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PromiseMeSpeed is currently the fastest javascript library, promising speedy ES6 promises that are ~1-59x faster than Chrome's native promises and ~2-548x faster than Bluebird's promises (five hundread and fourty eight is not a typo). The purpose of PromiseMeSpeed is to provide a speedy alternative to ES6 promises until browsers implement faster native promises. If all you need is a way to defer the stack level so you don't get the dreaded "Maximum Stack Call Exceeded" error, then consider using my other library, DeferStackJS, for slightly better performance and page load speed.

Quick Start

To use, simply drop the following snippet of HTML code into your <head> before all of the scripts that use PromiseMeSpeed.

<script src=""></script>

Or, alternatively if you want faster page loading, add a defer to every script to let the browser know that you don't call evil document.write inside your script.


<!doctype HTML>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="/path/to/my/script.js"></script>


<!doctype HTML>
<script src="" defer=""></script>
<script src="/path/to/my/script.js" defer=""></script>


PromiseMeSpeed gives you one and only one new global on the window object: window.SPromise. window.SPromise is the exact same as the native window.Promise as documented by MDN EXCEPT:

  1. It is called without the new operator.
  2. It has a window.SPromise.isPromise method you can use to determine if something is a promise.
  3. It is a lot faster than native Chromium promises, even with (suprise, suprise!) await.
  4. It skims and cuts corners to boost performance by reusing the same reference pased to callbacks as the source.
  5. All callbacks are invoked immediately after the promise is resolved without waiting until the next tick.

Example code snippets:

<title>SPromise Test Example</title>
<script src="" defer=""></script>
addEventListener("load", function(){
  "use strict";
  var SPromise = window.SPromise;
         accept("SPromise wins this mockup that doesn't actually have any benchmarking practicality");
       }, 250);
    new Promise(function(accept){ // you can even intermingle native promises with SPromise
        accept("Native Promise wins this mockup that doesn't actually have any benchmarking practicality")
      }, 250)
    document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "<div>Winner:" + winner + "</div>");
  (async function(){
    document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "<div>" + await SPromise(function(accept, reject){
      // Don't ask me why synthetic promises are allowed to work with await. I myself am still
      // confused, but hey: it works and SPromise even somehow shockingly makes them faster!
        accept("Hello from await!")
      }, 750);
    }) + "</div>");

PromiseMeSpeed.min.js VS PromiseMeSpeedDEBUG.min.js

The main difference between the two versions is that PromiseMeSpeedDEBUG is intended for development. It adds many extra type checks and notifies you when the wrong type of object is passed to the SPromise API. For some of the errors, it even gives a suggestion on how to fix them. However, these checks come at a cost: performance. If you have already written your code well enough to not need these checks, then use PromiseMeSpeed.min.js for even better performance. PromiseMeSpeed.js will run blind untill it gets done running or it hits a wall and crashes. For example, if you pass something that is not a function to window.SPromise from PromiseMeSpeedDEBUG.min.js, then it will print a pretty error message saying you passed a wrong type to the function. But with PromiseMeSpeed.min.js, the console will say something along the lines of 'cannot call null or undefined' or 'null or undefined is not a function.' To use PromiseMeSpeed without the DEBUG, insert the following alternative code into your <head>:

<script src=""></script>


If you are a sensible guy like me, then you shouldn't take my word for the speed of SPromiseMeSpeed. Rather, take the word of these benchmarks:

Casual Promising

Benchmark Code (executed in the console at

(async function(){
	"use strict";
	var resStr = "";
	var nativePromise = window.Promise;
	function test(str, f){
		return new nativePromise(function(acc){
            var tests=[], tmp=0, SPromise = window.SPromise;
            var cycleCount=13, intV=requestIdleCallback(function theeFunc(){
                "use strict";
                if (--cycleCount < 0) {
                    var res = tests.reduce((a, b) => a + b) / tests.length;
                    resStr += "\n" + str + res + "ms";
                var k =, i = 0, Len = 8;
                (function test(v){
                        if (i++ < Len) {
                        } else {
                            tmp += v;
                            tests.push(( - k)/Len);

