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GitHub App


GitHub App


BugPecker helps you locate buggy code corresponding to bug reports.
Once there is a new bug report raised by users in the issue board, BugPecker could give you the suspicious code at method level.
More details from BugPecker repository.

The usage is as follows:


You should authorize BugPecker to access the repository at first.
The past commits and bug reports will be used to train the model of BugPecker.
Depends on the size of your repository, the initialization may take several minutes.
As figure 1 shows, statistics of your repository are available after the initialization.

Bug Localization

You need to assign your issue a bug label and the corresponding commitId for a new bug report by default is the latest commitId in master branch. If you want to assign a sepcific commitId, you should write in the title in the form of "&commitId:……".
BugPecker will be triggered automatically and comment the bug report with suspicious buggy code.


BugPecker is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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