/* * One Drive API * 使用官方API挂载 */ const name = 'OneDriveAPI' const version = '1.0' const protocols = ['oda'] const defaultProtocol = 'oda' const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const { PassThrough } = require('stream') const onedrive_max_age_dir = 3600 * 1000 * 0.9 const chunkStream = require('../app/utils/chunkStream') const isSecretUrl = (url) => { return !(url.includes('://localhost') == false && url.startsWith('https') == false) } class oauth2ForOD { constructor(request, qs, handleUpdate) { this.request = request this.qs = qs this.handleUpdate = handleUpdate this.clientMap = {} this.pathAppMap = {} this.SCOPES = ['offline_access','files.readwrite.all']; this.OAUTH2_AUTH_BASE_URL = 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/authorize' this.OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL = 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/token' this.PROXY_URL = 'https://reruin.github.io/redirect/onedrive.html' } init(data) { for(let { path ,credentials } of data){ let { client_id , client_secret , refresh_token , redirect_uri} = credentials if( client_id ){ this.clientMap[client_id] = { client_id, client_secret, refresh_token,redirect_uri, update_time:0, expires_in:0 } } } } async generateAuthUrl(config) { const { client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri } = config const opts = { client_id, scope: this.SCOPES.join(' '), // access_type: 'offline', // prompt:'consent', response_type: 'code', redirect_uri }; if(!isSecretUrl(redirect_uri)){ opts.redirect_uri = this.PROXY_URL opts.state = redirect_uri } this.pathAppMap[redirect_uri] = { client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri:opts.redirect_uri, create_time: Date.now() } return `${this.OAUTH2_AUTH_BASE_URL}?${this.qs.stringify(opts)}`; } //验证code 并获取 credentials async getToken(key, code) { let appConfig = this.pathAppMap[key] if (!appConfig) return { error: true, msg: '没有匹配到app_id' } let { client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri } = appConfig let params = { client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, code, grant_type: 'authorization_code' } console.log('getToken',params) let resp try { resp = await this.request.post(this.OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL, params, { json: true }) } catch (e) { resp = e } if(!resp.body) return { error: true, msg: '没有收到返回结果。' } if (!resp.body.error) { let { refresh_token, expires_in, access_token } = resp.body this.clientMap[client_id] = { client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, refresh_token, expires_in, access_token , update_time:Date.now() } delete this.pathAppMap[key] await this.handleUpdate(this.clientMap[client_id]) return this.clientMap[client_id] } else { return { error: true, msg: resp.body ? resp.body.error_description : 'unknow error' } } } async getCredentials(client_id) { let credentials = this.clientMap[client_id] if (credentials) { let { update_time, expires_in , refresh_token } = credentials if ((Date.now() - update_time) < expires_in * 1000 * 0.9) { return credentials } else if(refresh_token){ return await this.refreshAccessToken(credentials) } else{ return credentials } } } async refreshAccessToken(credentials) { let { client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, refresh_token } = credentials if (client_id && client_secret /*&& redirect_uri*/ && refresh_token) { let params = { client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, refresh_token, grant_type: 'refresh_token' } try { let resp = await this.request.post(this.OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL, params, { json: true }) let body = resp.body if (body.access_token) { credentials.access_token = body.access_token credentials.expires_in = body.expires_in credentials.update_time = Date.now() if(body.refresh_token) credentials.refresh_token = body.refresh_token this.clientMap[client_id] = credentials await this.handleUpdate(this.clientMap[client_id]) console.log('refreshAccessToken success') return credentials } } catch (e) { return {error:true , msg:e.body ? e.body.error_description:'挂载失败'} } } return {error:true , msg:'refreshAccessToken 失败,缺少参数'} } async createAppLink(redirect_uri){ //非安全域名 添加中转 if(!isSecretUrl(redirect_uri)){ redirect_uri = this.PROXY_URL } let ru = `https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/quick-start?appID=_appId_&appName=_appName_&redirectUrl=${redirect_uri}&platform=option-node` let deepLink = `/quickstart/graphIO?publicClientSupport=false&appName=sharelist&redirectUrl=${redirect_uri}&allowImplicitFlow=false&ru=` + encodeURIComponent(ru) let app_url = "https://apps.dev.microsoft.com/?deepLink=" + encodeURIComponent(deepLink) return app_url } } const error = async (msg, href) => { return `

