Minidump is a basic dump file for Nereids optimizer which arms
to replay problems and used as unit test tool for developers.
It include minimal necessary informations for Nereids optimizer
to replay a scenario in Optimizer.
In two cases fe would save minidump file
- when query throw an exception
- when use 'set enable_minidump=true;' switch by User
Minidump files would save in $DORIS_HOME/log/minidump path
and named by queryId like: c9bf82b70ce34c28-8d281e31412f3ee6.json
File structure of minidump file includes:
key | Value |
Sql | original sql string |
SessionVariables | sessionVariables different than default |
DatabaseName | database name |
Tables | schemas in table, partition info and some table properties |
ColocateTableIndex | table distribute informations |
ColumnStatistics | all ColumnStatistics in table |
Histogram | all histogram information in table |
ParsedPlan | plan after parsed in json format |
ResultPlan | plan after all optimized in json format |
When we want to use this shell, we need to go to output/fe/minidump path
Now only one parameter is allowed for this shell which is directory
of minidump files like $DORIS_HOME/log/minidump
cd output/fe/minidump
./ --d $minidump_files_path
The running reports can be found in output/fe/minidump/log
which is minidump.out