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This document was generated with benthos --list-inputs

An input is a source of data piped through an array of optional processors. Only one input is configured at the root of a Benthos config. However, the root input can be a broker which combines multiple inputs.

An input config section looks like this:

  type: foo
    bar: baz
  - type: qux


  1. amqp
  2. broker
  3. dynamic
  4. file
  5. files
  6. gcp_pubsub
  7. hdfs
  8. http_client
  9. http_server
  10. inproc
  11. kafka
  12. kafka_balanced
  13. kinesis
  14. kinesis_balanced
  15. mqtt
  16. nanomsg
  17. nats
  18. nats_stream
  19. nsq
  20. read_until
  21. redis_list
  22. redis_pubsub
  23. redis_streams
  24. s3
  25. sqs
  26. stdin
  27. websocket


type: amqp
  bindings_declare: []
  consumer_tag: benthos-consumer
  max_batch_count: 1
  prefetch_count: 10
  prefetch_size: 0
  queue: benthos-queue
    durable: true
    enabled: false
    client_certs: []
    enabled: false
    root_cas_file: ""
    skip_cert_verify: false
  url: amqp:https://guest:guest@localhost:5672/

Connects to an AMQP (0.91) queue. AMQP is a messaging protocol used by various message brokers, including RabbitMQ.

The field max_batch_count specifies the maximum number of prefetched messages to be batched together. When more than one message is batched they can be split into individual messages with the split processor.

It's possible for this input type to declare the target queue by setting queue_declare.enabled to true, if the queue already exists then the declaration passively verifies that they match the target fields.

Similarly, it is possible to declare queue bindings by adding objects to the bindings_declare array. Binding declare objects take the form of:

  "exchange": "benthos-exchange",
  "key": "benthos-key"

TLS is automatic when connecting to an amqps URL, but custom settings can be enabled in the tls section.


This input adds the following metadata fields to each message:

- amqp_content_type
- amqp_content_encoding
- amqp_delivery_mode
- amqp_priority
- amqp_correlation_id
- amqp_reply_to
- amqp_expiration
- amqp_message_id
- amqp_timestamp
- amqp_type
- amqp_user_id
- amqp_app_id
- amqp_consumer_tag
- amqp_delivery_tag
- amqp_redelivered
- amqp_exchange
- amqp_routing_key
- All existing message headers, including nested headers prefixed with the key
  of their respective parent.

You can access these metadata fields using function interpolation.


type: broker
  copies: 1
  inputs: []

The broker type allows you to combine multiple inputs, where each input will be read in parallel. A broker type is configured with its own list of input configurations and a field to specify how many copies of the list of inputs should be created.

Adding more input types allows you to merge streams from multiple sources into one. For example, reading from both RabbitMQ and Kafka:

    copies: 1
    - amqp:
        url: amqp:https://guest:guest@localhost:5672/
        consumer_tag: benthos-consumer
        queue: benthos-queue
    - kafka:
        - localhost:9092
        client_id: benthos_kafka_input
        consumer_group: benthos_consumer_group
        partition: 0
        topic: benthos_stream

If the number of copies is greater than zero the list will be copied that number of times. For example, if your inputs were of type foo and bar, with 'copies' set to '2', you would end up with two 'foo' inputs and two 'bar' inputs.


It is possible to configure processors at the broker level, where they will be applied to all child inputs, as well as on the individual child inputs. If you have processors at both the broker level and on child inputs then the broker processors will be applied after the child nodes processors.


type: dynamic
  inputs: {}
  prefix: ""
  timeout: 5s

The dynamic type is a special broker type where the inputs are identified by unique labels and can be created, changed and removed during runtime via a REST HTTP interface.

To GET a JSON map of input identifiers with their current uptimes use the /inputs endpoint.

To perform CRUD actions on the inputs themselves use POST, DELETE, and GET methods on the /inputs/{input_id} endpoint. When using POST the body of the request should be a JSON configuration for the input, if the input already exists it will be changed.


type: file
  delimiter: ""
  max_buffer: 1e+06
  multipart: false
  path: ""

The file type reads input from a file. If multipart is set to false each line is read as a separate message. If multipart is set to true each line is read as a message part, and an empty line indicates the end of a message.