挂载 OneDrive 失败



` } const install = async (redirect_uri , createLink) => { const isSecret = !isSecretUrl(redirect_uri) ? '


' : '' return `

OneDrive 挂载向导

访问此链接获取 应用机密 和 应用ID。请注意:个人账号需前往 Azure管理后台 注册应用才能获取应用机密 和 应用ID。

` } const parseCredentials = ({name,path}) => { let [rootPath, cstr = ''] = path.split('->') let [client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, refresh_token] = cstr.split('|') return { name, protocol:rootPath.split(':')[0], path: rootPath.replace(/^[^\:]+\:/,''), credentials: { client_id, client_secret:client_secret ? decodeURIComponent(client_secret) : client_secret, refresh_token, redirect_uri } } } module.exports = ({ request, cache, getConfig, querystring, base64 , saveDrive , getDrive,getDrives, extname , getRuntime , pathNormalize , }) => { const oauth2 = new oauth2ForOD(request, querystring , async (c) => { let paths = await getDrives() let data = paths .map(i => parseCredentials(i)) //是否有其他配置参数 //let hit = data.filter(i => i.credentials.client_id == c.client_id) //无配置参数匹配路径名 //if( hit.length == 0 ){ const name = decodeURIComponent(getRuntime('req').path.replace(/^\//g,'')) let hit = data.filter(i => i.name == name) //} //路径也无法匹配 if( hit.length == 0 ){ //仅有一个可用挂载源 if(data.length == 1 && paths.length == 1 && paths[0].root){ hit = data } } hit.forEach(i => { let key = `${i.protocol}:${i.path}->${c.client_id}|${encodeURIComponent(c.client_secret)}|${c.redirect_uri}|${c.refresh_token}` saveDrive(key , i.name) }) }) //获取所有相关根目录,并创建凭证 getDrives().then(resp => { let credentials = resp.map(i => parseCredentials(i)) oauth2.init(credentials) }) const getCredentials = async (id) => { // TODO 待解决嵌套情形 // /app1/app1_path/app2/app2_path/app2_file // app2_file->app2_credentials let [path, client] = id.split('->') let ret = { path } if (client) { client_id = client.split('|')[0] ret.credentials = await oauth2.getCredentials(client_id) } return ret } const prepare = async (id) => { const req = getRuntime('req') const baseUrl = req.origin + req.path let { path, credentials } = await getCredentials(id) // 无credentials if(!credentials){ if (req.body && req.body.act && req.body.act == 'install') { let { client_id, client_secret, proxy_url } = req.body if (client_id && client_secret) { return { id, type: 'folder', protocol: defaultProtocol, redirect: await oauth2.generateAuthUrl({ client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri: baseUrl }) } } } // 挂载验证回调 if (req.query.code) { let credentials = await oauth2.getToken(baseUrl, req.query.code) if (credentials.error) { return { id, type: 'folder', protocol: defaultProtocol, body: await error(credentials.msg, baseUrl) } } else { return { id, type: 'folder', protocol: defaultProtocol, redirect: baseUrl } } } } // 存在无credentials else{ //credentials验证过程出错 if (credentials.error){ return { id, type: 'folder', protocol: defaultProtocol, body: await error(credentials.msg, baseUrl) } } if (credentials.client_id && credentials.client_secret && credentials.redirect_uri) { if (credentials.refresh_token) { return { path, credentials } } // 缺少 refresh_token 跳转至验证页面 else{ return { id, type: 'folder', protocol: defaultProtocol, redirect: await oauth2.generateAuthUrl(credentials) } } } } //finally 开始挂载向导 let createLink = await oauth2.createAppLink(baseUrl) return { id, type: 'folder', protocol: defaultProtocol, body: await install(baseUrl , createLink) } } // https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/onedrive/developer/rest-api/resources/driveitem?view=odsp-graph-online // There are two primary ways of addressing a driveItem resource: // By the driveItem unique identifier using drive/items/{item-id} // By file system path using /drive/root:/path/to/file const folder = async (id) => { let predata = await prepare(id) if (!predata.credentials) return predata let { path, credentials } = predata id = `${path}->${credentials.client_id}` let resid = `${defaultProtocol}:${id}` let r = cache.get(resid) if (r) { if ( r.