# String: toURI() & transliterate() for JavaScript [![Monthly Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/to-uri.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/to-uri) [![NPM](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/to-uri.svg "NPM package version")](https://www.npmjs.com/package/to-uri) [![Twitter](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/annexare.svg?label=follow+@annexare)](https://twitter.com/annexare) Transliteration for JavaScript & Node.js, basically used for URI generation. As small'n'simple as possible, but has a basic Ukrainian/Russian language detection for **"и"** char replacements. ## Usage Basically, just call `toURI()` with a String and you'll get a SEO friendly URL, separated with dashes (**"-"**) by default. Also, there's a `transliterate()` method, but it always works with `toLowerCase()` right now, not sure should it be improved yet or not. ### Packages: * `bower install to-uri` * `npm install to-uri` ### Examples: ```js toURI("Тест: Чи маємо те, на що чекаємо? + /English Text Remains/?") // test-chy-maiemo-te-na-shcho-chekaiemo+english-text-remains toURI("Тест: Проверим текст на русском языке") // test-proverim-text-na-russkom-yazyke ``` ## Credits Prepared by [Annexare Studio](https://annexare.com/). Feel free to use it as you need in your apps or send updates into [this public repository](https://github.com/annexare/toURI). It's under MIT license.