const log = require('fancy-log');'INFO: Loading...'); const axios = require('axios').default, { Client } = require('discord-rpc'), updatePresence = require('./core'), events = require('events'), config = require('./config'), clientId = '427863248734388224'; let mediaEmitter = new events.EventEmitter(), active = false, discordRPCLoop, mpcServerLoop, rpc; // Checks if port set in config.js is valid. if (isNaN(config.port)) { throw new Error('Port is empty or invalid! Please set a valid port number in \'config.js\' file.'); } const uri = `${config.port}/variables.html`;'INFO: Fully ready. Trying to connect to Discord client...'); // When it succesfully connects to MPC Web Interface, it begins checking MPC // every 5 seconds, getting its playback data and sending it to Discord Rich Presence // through updatePresence() function from core.js. mediaEmitter.on('CONNECTED', res => { clearInterval(mpcServerLoop); mpcServerLoop = setInterval(checkMPCEndpoint, 5000); if (!active) {`INFO: Connected to ${res.headers.server}`); } active = updatePresence(res, rpc); }); // When connection to MPC fails it attempts to connect // to MPC again every 15 seconds. mediaEmitter.on('CONN_ERROR', code => { log.error(`ERROR: Unable to connect to Media Player Classic on port ${config.port}. ` + `Make sure MPC is running, Web Interface is enabled and the port set in 'config.js' file is correct.\n` + code); // If MPC was previously connected (ie. MPC gets closed while script is running) // the whole process is killed and restarted by Forever in order to clean MPC Rich Presence // from user's profile, as destroyRPC() apparently can't do so. if (active) { log.warn('WARN: Killing process to clean Rich Presence from your profile...'); process.exit(0); } if (mpcServerLoop._onTimeout !== checkMPCEndpoint) { clearInterval(mpcServerLoop); mpcServerLoop = setInterval(checkMPCEndpoint, 15000); } }); // If RPC successfully connects to Discord client, // it will attempt to connect to MPC Web Interface every 15 seconds. mediaEmitter.on('discordConnected', () => { clearInterval(discordRPCLoop);'INFO: Connected to Discord. Listening MPC on ' + uri); checkMPCEndpoint(); mpcServerLoop = setInterval(checkMPCEndpoint, 15000); }); // If RPC gets disconnected from Discord Client, // it will stop checking MPC playback data. mediaEmitter.on('discordDisconnected', () => { clearInterval(mpcServerLoop); }); // Tries to connect to MPC Web Interface and, // if connected, fetches its data. function checkMPCEndpoint() { axios.get(uri) .then(res => { mediaEmitter.emit('CONNECTED', res); }) .catch(err => { mediaEmitter.emit('CONN_ERROR', err); }); } // Initiates a new RPC connection to Discord client. function initRPC(clientId) { rpc = new Client({ transport: 'ipc' }); rpc.on('ready', () => { clearInterval(discordRPCLoop); mediaEmitter.emit('discordConnected'); rpc.transport.once('close', async () => { await destroyRPC(); log.error('ERROR: Connection to Discord client was closed. Trying again in 10 seconds...'); mediaEmitter.emit('discordDisconnected'); discordRPCLoop = setInterval(initRPC, 10000, clientId); }); }); // Log in to the RPC server on Discord client, and check whether or not it errors. rpc.login({ clientId }).catch(() => { log.warn('WARN: Connection to Discord has failed. Trying again in 10 seconds...'); }); } // Destroys any active RPC connection. async function destroyRPC() { if (!rpc) return; await rpc.destroy(); rpc = null; } // Boots the whole script, attempting to connect // to Discord client every 10 seconds. initRPC(clientId); discordRPCLoop = setInterval(initRPC, 10000, clientId);