$cached_at && r.children && (Date.now() - r.$cached_at < onedrive_max_age_dir) ) { console.log('get OneDrive folder from cache' , resid) return r } } let api = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0' + ((!path || path == '/') ? `/me/drive/root/` : `/me/drive/items/root:${encodeURIComponent(path).replace(/\/+$/g,'/')}:/`) + 'children' let resp = await request.get(api, { headers: { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${credentials.access_token}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, qs: { select:'id,name,size,file,folder,@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl,thumbnails,createdDateTime,lastModifiedDateTime', top:999999 }, json: true }) if (!resp.body) return false if (resp.body && resp.body.error) return false const ts = Date.now() let children = resp.body.value.map((i) => { return { id: (path+'/'+i.name).replace(/\/{2,}/g,'/')+'->' + credentials.client_id, fid:i.id, name: i.name, ext: extname(i.name), protocol: defaultProtocol, size: i.size, created_at: i.createdDateTime, updated_at: i.lastModifiedDateTime, url:i['@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl'], type: i.folder ? 'folder' : 'other', $cached_at:ts } }) let result = { id:path + '->' + credentials.client_id, path, type: 'folder', protocol: defaultProtocol } result.$cached_at = Date.now() result.children = children cache.set(resid, result) console.log('cache save',resid) return result } const file = async (id, { data = {} } = {}) => { let predata = await prepare(id) if (!predata.credentials) return predata let { path, credentials } = predata if( data && data.url && data.$cached_at && ( Date.now() - data.$cached_at < onedrive_max_age_dir) ){ console.log('get od download url from upstream') return data } let api = `https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/root:${encodeURIComponent(path).replace(/\/+$/g,'/')}:/` let resp = await request.get(api , {headers:{ 'Authorization':`bearer ${credentials.access_token}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },json:true}) if(resp.body){ data = { id: id, fid:resp.body.id, name: resp.body.name, protocol: defaultProtocol, size: resp.body.size, created_at: resp.body.createdDateTime, updated_at: resp.body.lastModifiedDateTime, ext: extname(resp.body.name), url:resp.body['@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl'], type: resp.body.folder ? 'folder' : 'other', } if(!data.url && resp.body.webUrl){ data.type = 'redirect' data.redirect = resp.body.webUrl } return data } return false } const mkdir = async (path , target, credentials) => { let children = target.replace(/(^\/|\/$)/g,'').split('/') //无需创建 if(children.length <=1 ) return true //递归创建 for(let i = 0; i < children.length - 1; i++){ let p = path + children.slice(0,i) let npath = (!p || p == '/') ? '/me/drive/root/children' : `/me/drive/items/root:${encodeURIComponent(p).replace(/\/+$/g,'/')}:/children` ///me/drive/root/children // https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/root/children let api = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0' + npath let resp = {} try{ resp = await request.post(api,{ "name":children[i], "folder":{}, "@microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior": "fail" },{ headers:{ 'Authorization':`bearer ${credentials.access_token}`, }, json:true, is_body:true }) }catch(e){ resp = e.body } // 409 文件夹已存在 if(resp && resp.error){ console.log('info:',resp.error.message) //return false }else{ console.log(resp) console.log('mkdir error') } } return true } const request_fix = (...rest) => { let req = request(...rest) // request 作为 writestream 时不会emit finish req.on('end' ,function(){ this.emit('finish') }) return req } /* * 创建分块上传流 * */ const createChunkStream = ( url , size , offset = 0, chunkSize , retry = 3) => { let currentChunkSize = ( size - offset < chunkSize ) ? (size - offset) : chunkSize console.log('create',`bytes ${offset}-${offset+currentChunkSize-1}/${size}` , 'retry:',3-retry) let req = request({ url:url, method:'put' , headers:{ 'Content-Length':currentChunkSize, 'Content-Range':`bytes ${offset}-${offset+currentChunkSize-1}/${size}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, json:true },function(error, response, body) { // retry if(error) { console.log(`error