# personal-next-template 🍪 | My personal starter for NextJS: TS, Tailwind, HeadlessUI, ESLint, Prettier, Git Hooks ## Features - Next 14 with page routes - React 18 - TypeScript - Tailwind CSS 3 - Headless UI - Built-in code quality tools - Linting & Code Formatting - ESLint - Prettier - GitHub Actions - Auto-lint on push - Auto link issue with PR - Deployment - Optimized Dockerfile - Pre-production checklist ## Getting Started ### 1. Clone the repository You can use any of the following way: - Using the 'Use this repo as template' button - Using `degit`: ```bash pnpx degit angeloanan/personal-next-template YOUR_APP_NAME ``` ### 2. Install dependencies ```bash pnpm i ``` ### 3. Run the development server ```bash pnpm dev ``` Open [localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser to see the result. You can start editing the page by modifying [`src/pages/index.tsx`](./src/pages/index.tsx). ## Pre-production Checklist - [ ] Whitelabel package.json with your project information (enable `private: true` if needed) - [ ] Lock dependencies version to major - [ ] Replace SEO configurations at [next-seo.config.js](./next-seo.config.js) and [next-sitemap.config.js](./next-sitemap.config.js) - [ ] Setup CI/CD that'll automatically deploy the app on update