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This is a modified version of yt-channel-info intended for myself.

YouTube Channel Info NodeJS Documentation

This library is designed to receive channel data from YouTube without accessing the official API.
This method has several advantages:

  • No API key is required, which you should put next to your code;
  • No restrictions on key usage (1 million quota)

But there are also disadvantages:

  • Data acquisition time increases by many times;
  • Any change to the YouTube DOM entails non-working methods of this library.

You must consider this before you use YouTube Channel Info


npm i yt-channel-info --save


// If using require
const ytch = require('yt-channel-info')

// If using import
import ytch from 'yt-channel-info'



  • payload (Object) (Required) - An object containing the various options
    • channelId (String) (Required) - The channel ID to get info from
    • channelIdType (Integer) (Optional) - Grabs newest comments when true. Grabs top comments when false
      • 0 = Default value used by the module. It will try all url types in the order channel -> user -> name
      • 1 = A channel id that is used with urls
      • 2 = A user id that is used with urls
      • 3 = A name id that is used with urls
    • httpsAgent (Object) (Optional) - Defines Proxy data in an object like https proxy agent. Allows to specify host, port, protocol, authentication (see section Proxy)
const payload = {
   channelId: 'UCXuqSBlHAE6Xw-yeJA0Tunw', // Required
   channelIdType: 0,
   httpsAgent: agent

ytch.getChannelInfo(payload).then((response) => {
   if (!response.alertMessage) {
   } else {
      console.log('Channel could not be found.')
      // throw response.alertMessage
}).catch((err) => {

// Response object
   author: String,
   authorId: String,
   authorUrl: String,
   authorBanners: Array[Object], // Will return null if none exist
   authorThumbnails: Array[Object], // Will return null if none exist
   subscriberText: String,
   subscriberCount: Integer,
   description: String,
   isFamilyFriendly: Boolean,
   relatedChannels: {
      items: Array[Object],
      continuation: String // Will return null if there are 12 or fewer related channels.  Used with getRelatedChannelsMore()
   allowedRegions: Array[String],
   isVerified: Boolean,
   isOfficialArtist: Boolean,
   tags: Array[String], // Will return null if none exist
   channelIdType: Number, 
   channelTabs: Array[String], // The tabs that are displayed on the channel (e.g., Videos, Playlists)
   alertMessage: String, // Will return a response alert message if any (e.g., "This channel does not exist."). Otherwise undefined
   channelLinks: {
      primaryLinks: Array[Object],
      secondaryLinks: Array[Object]


Grabs videos from a given channel ID.

  • payload (Object) (Required) - An object containing the various options
    • channelId (String) (Required) - The channel ID to get videos from
    • sortBy (String) (Optional) - How videos will be sorted
      • newest - Grabs videos from a channel sorted by newest / most recently uploaded (Default option if none given)
      • oldest- Grabs videos from a channel sorted by oldest videos
      • popular - Grabs videos from a channel sorted by the most popular (Highest amount of views)
    • channelIdType (Integer) (Optional) - Same definition as 'channelIdType' in getChannelInfo()
    • httpsAgent (Object) (Optional) - Same definition as 'httpsAgent' in getChannelInfo()
const payload = {
   channelId: 'UCXuqSBlHAE6Xw-yeJA0Tunw', // Required
   sortBy: 'newest',
   channelIdType: 0

ytch.getChannelVideos(payload).then((response) => {
  if (!response.alertMessage) {
  } else {
     console.log('Channel could not be found.')
     // throw response.alertMessage
}).catch((err) => {

// Response object
  items: Array[Object],
  continuation: String, // Will return null if no more results can be found.  Used with getChannelVideosMore()
  channelIdType: Number,
  alertMessage: String, // Will return a response alert message if any (e.g., "This channel does not exist."). Otherwise undefined 


Grabs more videos within a channel. Uses the continuation string returned from getChannelVideos() or from past calls to getChannelVideosMore().

Grabs videos from a given channel ID.

  • payload (Object) (Required) - An object containing the various options
    • continuation (String) (Required) - The continuation string from getChannelVideos() or from past calls to getChannelVideosMore().
    • httpsAgent (Object) (Optional) - Same definition as 'httpsAgent' in getChannelInfo()
 const payload = {

ytch.getChannelVideosMore(payload).then((response) => {
}).catch((err) => {

// Response object
  items: Array[Object],
  continuation: String // Will return null if no more results can be found.  Used with getChannelVideosMore()


Grabs playlist information of a given channel ID.

