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Node.js javascript tool to generate ,encrypt and decrypt RSA and EC keys formated as PEM / DER.

Requires: module:NPM:asn1.js, module:NPM:des.js, module:NPM:elliptic, module:NPM:lodash.clonedeep, module:./jsbn.js:jsbn
Author: Ademar Arvati
License: MIT

const cryptoKeys = require('crypto-keys')

Key ⏏

Kind: Exported class

new Key(format, key)

Import or Create a Key.

Param Type Default Description
format string Format of key to import ('der', 'pem' or 'jwk') or 'create' to create a new private key
key string | Uint8Array | jwk | Object String for pem key, Uint8Array for der key, {jwk} for jwk key or to create new key.
[key.type] string "ec" 'rsa' or 'ec' for key type to be created
[key.namedCurve] string "P-256K" Curve for EC type key creation 'P-256', 'P-384', 'P-521', 'P-256K'
[key.modulusLength] integer 2048 Modulus Length for RSA type key creation
[key.publicExponent] integer 65537 Public Exponent for RSA type key creation

Creating a new private key

privateKey = new cryptoKeys('create', {type:'rsa', modulusLength:2048, publicExponent:65537});

Importing a pem public key (string)

key = new cryptoKeys('pem', publicKey);

key.keyType ⇒ string

Get Jwk key type of decrypted keys

Kind: instance property of Key
Returns: string - - key type 'EC' or 'RSA'

key.jwkThumbprint ⇒

Get Jwk Thumbprint of the decrypted key with default parameters alg='SHA-256', output='binary'

Kind: instance property of Key
Returns: Jwk Thumbprint of the key

key.export([format], [options]) ⇒ string | Uint8Array | jwk

Export Key as format.

Kind: instance method of Key
Returns: string | Uint8Array | jwk - - Key in 'der', 'pem' or 'jwk' format

Param Type Default Description
[format] string "jwk" Format of key to export ('der', 'pem' or 'jwk')
[options] Object {} Options to export key into format only with decrypted keys
[options.encryptParams] Object {} Options to export encrypted prvate key for 'pem' and 'der' formats
[options.encryptParams.passphrase] string Passphrase to encrypt private key
[options.encryptParams.algorithm] string "pbes2" if 'pbes2' only pbkdf2 and salt length of 8 is available, choose from 'pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC', 'pbeWithSHA1AndDES-CBC', 'pbes2'
[options.encryptParams.iterationCount] integer 2048 Iteration count to use for salt algorithm
[options.encryptParams.cipher] string "aes256-cbc" Cipher when algorithm is 'pbes2', choose from 'des-ede3-cbc', 'aes128-cbc', 'aes192-cbc', 'aes256-cbc'
[options.encryptParams.prf] string "hmacWithSHA256" Prf when algorithm is 'pbes2', choose from 'hmacWithSHA1', 'hmacWithSHA256', 'hmacWithSHA384', 'hmacWithSHA512'
[options.outputPublic] boolean True to Export public key from private Key or undefined/False to maintain actual format
[options.compact] boolean false Export compact key for 'EC' type keys

key.encrypt(passphrase) ⇒ Class

Encrypt Private Key using default parameters.

Kind: instance method of Key
Returns: Class - this - Key for channing

Param Type Description
passphrase string Passphrase to encrypt private key

key.decrypt(passphrase) ⇒ Class

Decrypt Private Key using default parameters.

Kind: instance method of Key
Returns: Class - this - Key for channing

Param Type Description
passphrase string Passphrase to decrypt private key

key.getJwkThumbprint([alg], [output]) ⇒ Uint8Array | string

Get Jwk Thumbprint of decrypted keys

Kind: instance method of Key
Returns: Uint8Array | string - - Jwk Thumbprint of the key in format

Param Type Default Description
[alg] string "SHA-256" Hash algorithm, choose from 'SHA-256','SHA-384','SHA-512' and 'SHA-1, 'MD5' that SHOULD NOT USE
[output] string "binary" Output Format 'binary', 'hex', 'base64'