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How to help us (如何帮助)

  1. 参考后续文档, 在本地 3 步快速构建官网环境, 启动起来看下目前效果
  2. 检查目前官网的 UI/内容/图标等是否合理 / 美观, 然后阅读 docsy 文档了解如何修改
  3. 根据文档, 以及样例网站源码, 修改我们的网站 (或者提供中/英文翻译, 这个基本是 markdown 文档)

PS: 可以参考其他官网的源码, 方便快速了解 docsy 主题结构.

How to install the website (hugo)

Only 3 steps u can easily to get start~

U should ensure NPM & Hugo binary download url before start, hugo binary must end with "extended" suffix, and we don't need install go env, just download hugo binary is fine

# 0. install npm & hugo if you don't have it

# Mac version (0.95 extend)

# Linux version (0.95 extend)

# 解压后 hugo 是单二进制文件, 可直接使用, 或推荐放 /usr/bin 及环境变量下.
sudo install hugo /usr/bin # 如果 mac 提示没有权限, 你可以直接使用它, 也可以 mv hugo /usr/bin 代替

# 1. download website's source code
git clone -b website website

# if download slowly or failed, try the proxy url
git clone -b website website # or

# 2. install npm dependencies in project root dir
cd website && npm install

# 3. just start server in localhost now (Don't need do anything else)
hugo server

# (optional) if you want modify ip or port, try like this
hugo server -b -p 80 --bind=

How to modify the docsy theme (Important)

Here we need FE to modify / enhance the css/js/theme config, and we also need to translate doc and website

You can find detailed theme instructions in the Docsy user guide - Content and Customization

  1. config.toml in the root dir is global config
  2. config.toml in the ./themes/docsy is theme config
  3. content dir contains multi language contens (docs/index-html/blog/about/bg-imgage), it's the most important dir
    • content/en represent english site, we do need translate the doc in it (可先用 google 翻译, 紧急)
    • content/cn represent chinese site (需要汉化其中英文部分)

We can see some example website & refer to their github source code to reduce time to design



If you run into the following error:

➜ hugo server

Error: Error building site: TOCSS: failed to transform "scss/main.scss" (text/x-scss): resource "scss/scss/main.scss_9fadf33d895a46083cdd64396b57ef68" not found in file cache

This error occurs if you have not installed the extended version of Hugo.