If the delimiter field is left empty then line feed (\n) is used.


type: files
  path: ""

Reads files from a path, where each discrete file will be consumed as a single message payload. The path can either point to a single file (resulting in only a single message) or a directory, in which case the directory will be walked and each file found will become a message.


This input adds the following metadata fields to each message:

- path

You can access these metadata fields using function interpolation.


type: gcp_pubsub
  max_batch_count: 1
  max_outstanding_bytes: 1e+09
  max_outstanding_messages: 1000
  project: ""
  subscription: ""

Consumes messages from a GCP Cloud Pub/Sub subscription.

The field max_batch_count specifies the maximum number of prefetched messages to be batched together.

Attributes from each message are added as metadata, which can be accessed using function interpolation.


type: hdfs
  directory: ""
  - localhost:9000
  user: benthos_hdfs

Reads files from a HDFS directory, where each discrete file will be consumed as a single message payload.


This input adds the following metadata fields to each message:

- hdfs_name
- hdfs_path

You can access these metadata fields using function interpolation.


type: http_client
  - 429
    enabled: false
    password: ""
    username: ""
  copy_response_headers: false
  drop_on: []
    Content-Type: application/octet-stream
  max_retry_backoff: 300s
    access_token: ""
    access_token_secret: ""
    consumer_key: ""
    consumer_secret: ""
    enabled: false
    request_url: ""
  payload: ""
  rate_limit: ""
  retries: 3
  retry_period: 1s
    delimiter: ""
    enabled: false
    max_buffer: 1e+06
    multipart: false
    reconnect: true
  timeout: 5s
    client_certs: []
    enabled: false
    root_cas_file: ""
    skip_cert_verify: false
  url: https://localhost:4195/get
  verb: GET

The HTTP client input type connects to a server and continuously performs requests for a single message.

You should set a sensible retry period and max backoff so as to not flood your target server.

The URL and header values of this type can be dynamically set using function interpolations described here.


If you enable streaming then Benthos will consume the body of the response as a line delimited list of message parts. Each part is read as an individual message unless multipart is set to true, in which case an empty line indicates the end of a message.


type: http_server
  address: ""
  cert_file: ""
  key_file: ""
  path: /post
  rate_limit: ""
  timeout: 5s
  ws_path: /post/ws
  ws_rate_limit_message: ""
  ws_welcome_message: ""

Receive messages POSTed over HTTP(S). HTTP 2.0 is supported when using TLS, which is enabled when key and cert files are specified.

You can leave the 'address' config field blank in order to use the instance wide HTTP server.

The field rate_limit allows you to specify an optional rate_limit resource, which will be applied to each HTTP request made and each websocket payload received.

When the rate limit is breached HTTP requests will have a 429 response returned with a Retry-After header. Websocket payloads will be dropped and an optional response payload will be sent as per ws_rate_limit_message.


It's possible to return a response for each message received using synchronous responses.


The following fields specify endpoints that are registered for sending messages:

path (defaults to /post)

This endpoint expects POST requests where the entire request body is consumed as a single message.

If the request contains a multipart content-type header as per rfc1341 then the multiple parts are consumed as a batch of messages, where each body part is a message of the batch.

ws_path (defaults to /post/ws)

Creates a websocket connection, where payloads received on the socket are passed through the pipeline as a batch of one message.

You may specify an optional ws_welcome_message, which is a static payload to be sent to all clients once a websocket connection is first established.

It's also possible to specify a ws_rate_limit_message, which is a static payload to be sent to clients that have triggered the servers rate limit.


This input adds the following metadata fields to each message:

- http_server_user_agent
- All headers (only first values are taken)
- All query parameters
- All cookies

You can access these metadata fields using function interpolation.


type: inproc
inproc: ""

Directly connect to an output within a Benthos process by referencing it by a chosen ID. This allows you to hook up isolated streams whilst running Benthos in --streams mode mode, it is NOT recommended that you connect the inputs of a stream with an output of the same stream, as feedback loops can lead to deadlocks in your message flow.

