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Shows examples of and explains different features of the Kotlin programming language

  • Access modifiers
    • internal, private, protected, public
  • Callbacks
    • synchronous
    • asynchronous with anonymous class
    • asynchronous with closure
  • Class types
    • abstract, data, enum
    • inheritance
      • delegation, composition, downcasting, inheritance, polymorphism, upcasting
    • interface (not a class)
  • Constructors
    • init, secondary constructor
    • command line, default, fixed, mutable, named, non-accessible, and vararg arguments
    • overloading
  • Containers
    • arrays
    • destructuring declarations
    • lists, mutableLists
      • add, all, any, chunked, compareBy, count, distinct, drop, dropLast, dropWhile,
      • filter, filterIndexed, filterNot, filterNotNull, find, flatMap, flatten, fold,
      • forEach, getOrNull, joinToString, map, mapIndexed, minByOrNull, none, partition,
      • reduce, reversed, slice, sorted, sortedBy, sortedByDescending, sortWith, sum,
      • take, takeLast, takeLastWhile, zip, zipWithNext
    • maps
      • entries, filterKeys, filterValues, get, getOrDefault, getOrElse, getOrPut,
      • getValue, keys, map, mapKeys, mapValues, values, withDefault
    • sets
      • intersect, setOf, subtract, union
  • Coroutines
    • exception handler
      • uncaught exceptions propagate
      • caught exceptions
      • cancelled coroutines
      • coroutine suspension
    • flow
      • collecting flows, collecting and consuming channels
      • mapping flows, changing flow context
      • bad and good error handling
    • recursive functions
    • sharedFlow
    • stateFlow
  • Data types
    • Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double, Boolean, Char, String
    • extension properties
    • generic types, nullables, strings
  • Expressions
    • if / else, in, repeat, when
  • Functions
    • scope functions: also, apply, let, run, with
    • anonymous/lambda, extension, generic, parameter, recursion, returned, and variable functions
  • Loops
    • break / continue, do while, for, labels, while
  • Operators
    • assignment
      • +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
      • ++, --
    • logical
      • ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, &&, ||
    • mathematical
      • +, -, *, /, %
    • null safety
      • !!, ?., ?:
    • end of declaration: ;, range: .., type declaration: :, label: @,
    • lambda / when: ->, parameter substitution: _, reference: ::
  • Property accessors: get / set
  • Sequences
    • eager vs lazy evaluation
    • generating sequences
    • intermediate vs terminal operations
  • Serializable / JSON parsing
  • Statements: for


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