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The RAML parser (JS version) as a web component.

The <raml-js-parser> can accept an URL from where the API definition can be downloaded or a RAML file from web filesystem. If the file contains references to other files they can be passed as well to the files attribute and the pareser will search files/directories structure for referenced file.

Files in web environment can be obtained if the user selects a file using input file element or drop directory / files to a droppable element.

See demo for example of both.

Events based approach

Parser can be included only once in the DOM and other element do not need to have direct access to this element. It uses browser's events system to pass data. The <raml-js-parser> will listen for parse-raml-url, parse-raml-content and parse-raml-file events and in a result the event details will contain the raml property which is a Promise that will resolve itself when parser finish work.

parse-raml-url event

This event will be handled only if it contains the url property in the event detail object. It should be an URL to the RAML resource that will be downloaded. Note, that the web app has to have an CORS access to the resource in order to download it.

parse-raml-content event

This event if useful when the app already have content of the RAML file as string and it's ready to parse it. Additionally it may contain a list of files or directory structure where the parser will search for delepndencies (referenced libraries).

This event will be handled only if it contains the content property in the event detail object. Additional files or directory structure can be passed in the files property.

parse-raml-file event

To be used when the app want to parse a RAML file which is a FileEntry or a File (Blob) object. It similar to the parse-raml-content event but before invoking the same method it will read file content firest.

This event will be handled only if it contains the file property in the event detail object. Additional files or directory structure can be passed in the files property.


// Handler for drop event
processFile = (e) => {
  var items = Array.from(e.dataTransfer.items);
  var main = this.findMainRamlFileSomehow(items);

  let detail = {
    'file': main,
    'files': items // this is optional.
  let event ='parse-raml-file', detail);

  if (!event.detail.raml) {
    // uuups, raml parser is not attached to the DOM.

  event.detail.raml.then((api) => {
    // api is the parser output.

Use with ARC elements

This element is just a web component's implementation of the RAML JS parser. ARC components requires enhanced JSON output of the JS parser. For that you have to use raml-json-enhance element.


<raml-js-parser json latest-json="{{raml}}"></raml-js-parser>
<raml-json-enhance json="[[raml.specification]]"></raml-json-enhance>
window.addEventListener('raml-json-enhance-ready', function(e) {
  console.log(e.detail.json); // contains ARC elements data model.

or in plain JavaScript

<raml-js-parser json></raml-js-parser>
var parser = document.querySelector('raml-js-parser');
parser.addEventListener('api-parse-ready', function(e) {
  var enhacer = document.querySelector('raml-json-enhance');
  enhacer.json = e.detail.json.specification;

window.addEventListener('raml-json-enhance-ready', function(e) {
  console.log(e.detail.json); // contains ARC elements data model.


Name Description Params
api-parse-ready Fired when the RAML file has been parsed and the result is ready. result Object - The parsing result.
json Object - (optional) Set when json property is set. JSON output.
error Fired when error occurred while parsing the file. error Error - The error object.
raml-js-parser-ready Fired when the element has been attached to the DOM and is ready to parse data. none