It is possible to connect multiple inputs to the same inproc ID, but only one output can connect to an inproc ID, and will replace existing outputs if a collision occurs.


type: kafka
  - localhost:9092
  client_id: benthos_kafka_input
  commit_period: 1s
  consumer_group: benthos_consumer_group
  fetch_buffer_cap: 256
  max_batch_count: 1
  max_processing_period: 100ms
  partition: 0
    enabled: false
    password: ""
    user: ""
  start_from_oldest: true
  target_version: 1.0.0
    client_certs: []
    enabled: false
    root_cas_file: ""
    skip_cert_verify: false
  topic: benthos_stream

Connects to a kafka (0.8+) server. Offsets are managed within kafka as per the consumer group (set via config). Only one partition per input is supported, if you wish to balance partitions across a consumer group look at the kafka_balanced input type instead.

The field max_batch_count specifies the maximum number of prefetched messages to be batched together. When more than one message is batched they can be split into individual messages with the split processor.

The field max_processing_period should be set above the maximum estimated time taken to process a message.

The target version by default will be the oldest supported, as it is expected that the server will be backwards compatible. In order to support newer client features you should increase this version up to the known version of the target server.


Custom TLS settings can be used to override system defaults. This includes providing a collection of root certificate authorities, providing a list of client certificates to use for client verification and skipping certificate verification.

Client certificates can either be added by file or by raw contents:

enabled: true
  - cert_file: ./example.pem
    key_file: ./example.key
  - cert: foo
    key: bar


This input adds the following metadata fields to each message:

- kafka_key
- kafka_topic
- kafka_partition
- kafka_offset
- kafka_lag
- kafka_timestamp_unix
- All existing message headers (version 0.11+)

The field kafka_lag is the calculated difference between the high water mark offset of the partition at the time of ingestion and the current message offset.

You can access these metadata fields using function interpolation.


type: kafka_balanced
  - localhost:9092
  client_id: benthos_kafka_input
  commit_period: 1s
  consumer_group: benthos_consumer_group
  fetch_buffer_cap: 256
    heartbeat_interval: 3s
    rebalance_timeout: 60s
    session_timeout: 10s
  max_batch_count: 1
  max_processing_period: 100ms
    enabled: false
    password: ""
    user: ""
  start_from_oldest: true
  target_version: 1.0.0
    client_certs: []
    enabled: false
    root_cas_file: ""
    skip_cert_verify: false
  - benthos_stream

Connects to a kafka (0.9+) server. Offsets are managed within kafka as per the consumer group (set via config), and partitions are automatically balanced across any members of the consumer group.

The field max_batch_count specifies the maximum number of prefetched messages to be batched together. When more than one message is batched they can be split into individual messages with the split processor.

The field max_processing_period should be set above the maximum estimated time taken to process a message.


Custom TLS settings can be used to override system defaults. This includes providing a collection of root certificate authorities, providing a list of client certificates to use for client verification and skipping certificate verification.

Client certificates can either be added by file or by raw contents:

enabled: true
  - cert_file: ./example.pem
    key_file: ./example.key
  - cert: foo
    key: bar


This input adds the following metadata fields to each message:

- kafka_key
- kafka_topic
- kafka_partition
- kafka_offset
- kafka_lag
- kafka_timestamp_unix
- All existing message headers (version 0.11+)

The field kafka_lag is the calculated difference between the high water mark offset of the partition at the time of ingestion and the current message offset.

You can access these metadata fields using function interpolation.


type: kinesis
  client_id: benthos_consumer
  commit_period: 1s
    id: ""
    profile: ""
    role: ""
    role_external_id: ""
    secret: ""
    token: ""
  dynamodb_table: ""
  endpoint: ""
  limit: 100
  region: eu-west-1
  shard: "0"
  start_from_oldest: true
  stream: ""
  timeout: 5s

Receive messages from a Kinesis stream.

It's possible to use DynamoDB for persisting shard iterators by setting the table name. Offsets will then be tracked per client_id per shard_id. When using this mode you should create a table with namespace as the primary key and shard_id as a sort key.


By default Benthos will use a shared credentials file when connecting to AWS services. It's also possible to set them explicitly at the component level, allowing you to transfer data across accounts. You can find out more in this document.


type: kinesis_balanced
    id: ""
    profile: ""
    role: ""
    role_external_id: ""
    secret: ""
    token: ""
  dynamodb_billing_mode: ""
  dynamodb_read_provision: 0
  dynamodb_table: ""
  dynamodb_write_provision: 0
  endpoint: ""
  max_batch_count: 1
  region: eu-west-1
  start_from_oldest: true
  stream: ""

BETA: This input is a beta component and is subject to change outside of major version releases.

