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  • user ( user details )
  • land ( land details )
  • transaction ( land deal details )


  • class
    • confirms the model is of user class
  • id
    • publicKey of the user
  • type
    • type of the user - Gov. Node / Full Node / SPV
  • currentAssets
    • array of ids of the current land assets with the user
  • previousAssets
    • array of ids of the previous land assets with the user


  • class
    • confirms the model is of land class
  • id
    • id of the land ( function of latLong containing hash function )
  • latLong
    • array of its latitude and longitude of its corners
  • address
    • address of the location
  • owner
    • id of the present owner of the land
  • prevOwner
    • list of IDs of the previous owners of the land
  • lastSellingPrice
    • last Selling Price


  • class
    • confirms the model is of transaction class
  • type
    • type of transaction - default / newUser / escrow
  • timestamp
    • time of transaction
  • landID
    • id of the land being trasferred
  • from
    • id of user seller
  • to
    • id of user buyer
  • amount
    • price for the land has been exchanged
  • lockTime
    • hold time for the transaction (not null only in escrow trancastion )


  • class
    • confirms the model is of block class
  • blockHeader - necessary information (requirred for SPV verification)
    • blockHeight - height of the block since genesis block
    • hashPrevBlock - hash of the previous block
    • hashMerkleRoot - hash of the merkle root of transactions
    • blockTimeStamp - Time of block creation
  • blockSize
    • size of the block
  • transactionCount
    • total no. of transactions in the block
  • transactionList
    • list of all transactions in the block
  • blockGenerator
    • public key of the node which generated the block