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MongoDB inspired array filtering Build Status

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Node.js Examples

var sift = require('sift');

//intersecting arrays
var sifted = sift({ $in: ['hello','world'] }, ['hello','sifted','array!']); //['hello']

//regexp filter
var sifted = sift(/^j/, ['craig','john','jake']); //['john','jake']

//A *sifter* is returned if the second parameter is omitted
var siftPeople = sift({

	//you can also filter against functions
	name: function(value) {
		return value.length == 5;

//filtered: [{ name: 'craig' }]
	name: 'craig',
	name: 'john'
	name: 'jake'

//you can test *single values* against your custom sifter
siftPeople.test({ name: 'sarah' }); //true
siftPeople.test({ name: 'tim' }); //false\

Browser Examples

		<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript">
			//regexp filter
			var sifted = sift(/^j/, ['craig','john','jake']); //['john','jake']


.sift(filter[, array][, selectorFn])

  • filter - the filter to use against the target array
  • array - sifts against target array. Without this, a function is returned
  • selectorFn - selector for the values within the array.

With an array:

sift({$exists:true}, ['craig',null]); //['craig']

Without an array, a sifter is returned:

var siftExists = sift({$exists:true});

siftExists(['craig',null]); //['craig']

With a selector:

var sifter = sift({$exists:true}, function(user) {
	return !!;

		name: "Craig"
		name: null

With your sifter, you can also test values:

siftExists.test(null); //false
siftExists.test('craig'); //true

Supported Operators:

See MongoDB's advanced queries for more info.


array value must be $in the given query:

Intersecting two arrays:

//filtered: ['Brazil']
sift({ $in: ['Costa Rica','Brazil'] }, ['Brazil','Haiti','Peru','Chile']); 

Here's another example. This acts more like the $or operator:

sift({ location: { $in: ['Costa Rica','Brazil'] } }, { name: 'Craig', location: 'Brazil' });


Opposite of $in:

//filtered: ['Haiti','Peru','Chile']
sift({ $nin: ['Costa Rica','Brazil'] }, ['Brazil','Haiti','Peru','Chile']); 


Checks if whether a value exists:

//filtered: ['Craig','Tim']
sift({ $exists: true }, ['Craig',null,'Tim']); 

You can also filter out values that don't exist

//filtered: [{ name: 'Craig', city: 'Minneapolis' }]
sift({ city: { $exists: false } }, [ { name: 'Craig', city: 'Minneapolis' }, { name: 'Tim' }]); 


Checks if a number is >= value:

//filtered: [2, 3]
sift({ $gte: 2 }, [0, 1, 2, 3]); 


Checks if a number is > value:

//filtered: [3]
sift({ $gt: 2 }, [0, 1, 2, 3]); 


Checks if a number is <= value.

//filtered: [0, 1, 2]
sift({ $lte: 2 }, [0, 1, 2, 3]); 


Checks if number is < value.

//filtered: [0, 1]
sift({ $lt: 2 }, [0, 1, 2, 3]); 


Checks if query == value. Note that $eq can be omitted. For $eq, and $neq

//filtered: [{ state: 'MN' }]
sift({ state: {$eq: 'MN' }}, [{ state: 'MN' }, { state: 'CA' }, { state: 'WI' }); 


//filtered: [{ state: 'MN' }]
sift({ state: 'MN' }, [{ state: 'MN' }, { state: 'CA' }, { state: 'WI' }); 


Checks if query != value.

//filtered: [{ state: 'CA' }, { state: 'WI'}] 
sift({ state: {$ne: 'MN' }}, [{ state: 'MN' }, { state: 'CA' }, { state: 'WI' }); 



//filtered: [300, 600]
sift({ $mod: [3, 0] }, [100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600]); 


values must match everything in array:

//filtered: [ { tags: ['books','programming','travel' ]} ]
sift({ tags: {$all: ['books','programming'] }}, [
{ tags: ['books','programming','travel' ] }, 
{ tags: ['travel','cooking'] } ]); 


ability to use an array of expressions. All expressions must test true.

//filtered: [ { name: 'Craig', state: 'MN' }]

sift({ $and: [ { name: 'Craig' }, { state: 'MN' } ] }, [ 
{ name: 'Craig', state: 'MN' }, 
{ name: 'Tim', state: 'MN' }, 
{ name: 'Joe', state: 'CA' } ]); 


OR array of expressions.

//filtered: [ { name: 'Craig', state: 'MN' }, { name: 'Tim', state: 'MN' }]
sift({ $or: [ { name: 'Craig' }, { state: 'MN' } ] }, [ 
{ name: 'Craig', state: 'MN' }, 
{ name: 'Tim', state: 'MN' }, 
{ name: 'Joe', state: 'CA' } ]); 


opposite of or:

//filtered: [ { name: 'Tim', state: 'MN' }, { name: 'Joe', state: 'CA' }]
sift({ $nor: [ { name: 'Craig' }, { state: 'MN' } ] }, [ 
{ name: 'Craig', state: 'MN' }, 
{ name: 'Tim', state: 'MN' }, 
{ name: 'Joe', state: 'CA' } ]); 


Matches an array - must match given size:

//filtered: ['food','cooking']
sift({ tags: { $size: 2 } }, [ { tags: ['food','cooking'] }, { tags: ['traveling'] }]); 


Matches a values based on the type

sift({ $type: Date }, [new Date(), 4342, 'hello world']); //returns single date
sift({ $type: String }, [new Date(), 4342, 'hello world']); //returns ['hello world']


Matches values based on the given regular expression

sift({ $regex: /^f/i, $nin: ["frank"] }, ["frank", "fred", "sam", "frost"]); // ["fred", "frost"]


Not expression:

sift({$not:{$in:['craig','tim']}}, ['craig','tim','jake']); //['jake']
sift({$not:{$size:5}}, ['craig','tim','jake']); //['tim','jake']

sub object Searching

var people = [{
	name: 'craig',
	address: {
		city: 'Minneapolis'
	name: 'tim',
	address: {
		city: 'St. Paul'

var sifted = sift({ address: { city: 'Minneapolis' }}, people); // count = 1

var sifted = sift({'': 'minneapolis'}, people);//count = 1

Custom Expressions

You can add your own expressions. For instance - say you want to do some bitmask filtering, you could add this example:

	operators: {
		band: function(a, b) {
			return (a & b) ? 0 : -1; // 0 = exists, -1 = doesn't exist

// ops
var IS_ANIMAL = 2,
IS_PERSON     = IS_ANIMAL   << 1,
IS_DOG        = IS_PERSON   << 1,
EATS_CEREAL   = IS_DOG      << 1,



mongodb inspired array filtering






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