calls looks like this:

00000000  36 30 3c 93 93 92 0d 93  cb 40 14 77 77 8d d6 16  |60<[email protected]...|
00000010  f8 cb 40 4a 0a aa a7 de  d6 bb 00 92 0e 93 01 00  |..@J............|
00000020  00 92 0b 91 a9 64 65 34  33 31 2e 65 70 68 04 93  |.....de431.eph..|
00000030  cb 41 42 72 8e d4 80 f1  2c 00 ce 00 01 81 01 3e  |.ABr....,......>|

It corresponds to the following JSON:

    [13, [5.116667, 52.083333, 0]],
    [14, [1, 0, 0]],
    [11, ["de431.eph"]]
  [2417949.660185, 0, 98561]

And corresponds to the following C code:

swe_set_topo(5.116667, 52.083333, 0);
swe_set_sid_mode(SE_SIDM_LAHIRI, 0, 0);

double xx[6];
char err[AS_MAXCH];
int rc = swe_calc(2417949.660185, SE_SUN, fl, xx, err);


A response can either be an array with return values or an error string.

The response for the example request looks like this:

00000000  36 32 3c 93 ce 00 01 81  41 96 cb 40 70 8e e8 b7  |62<.....A..@p...|
00000010  e1 56 05 cb bf 5e 72 64  be 9d 1b 96 cb 3f ef 77  |.V...^rd.....?.w|
00000020  c2 d6 24 d2 ed cb 3f f0  61 6f 8d 18 b0 00 cb bf  |..$...?.ao......|
00000030  6e d9 f9 96 82 f0 cc cb  bf 1c bc 80 24 1e 00 00  |n...........$...|
00000040  a0 3e                                             |.>|

It corresponds to the following JSON:


And corresponds to the following values in C:

xx = [264.931816, -0.001858, 0.983369, 1.023788, -0.003766, -0.000110];
err = "";

Implementation specifics


This program is designed to run as subprocess of the client. It will read requests from stdin and write responses to stdout. The process will exit when a newline (\n) is read from stdin. Each request and response is framed in a Lich data element so the logic in the worker is fairly simple. Framing enables reading the input into a buffer and parse the request incrementally.

The client is able to call functions that change the Swiss Ephemeris library state. With this ability comes the responsibility for the client to initialize the worker properly by calling swe_set_ephe_path on start up and swe_close before quitting the process.