  • payload (Object) (Required) - An object containing the various options
    • channelId (String) (Required) - The channel ID to grab playlists from
    • sortBy (String) (Optional) - 'last' sort by last updated or 'newest' sort by creation date
      • last - Grabs playlists from a channel sorted by the most recently updated playlist (Default option if none given)
      • oldest - Grabs playlists from a channel sorted by the creation date (oldest first)
      • newest - Grabs playlists from a channel sorted by the creation date (newest first)
    • httpsAgent (Object) (Optional) - Same definition as 'httpsAgent' in getChannelInfo()
    • channelIdType (Integer) (Optional) - Same definition as 'channelIdType' in getChannelInfo()
const payload = {
   channelId: 'UCXuqSBlHAE6Xw-yeJA0Tunw',
   sortBy: 'last',

ytch.getChannelPlaylistInfo(payload).then((response) => {
}).catch((err) => {

 // Response object
   items: Array[Object],
   continuation: String // Will return null if no more results can be found.  Used with getChannelPlaylistsMore()
   channelIdType: Number,


Grabs more playlists within a channel. Uses the continuation string returned from getChannelPlaylists() or from past calls to getChannelPlaylistsMore().

  • payload (Object) (Required) - An object containing the various options
    • continuation (String) (Required) - The continuation string from getChannelPlaylists() or from past calls to getChannelPlaylistsMore().
    • httpsAgent (Object) (Optional) - Same definition as 'httpsAgent' in getChannelInfo()
const payload = {

ytch.getChannelPlaylistsMore(payload).then((response) => {
}).catch((err) => {

 // Response object
   items: Array[Object],
   continuation: String // Will return null if no more results can be found.  Used with getChannelPlaylistsMore()


Searchs for videos and playlists of a given channelId based on the given query

  • payload (Object) (Required) - An object containing the various options
    • channelId (String) (Required) - The channel you want to search
    • query (String) (Required) - The query you want to use
    • httpsAgent (Object) (Optional) - Same definition as 'httpsAgent' in getChannelInfo()
    • channelIdType (Integer) (Optional) - Same definition as 'channelIdType' getChannelInfo()
const payload = {
   channelId: 'UCXuqSBlHAE6Xw-yeJA0Tunw',
   query: 'linux'

ytch.searchChannel(payload).then((response) => {
}).catch((err) => {

 // Response object
   items: Array[Object],
   continuation: String // Will return null if no more results can be found.  Used with searchChannelMore()


Grabs more search results within a channel. Uses the continuation string returned from searchChannel() or from past calls to searchChannelMore().

  • payload (Object) (Required) - An object containing the various options
    • continuation (String) (Required) - The continuation string from searchChannel() or from past calls to searchChannelMore().
    • httpsAgent (Object) (Optional) - Same definition as 'httpsAgent' in getChannelInfo()
const payload = {

ytch.searchChannelMore(payload).then((response) => {
}).catch((err) => {

 // Response object
   items: Array[Object],
   continuation: String // Will return null if no more results can be found.  Used with searchChannelMore()


Grabs more related channels within a channel. Uses the relatedChannelsContinuation string returned from getChannelInfo() or from past calls to getRelatedChannelsMore().

  • payload (Object) (Required) - An object containing the various options
    • continuation (String) (Required) - The continuation string from getChannelInfo() or from past calls to getRelatedChannelsMore().
    • httpsAgent (Object) (Optional) - Same definition as 'httpsAgent' in getChannelInfo()
 const payload = {
    continuation: '4qmFsgKlARIYVUNtOUs2cmJ5OThXOEppZ0xvWk9oNkZRGlhFZ2hqYUdGdWJtVnNjeGdESUFBd0FUZ0I2Z01vUTJkQlUwZG9iMWxXVlU1M1pXdHNVR1ZzUW5saE1IaGhXWHBhWm1SV1NsSldWazQyVG5wa1VnJTNEJTNEmgIuYnJvd3NlLWZlZWRVQ205SzZyYnk5OFc4SmlnTG9aT2g2RlFjaGFubmVsczE1Ng%3D%3D'

ytch.getRelatedChannelsMore(payload).then((response) => {
}).catch((err) => {

 // Response object
   items: Array[Object],
   continuation: String // Will return null if no more results can be found.  Used with getRelatedChannelsMore()


Searches for all posts on the community page of a given channelId based on the given query.