Receives messages from a Kinesis stream and automatically balances shards across consumers.


By default Benthos will use a shared credentials file when connecting to AWS services. It's also possible to set them explicitly at the component level, allowing you to transfer data across accounts. You can find out more in this document.


This input adds the following metadata fields to each message:

- kinesis_shard
- kinesis_partition_key
- kinesis_sequence_number

You can access these metadata fields using function interpolation.


type: mqtt
  clean_session: true
  client_id: benthos_input
  qos: 1
  - benthos_topic
  - tcp:https://localhost:1883

Subscribe to topics on MQTT brokers.


This input adds the following metadata fields to each message:

- mqtt_duplicate
- mqtt_qos
- mqtt_retained
- mqtt_topic
- mqtt_message_id

You can access these metadata fields using function interpolation.


type: nanomsg
  bind: true
  poll_timeout: 5s
  reply_timeout: 5s
  socket_type: PULL
  sub_filters: []
  - tcp:https://*:5555

The scalability protocols are common communication patterns. This input should be compatible with any implementation, but specifically targets Nanomsg.

Currently only PULL and SUB sockets are supported.


type: nats
  prefetch_count: 32
  queue: benthos_queue
  subject: benthos_messages
  - nats:https://localhost:4222

Subscribe to a NATS subject. NATS is at-most-once, if you need at-least-once behaviour then look at NATS Stream.

The urls can contain username/password semantics. e.g. nats:https://derek:pass@localhost:4222


This input adds the following metadata fields to each message:

- nats_subject

You can access these metadata fields using function interpolation.


type: nats_stream
  client_id: benthos_client
  cluster_id: test-cluster
  durable_name: benthos_offset
  max_inflight: 1024
  queue: benthos_queue
  start_from_oldest: true
  subject: benthos_messages
  unsubscribe_on_close: false
  - nats:https://localhost:4222

Subscribe to a NATS Stream subject, which is at-least-once. Joining a queue is optional and allows multiple clients of a subject to consume using queue semantics.

Tracking and persisting offsets through a durable name is also optional and works with or without a queue. If a durable name is not provided then subjects are consumed from the most recently published message.

When a consumer closes its connection it unsubscribes, when all consumers of a durable queue do this the offsets are deleted. In order to avoid this you can stop the consumers from unsubscribing by setting the field unsubscribe_on_close to false.


This input adds the following metadata fields to each message:

- nats_stream_subject
- nats_stream_sequence

You can access these metadata fields using function interpolation.


type: nsq
  channel: benthos_stream
  - localhost:4161
  max_in_flight: 100
  - localhost:4150
  topic: benthos_messages
  user_agent: benthos_consumer

Subscribe to an NSQ instance topic and channel.


type: read_until
    type: text
      arg: ""
      operator: equals_cs
      part: 0
  input: {}
  restart_input: false

Reads from an input and tests a condition on each message. Messages are read continuously while the condition returns false, when the condition returns true the message that triggered the condition is sent out and the input is closed. Use this type to define inputs where the stream should end once a certain message appears.

Sometimes inputs close themselves. For example, when the file input type reaches the end of a file it will shut down. By default this type will also shut down. If you wish for the input type to be restarted every time it shuts down until the condition is met then set restart_input to true.


A metadata key benthos_read_until containing the value final is added to the first part of the message that triggers to input to stop.


type: redis_list
  key: benthos_list
  timeout: 5s
  url: tcp:https://localhost:6379

Pops messages from the beginning of a Redis list using the BLPop command.


type: redis_pubsub
  - benthos_chan
  url: tcp:https://localhost:6379
  use_patterns: false

Redis supports a publish/subscribe model, it's possible to subscribe to multiple channels using this input.

In order to subscribe to channels using the PSUBSCRIBE command set the field use_patterns to true, then you can include glob-style patterns in your channel names. For example:

  • h?llo subscribes to hello, hallo and hxllo
  • h*llo subscribes to hllo and heeeello
  • h[ae]llo subscribes to hello and hallo, but not hillo

Use \ to escape special characters if you want to match them verbatim.


type: redis_streams
  body_key: body
  client_id: benthos_consumer
  commit_period: 1s
  consumer_group: benthos_group
  limit: 10
  start_from_oldest: true
  - benthos_stream
  timeout: 5s
  url: tcp:https://localhost:6379

Pulls messages from Redis (v5.0+) streams with the XREADGROUP command. The client_id should be unique for each consumer of a group.

