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Modern Angular Workshop

by @tomastrajan from

Welcome to exercise - Component extra, 3rd party libs, lazy loading, animations, ... (18 TODOs)

In this exercise, we're going to explore how to use components from non-Angular 3rd party libraries and by doing so explore additional concepts like view children or content projection as well as lazy loading of heavy components and animations.

  • How to implement wrapper components for 3rd party libraries
  • How to lazy load heavy components using @defer
  • How to implement and use Angular animations
  • How to run logic outside of Angular change detection

Compared to where we left off we have added a couple of things, namely, we have added the helper change detection counter in the toolbar (left side) which will be important to demonstrate some of the concepts in this exercise. Besides we have added a date helper in core/util/ folder which will be used to generate mock year month combinations for the chart component. And we have also pre-generated the chart component itself in order to be able to specify TODO items for the exercise. (Normally we would generate it using Angular Schematics IDE integration)

Search for the TODO <index>:, eg TODO 1: items in the code itself by searching the projects folder using IDE or text editor search functionality

Before we get started, it can be a good idea to adjust Eslint IDE settings, especially the Working directories to match the current exercise to prevent false positive errors and warnings.


  • Why do we have to store state of the router outlet in a signal to trigger animation instead of just storing it in a template variable and accessing its own isActivated property?
  • Why are we handling change detection manually in the chart component?
  • Why are we handling change detection manually for the resize events in the resize service?

How to use exercises

  • every exercise folder should be installed using npm ci
  • every exercise can and should be started using npm start to run the app
  • every exercise can start tests in watch mode using npm run test:watch
  • single test can be run with npm t -- <part-of-the-test-file-name>, eg npm t -- product-list
  • every exercise has its own file with additional description of the given exercise
  • every exercise project contains ordered TODO in the readme and // TODO comments inside the source code (eg // TODO 2: description) which should be followed to complete the given exercise
  • you can always search for // TODO, or <!-- TODO or check for the next TODO item