  • payload (Object) (Required) - An object containing the various options
    • channelId (String) (Required) - The channel ID to get community posts from
    • channelIdType (Integer) (Optional) - Same definition as 'channelIdType' for getChannelInfo()
    • httpsAgent (Object) (Optional) - Same definition as 'httpsAgent' in getChannelInfo()
const payload = {
   channelId: 'UCXuqSBlHAE6Xw-yeJA0Tunw'

ytch.getChannelCommunityPosts(payload).then((response) => {
}).catch((err) => {

 // Response object
   items: Array[Object], // Described below
   continuation: String, // Will return null if no more results can be found.  Used with searchChannelMore()
   innerTubeApi: String,
   channelIdType: Number,


Gets the stats of a channel

  • payload (Object) (Required) - An object containing the various options
    • channelId (String) (Required) - The channel ID to get stats from
    • channelIdType (Integer) (Optional) - Same definition as channelIdType in getChannelInfo()
    • httpsAgent (Object) (Optional) - Same definition as 'httpsAgent' in getChannelInfo()
const payload = {
   channelId: 'UCXuqSBlHAE6Xw-yeJA0Tunw'

ytch.getChannelStats(payload).then((response) => {
}).catch((err) => {

 // Response object
   joinedDate: Integer, // Date joined in ms
   viewCount: Integer, // Total views on channel
   location: String // location of channel


Grabs more search results within a channel community page. Uses the continuation and innerTubeApi strings returned from getChannelCommunityPosts() or from past calls to getChannelCommunityPostsMore().

  • payload (Object) (Required) - An object containing the various options
    • continuation (String) (Required) - The continuation string from getChannelCommunityPosts() or from past calls to getChannelCommunityPostsMore().
    • innterTubeApi (String) (Required) - The innerTubeApi string from getChannelCommunityPosts() or from past calls to getChannelCommunityPostsMore().
    • httpsAgent (Object) (Optional) - Same definition as 'httpsAgent' in getChannelInfo()
const payload = {

ytch.getChannelCommunityPostsMore(payload).then((response) => {
}).catch((err) => {

 // Response object
   items: Array[Object], // Described below
   continuation: String, // Will return null if no more results can be found.  Used with searchChannelMore()
   innerTubeApi: String


Searchs for videos and playlists of a given channelId based on the given query

  • payload (Object) (Required) - An object containing the various options
    • channelId (String) (Required) - The channel you want to search
    • channelIdType (Integer) (Optional) - defined as for getChannelInfo()
    • httpsAgent (Object) (Optional) - defined as for getChannelInfo()
const payload = {
   channelId: 'UCXuqSBlHAE6Xw-yeJA0Tunw',

ytch.getChannelHome(payload).then((response) => {
}).catch((err) => {

 // Response object
   featuredVideo: {
      type: 'video',
      title: String,
      videoId: String,
      author: String,
      authorId: String,
      videoThumbnails: [],
      viewCountText: String,
      viewCount: Number,
      publishedText: String,
      durationText: undefined,
      lengthSeconds: 0,
      liveNow: Boolean,
      premier: Boolean,
      premium: Boolean
   items: Array[Object],

Community Posts Format

The objects in the array of community posts all follow a basic structure but vary drastically in the postContent field of the object.

-httpsAgent defined as for getChannelInfo()

postData = {
  postText: String,
  postId: String, 
  author: String,
  authorThumbnails: Array[Object], // Array of objects with links to images
  publishedText: String,
  voteCount: String,
  postContent: Object, // null if the post only consists of text
  commentCount: String

// If the post contains an image
imagePostContent = {
  type: 'image',
  content: Array[Object] // Array of objects with links to images

pollPostContent = {
   type: 'poll',
   content: {
      choices: Array[String],
      totalVotes: String 

videoPostContent = {
   type: 'video',
   content: {
      videoId: String,
      title: String,
      description: String,
      publishedText: String,
      lengthText: String,
      viewCountText: String,
      ownerBadges: Object, // Object indicating possible badges {verified: false, officialArtist: false}
      author: String,
      thumbnails: Array[Object] // Array of objects with links to images

playlistPostContent = {
   type: 'playlist',
   content: {
      playlistId: String,
      title: String,
      playlistVideoRenderer: Array[Object], // An array of minimized videoPostContent data
      videoCountText: String,
      ownerBadges: Array[Object],
      author: String,
      thumbnails: Array[Object] // Array of objects with links to images

Proxy (HTTP Agent)

In order to use a proxy, you have to provide an assembled HTTP Agent. This can be achieved via additional packages like https-proxy-agent:

import HttpsProxyAgent from 'https-proxy-agent';
const proxy = '';
const httpAgent = HttpsProxyAgent(proxy);


Tests and code standards are still in the process of being created. Check back later for information on how tests should be performed.


PRs are welcome. Testing and coding guidlines are still in the works so I will try to get those created at a later point. Try to keep similar code syntax to the rest of the code.


This is a fork of the youtube-grabber-js module created by OlegRom4ig

View the original project on NPM or GitLab


You have explicit permission to use this project as stated in the terms of the ISC license.