# KBD75 connected (feed:6060). if [[ -z $(/usr/bin/lsusb | grep -o 'ID 594d:') ]] then # Use Spacebar as a Modifier (ALTERNATIVE CONFIGURATION) # As fall back L_WIN key also works as modifier. # No need for separate .xmodmaprc file #xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc /usr/bin/xmodmap -e "keycode 65=Super_L" /usr/bin/xmodmap -e "keycode any=space" /usr/bin/pkill xcape /usr/bin/xcape -e "Super_L=space" else echo "Split75 Connected" > /tmp/split75 fi # Make the touchpad to behave nicely when typing. # Useful with laptops #/usr/bin/pkill syndaemon #/usr/bin/syndaemon -d -i 0.7 -K -R -t # Some settings for Wacom tablet (Bamboo) # Rotate all the devices upside-down /usr/bin/xsetwacom --set $(xsetwacom --list dev | gawk '/touch/ {print $8}') Rotate half /usr/bin/xsetwacom --set $(xsetwacom --list dev | gawk '/stylus/ {print $8}') Rotate half /usr/bin/xsetwacom --set $(xsetwacom --list dev | gawk '/eraser/ {print $8}') Rotate half export _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1