bytes(${retry}) ${offset}-${offset+currentChunkSize-1}/${size}` , error) if(retry > 0){ // return this.emit('retry' , { retry:retry-1 , offset }) }else{ this.emit('fail' , {error:true , msg:error}) } } else { console.log(`finish bytes ${offset}-${offset+currentChunkSize-1}/${size}`) if(body.error){ if(retry > 0){ this.emit('retry' , { retry:retry-1 , offset }) }else{ this.emit('fail' , {error:true , msg:JSON.stringify(body.error)}) } }else{ this.emit('finish' , body) } } }) return req } const createRangeStream = ({url , chunkSize , size}) => { //只读流会通过整理后 进入 req,并在req异常时 重试 let stream = chunkStream(createChunkStream(url , size , 0 , chunkSize) , {chunkSize , size} ) stream.on('update' , (offset, resp) => { if(resp.error){ return { error: resp.msg } }else{ // successd return {id , ...} if(resp.id){ // console.log('finish' , resp.id) stream.finish(resp) }else{ stream.next( createChunkStream(url , size , offset , chunkSize) ) } } }) stream.on('retry' , ({ retry, offset }) => { stream.retry( createChunkStream(url , size , offset , chunkSize , retry) ) }) stream.on('error' , (err) => { console.log('stream said: error',err) }) stream.on('finish' , (err) => { console.log('stream said: finish') }) return stream } const uploadLargeFile = async (path , size , credentials) => { let p = path.split('/') let name = decodeURIComponent( p.pop() ) let api = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0' + ((!path || path == '/') ? `/me/drive/root/` : `/me/drive/items/root:${encodeURIComponent(path).replace(/\/+$/g,'/')}:/`) + 'createUploadSession' // api = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/items/root:/Amlogic USB Burning Tool_v2.1.6.8.zip:/createUploadSession' let resp try{ resp = await request({ url:api, method:'post', body:{ "item": { "@microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior": "rename", "name":name } }, headers:{ 'Authorization': `Bearer ${credentials.access_token}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, json:true, async:true }) }catch(e){ resp = { error: e } } if( resp.error ){ console.log('error',resp.error) return { error : true , msg: resp.error } }else if(resp.body && resp.body.uploadUrl){ console.log('Start Upload : '+resp.body.uploadUrl) // chunkSize = n * 327680 , n ∈ N return createRangeStream({url : resp.body.uploadUrl , chunkSize:10485760 , size}) } } // size < 4MB const upload = async (path , credentials) => { let api = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0' + ((!path || path == '/') ? `/me/drive/root/` : `/me/drive/items/root:${encodeURIComponent(path).replace(/\/+$/g,'/')}:/`) + 'content' let req = request_fix({ url:api , method:'put', headers:{ 'Authorization':`bearer ${credentials.access_token}`, } }) return req //passThroughtStream.pipe(req) } const createReadStream = async ({id , options = {}} = {}) => { let predata = await prepare(id) if (!predata.credentials) return { error: true , msg: 'OneDriveAPI: Can not get upload url'} let { path, credentials } = predata let api = `https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/root:${encodeURIComponent(path).replace(/\/+$/g,'/')}:/` let resp = await request.get(api , {headers:{ 'Authorization':`bearer ${credentials.access_token}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },json:true}) if(resp.body){ let downloadUrl = resp.body['@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl'] return request({url:downloadUrl , method:'get'}) }else{ return { error : true , msg: 'OneDriveAPI: Can not get upload url' } } } // id 当前有效路径 // target 后续实际路径 const createWriteStream = async ({ id , size , type , name, target = ''} = {}) => { let predata = await prepare(id) if (!predata.credentials) return null let { path:filepath, credentials } = predata //为path 创建目的地目录 await mkdir(filepath , target , credentials) let paths = [filepath,target] if( type == 'folder' ){ paths.push(name) } let fullpath = pathNormalize(paths.join('/')) console.log(fullpath) if( size !== undefined ){ cache.clear(`${defaultProtocol}:${id}`) if( size <= 4194304 ){ return await upload(fullpath , credentials) }else{ return await uploadLargeFile(fullpath , size , credentials) } }else{ console.log('无法解析文件大小') return { error:true , msg:'无法解析文件大小'} } } return { name, label:'OD API版',version, drive: { protocols, folder, file , createReadStream , createWriteStream } } }