diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index e4747d6..a2c6509 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ This book stands on the shoulders of giants, most notably: - [The Atlassian Git tutorials](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials) - [Learn Git Branching](https://learngitbranching.js.org) for an interactive way to learn Git! - [The official Git documentation and book](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2), which provides a wealth of information about Git and its internals. +- [These amazing videos and Git explanations](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfU9XN7w4tFwKwh_xPSQ_X1-hROQEpHnM) by the YouTuber "The Modern Coder" All of these, and miscellaneous other resources and blog posts, have been invaluable in my own learning of Git and GitHub, and I hope that this book can be similarly useful to others. -The R code for the simulation is adapted from Ottar Bjornstad's excellent [Epidemics: Models and Data using R](https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-97487-3) book (GitHub repo [here](https://github.com/objornstad/epimdr)). \ No newline at end of file +The R code for the simulation is adapted from Ottar Bjornstad's excellent [Epidemics: Models and Data using R](https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-97487-3) book (GitHub repo [here](https://github.com/objornstad/epimdr)). diff --git a/collaboration.qmd b/collaboration.qmd index 1fc6b92..422e84a 100644 --- a/collaboration.qmd +++ b/collaboration.qmd @@ -430,6 +430,10 @@ Now, your collaborator can **push** the corrected code to GitHub and create a pu ![Pull request to end the rebase](./figs/Collaboration_rebase-05.png) +::: {.callout-tip} +To learn more about Git **rebase**, I would strongly recommend watching [this short video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOnwgxiC0OA&list=PLfU9XN7w4tFwKwh_xPSQ_X1-hROQEpHnM&index=1) by The Modern Coder, which does an amazing job of explaining the difference between **merge** and **rebase** and why one may be an advantage over the other in certain contexts. +::: + ### Local Merge & PR This process is identical to the **rebase** method, except that you use **merge** instead of **rebase**.