	await test("NativeR1:   ", function(x){return new nativePromise(x)});
	await test("NativeR2:   ", function(x){return new nativePromise(x)});
	await test("NativeR3:   ", function(x){return new nativePromise(x)});
	await test("NativeR4:   ", function(x){return new nativePromise(x)});
	await (new nativePromise(_=>requestIdleCallback(_))); // to allow the CPU to take a break
	(new Function(document.body.innerText))();
	var bbPromise = window.Promise;
	await test("BluebirdR1: ", function(x){return new bbPromise(x)});
	await test("BluebirdR2: ", function(x){return new bbPromise(x)});
	await test("BluebirdR3: ", function(x){return new bbPromise(x)});
	await test("BluebirdR4: ", function(x){return new bbPromise(x)});
	await (new nativePromise(_=>requestIdleCallback(_))); // to allow the CPU to take a break
	window.Promise = nativePromise;
	var SPromise = window.SPromise;
	await test("SPromiseR1: ", function(x){return SPromise(x)});
	await test("SPromiseR2: ", function(x){return SPromise(x)});
	await test("SPromiseR3: ", function(x){return SPromise(x)});
	await test("SPromiseR4: ", function(x){return SPromise(x)});

Console output (lower numbers = lower promise delay = better):

NativeR1:   0.020721153794931106ms
NativeR2:   0.020528846317364905ms
NativeR3:   0.020913460712808255ms
NativeR4:   0.021442306975726612ms
BluebirdR1: 0.19572115259227127ms
BluebirdR2: 0.18168269329740164ms
BluebirdR3: 0.18274038470386025ms
BluebirdR4: 0.1832211536776203ms
SPromiseR1: 0.003413460105478477ms
SPromiseR2: 0.003894230758305639ms
SPromiseR3: 0.003317308325607043ms
SPromiseR4: 0.0036057692621118175ms

Synchronous Hellhole of Death Promising

Benchmark code (executed in the console at

(async function(){
	"use strict";
	var resStr = "";
	var nativePromise = window.Promise;
	function test(str, f){
		return new nativePromise(function(acc){
            var tests=[], tmp=0, SPromise = window.SPromise;
            var cycleCount=5, intV=requestIdleCallback(function theeFunc(){
                "use strict";
                if (--cycleCount < 0) {
                    var res = tests.reduce((a, b) => a + b) / tests.length;
                    resStr += "\n" + str + res + "ms";
                var i = 0, k =;
                (function test(v){
						i = i + 1|0;
                        if (i < 131072) {
                        } else {
							tests.push(( - k)/131072);
                            tmp = tmp + v|0;
                var last = 0;
                var intervalID = setInterval(function(){
					if (last !== i) {last = i; return}
					i = 131072;
					tests.push(( - k)/i);
                }, 10);

	await test("NativeR1:   ", function(x){return new nativePromise(x)});
	await test("NativeR2:   ", function(x){return new nativePromise(x)});
	await test("NativeR3:   ", function(x){return new nativePromise(x)});
	await test("NativeR4:   ", function(x){return new nativePromise(x)});
	await (new nativePromise(_=>requestIdleCallback(_))); // to allow the CPU to take a break
	(new Function(document.body.innerText))();
	var bbPromise = window.Promise;
	await test("BluebirdR1: ", function(x){return new bbPromise(x)});
	await test("BluebirdR2: ", function(x){return new bbPromise(x)});
	await test("BluebirdR3: ", function(x){return new bbPromise(x)});
	await test("BluebirdR4: ", function(x){return new bbPromise(x)});
	await (new nativePromise(_=>requestIdleCallback(_))); // to allow the CPU to take a break
	window.Promise = nativePromise;
	var SPromise = window.SPromise;
	await test("SPromiseR1: ", function(x){return SPromise(x)});
	await test("SPromiseR2: ", function(x){return SPromise(x)});
	await test("SPromiseR3: ", function(x){return SPromise(x)});
	await test("SPromiseR4: ", function(x){return SPromise(x)});

Console output (lower numbers = lower promise delay = better):

NativeR1:   0.005851722717231667ms
NativeR2:   0.0057087326050364595ms
NativeR3:   0.005649124145534756ms
NativeR4:   0.005644660949588598ms
BluebirdR1: 0.0004493026733776162ms
BluebirdR2: 0.00038002014157711983ms
BluebirdR3: 0.0003836669923096281ms
BluebirdR4: 0.00038921356200205537ms
SPromiseR1: 0.00028054809568800465ms
SPromiseR2: 0.00018094635017007477ms
SPromiseR3: 0.0001728134156664396ms
SPromiseR4: 0.00017861175534150675ms