The field limit specifies the maximum number of records to be received per request. When more than one record is returned they are batched and can be split into individual messages with the split processor.

Redis stream entries are key/value pairs, as such it is necessary to specify the key that contains the body of the message. All other keys/value pairs are saved as metadata fields.


type: s3
  bucket: ""
    id: ""
    profile: ""
    role: ""
    role_external_id: ""
    secret: ""
    token: ""
  delete_objects: false
    enabled: true
  endpoint: ""
  force_path_style_urls: false
  max_batch_count: 1
  prefix: ""
  region: eu-west-1
  retries: 3
  sqs_body_path: Records.s3.object.key
  sqs_bucket_path: ""
  sqs_envelope_path: ""
  sqs_max_messages: 10
  sqs_url: ""
  timeout: 5s

Downloads objects in an Amazon S3 bucket, optionally filtered by a prefix. If an SQS queue has been configured then only object keys read from the queue will be downloaded. Otherwise, the entire list of objects found when this input is created will be downloaded. Note that the prefix configuration is only used when downloading objects without SQS configured.

If the download manager is enabled this can help speed up file downloads but results in file metadata not being copied.

If your bucket is configured to send events directly to an SQS queue then you need to set the sqs_body_path field to where the object key is found in the payload. However, it is also common practice to send bucket events to an SNS topic which sends enveloped events to SQS, in which case you must also set the sqs_envelope_path field to where the payload can be found.

When using SQS events it's also possible to extract target bucket names from the events by specifying a path in the field sqs_bucket_path. For each SQS event, if that path exists and contains a string it will used as the bucket of the download instead of the bucket field.

Here is a guide for setting up an SQS queue that receives events for new S3 bucket objects:

WARNING: When using SQS please make sure you have sensible values for sqs_max_messages and also the visibility timeout of the queue itself.

When Benthos consumes an S3 item as a result of receiving an SQS message the message is not deleted until the S3 item has been sent onwards. This ensures at-least-once crash resiliency, but also means that if the S3 item takes longer to process than the visibility timeout of your queue then the same items might be processed multiple times.


By default Benthos will use a shared credentials file when connecting to AWS services. It's also possible to set them explicitly at the component level, allowing you to transfer data across accounts. You can find out more in this document.


This input adds the following metadata fields to each message:

- s3_key
- s3_bucket
- s3_last_modified_unix*
- s3_last_modified (RFC3339)*
- s3_content_type*
- s3_content_encoding*
- All user defined metadata*

* Only added when NOT using download manager

You can access these metadata fields using function interpolation.


type: sqs
    id: ""
    profile: ""
    role: ""
    role_external_id: ""
    secret: ""
    token: ""
  delete_message: true
  endpoint: ""
  max_number_of_messages: 1
  region: eu-west-1
  timeout: 5s
  url: ""

Receive messages from an Amazon SQS URL, only the body is extracted into messages.


By default Benthos will use a shared credentials file when connecting to AWS services. It's also possible to set them explicitly at the component level, allowing you to transfer data across accounts. You can find out more in this document.


This input adds the following metadata fields to each message:

- sqs_message_id
- sqs_receipt_handle
- sqs_approximate_receive_count
- All message attributes

You can access these metadata fields using function interpolation.


type: stdin
  delimiter: ""
  max_buffer: 1e+06
  multipart: false

The stdin input simply reads any data piped to stdin as messages. By default the messages are assumed single part and are line delimited. If the multipart option is set to true then lines are interpretted as message parts, and an empty line indicates the end of the message.

If the delimiter field is left empty then line feed (\n) is used.


type: websocket
    enabled: false
    password: ""
    username: ""
    access_token: ""
    access_token_secret: ""
    consumer_key: ""
    consumer_secret: ""
    enabled: false
    request_url: ""
  open_message: ""
  url: ws:https://localhost:4195/get/ws

Connects to a websocket server and continuously receives messages.

It is possible to configure an open_message, which when set to a non-empty string will be sent to the websocket server each time a connection is first established.