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libm2k : cmake


This folder contains helper files for the project and also config files for other cmake projects to use in order to find libm2k.

Using the CMake build system

In order to build libm2k with cmake, we first need to have the only required dependency installed: libiio.

After creating a build folder and moving into it mkdir -p build && cd build, we can run cmake.

cmake -D<option> <path_to_libm2k>

which will generate all the necessary recipes for building and installing. Useful cmake options are:

<option> value default description
ENABLE_DOC on/off off Generate doc using Doxygen
BUILD_EXAMPLES on/off off Build the default examples
ENABLE_LOG on/off off Build libm2k with logging support
ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS on/off on Build with exception handling support
ENABLE_PYTHON on/off on Build the Python bindings
ENABLE_CSHARP on/off off Build the C# bindings
ENABLE_LABVIEW on/off off Build the LabVIEW bindings
ENABLE_TOOLS on/off off Build the tools
INSTALL_UDEV_RULES on/off on Install udev rles for the M2K
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH <path> Empty Specifies a path which will be used by the FIND_XXX() commands
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX <path> /usr/local on UNIX, c:/Program Files on Windows Installation directory used by cmake install

Building and Installing

To build the sdk the following command is used:

cmake --build . [--config <config>] [--target <target>]

Where <config> is the build type: Debug, Release ... and target is one of the following:

<target> description
install Install the SDK in the system
doc Build the doxygen documentation

Example: Consider a user that wants to install libm2k in /opt/libm2k, without bindings. The following set of commands will do:

cd libm2k
mkdir build && cd build
[sudo] cmake --build . --target install
  1. sudo is required when installing the library only if the install prefix is a location where the user does not have rights to it.
  2. After installing you should run ldconfig to update the links/cache that the dynamic loader uses.

Consuming libm2k in a CMake Project

To use libm2k in your own project, simply add this two lines to your projects CMakeLists.txt and your good to go:

find_package(libm2k <version> REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE libm2k::libm2k)

Compile definitions of libm2k will automatically be added to your target as needed.

Example: if ENABLE_LOG is on your target will be aware of the compile definition LIBM2K_ENABLE_LOG

The prerequisite for this to work is to have libm2k installed in the system. If the path for libm2k is not in the default PATH you might need to add a CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH that points to libm2k when running the cmake command for your project.

Example: Consider a user that has libm2k installed in /opt/libm2k and wants to use it with another project. In the CMakeLists.txt of the project the two lines from above are required to be added and the cmake command should specify