Await Promising

Benchmark Code (executed in the console at

(async function(){
	"use strict";
	var resStr="";
	var nativePromise = window.Promise, performance = window.performance;
	function test(str, f){
		return new nativePromise(function(acc){
            var tests=[], tmp=0, SPromise = window.SPromise, idleOptions = {timeout: 10};
            var cycleCount=11, intV=requestIdleCallback(function theeFunc(){
                "use strict";
                if (--cycleCount < 0) {
                    var res = tests.reduce((a, b) => a + b) / tests.length;
                    resStr += "\n" + str + res + "ms";
                var k =, i = 0;
                (async function test(v){
                    var v = await f(function(k){
					i = i + 1|0;
                    if (i < 1536) {
                    } else {
                        tmp += v;
                        tests.push(( - k)/1536);
                		requestIdleCallback(theeFunc, idleOptions);
            }, idleOptions);

	await test("NativeR1:   ", function(x){return new nativePromise(x)});
	await test("NativeR2:   ", function(x){return new nativePromise(x)});
	await test("NativeR3:   ", function(x){return new nativePromise(x)});
	await (new nativePromise(_=>requestIdleCallback(_))); // to allow the CPU to take a break
	(new Function(document.body.innerText))();
	var bbPromise = window.Promise;
	await test("BluebirdR1: ", function(x){return new bbPromise(x)});
	await test("BluebirdR2: ", function(x){return new bbPromise(x)});
	await test("BluebirdR3: ", function(x){return new bbPromise(x)});
	await (new nativePromise(_=>requestIdleCallback(_))); // to allow the CPU to take a break
	window.Promise = nativePromise;
	var SPromise = window.SPromise;
	await test("SPromiseR1: ", function(x){return SPromise(x)});
	await test("SPromiseR2: ", function(x){return SPromise(x)});
	await test("SPromiseR3: ", function(x){return SPromise(x)});

Console output (lower numbers = lower promise delay = better):

NativeR1:   0.0076624644924033255ms
NativeR2:   0.008196910509165415ms
NativeR3:   0.007414772725992819ms
BluebirdR1: 4.20462298769287ms
BluebirdR2: 4.193633996216952ms
BluebirdR3: 4.19275479402765ms
SPromiseR1: 0.009224668567433335ms
SPromiseR2: 0.007667199339046033ms
SPromiseR3: 0.007688210237602383ms

[Caution: please don't read the follow paragraph if you are easily disturbed by vivid images of emesis.] The signifigance of the above tests is that trying to force a native method like await into using a user-created function like SPromise is comparable to trying to swallow someone else's barf. If you are going to swallow barf (as in await), you would likely want to swallow your own native barf instead of trying to swallow the barf of someone else (like Bluebird or SPromise). Yet in spite of this, SPromise makes the barf tastey (fast and performant) enough for Chrome to swallow it with greater efficiency.


For a separate project I am using PromiseMeSpeed in, the default ECMAScript specification for promises is just simply too slow for my purposes. Thus, I have revised the whole thing to use lickety-fast enumerations. However, for this script, do not ever do <script src="PromiseMeSpeedAdvancedEnumerations.js"></script> as that will make your code really slow. Also do not use distribute this script unminified or without the DEBUGMODE variable not set to true as that will make your code really slow too. The way to use this script is to insert it into the scope of your actual script and minify it along with the rest of your script to increase performance to the limit. An example usage of this script is as follows.

    SPromise(function(accept, reject){
        setTimeout(accept, 1000);
    SPromise(function(accept, reject){
		setTimeout(accept, 500);

Think Before You Pull!

The purpose of PromiseMeSpeed is to be a transitional speed-polyfill to bridge the gap between current browser promise performance and native browser promise performance. The purpose of PromiseMeSpeed is not to be a full featured Golliath standing over 100+kb in size. Do not open up any pull requests or commits suggesting new features or promise utilities. Even if they may be good ideas, I will never integrate them into this library. Rather, you should fork this library and then put all of your changes into that fork instead. Or, alternatively, you can just use BlueBird instead. In any event, it would be pointless for the creator of this library to be working on any extra promise utilies since he is currently creating something that will make every library in every language obsolete.