import time import torch from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score import numpy as np import pandas as pd import csv from helpers import list_of_distances, make_one_hot def _train_or_test(model, dataloader, optimizer=None, class_specific=True, use_l1_mask=True, coefs=None, log=print, save_logits=False, finer_loader=None): ''' model: the multi-gpu model dataloader: optimizer: if None, will be test evaluation ''' is_train = optimizer is not None start = time.time() n_examples = 0 n_correct = 0 n_batches = 0 total_output = [] total_one_hot_label = [] confusion_matrix = [0,0,0,0] total_cross_entropy = 0 total_cluster_cost = 0 # separation cost is meaningful only for class_specific total_separation_cost = 0 total_avg_separation_cost = 0 total_fa_cost = 0 with_fa = False # intialization, see line 41 for i, (image, label, patient_id) in enumerate(dataloader): # get one batch from finer datatloader if finer_loader: finer_image, finer_label, _ = next(iter(finer_loader)) # print(image.shape) image =, finer_image)) label =, finer_label)) # print(image.shape) if image.shape[1] == 4: with_fa = True fine_annotation = image[:, 3:4, :, :] image = image[:, 0:3, :, :] #(no view, create slice) elif image.shape[1] == 3: fine_annotation = torch.zeros(size=(image.shape[0], 1, image.shape[2], image.shape[3])) #means everything can be relevant image = image fine_annotation = fine_annotation.cuda() input = image.cuda() target = label.cuda() # torch.enable_grad() has no effect outside of no_grad() grad_req = torch.enable_grad() if is_train else torch.no_grad() with grad_req: # nn.Module has implemented __call__() function # so no need to call .forward output, min_distances, upsampled_activation = model(input) # compute loss cross_entropy = torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy(output, target) # only save to csv on test if not is_train and save_logits: _output_scores = [",".join([str(score) for score in scores.cpu().numpy()]) for scores in output] write_file = './logit_csvs/0218_training_3_class_margin_logits.csv' with open(write_file, mode='a') as logit_file: logit_writer = csv.writer(logit_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for _index in range(len(patient_id)): logit_writer.writerow([patient_id[_index], _output_scores[_index]]) log(f'Wrote to {write_file}.') if class_specific: max_dist = (model.module.prototype_shape[1] * model.module.prototype_shape[2] * model.module.prototype_shape[3]) # prototypes_of_correct_class is a tensor of shape batch_size * num_prototypes # calculate cluster cost prototypes_of_correct_class = torch.t(model.module.prototype_class_identity[:,label]).cuda() inverted_distances, _ = torch.max((max_dist - min_distances) * prototypes_of_correct_class, dim=1) cluster_cost = torch.mean(max_dist - inverted_distances) # print("before change") # calculate separation cost prototypes_of_wrong_class = 1 - prototypes_of_correct_class inverted_distances_to_nontarget_prototypes, _ = \ torch.max((max_dist - min_distances) * prototypes_of_wrong_class, dim=1) separation_cost = torch.mean(max_dist - inverted_distances_to_nontarget_prototypes) # print("after change") # calculate avg cluster cost avg_separation_cost = \ torch.sum(min_distances * prototypes_of_wrong_class, dim=1) / torch.sum(prototypes_of_wrong_class, dim=1) avg_separation_cost = torch.mean(avg_separation_cost) if use_l1_mask: l1_mask = 1 - torch.t(model.module.prototype_class_identity).cuda() l1 = (model.module.last_layer.weight * l1_mask).norm(p=1) else: l1 = model.module.last_layer.weight.norm(p=1) #fine annotation loss fine_annotation_cost = 0 if with_fa: proto_num_per_class = model.module.num_prototypes // model.module.num_classes all_white_mask = torch.ones(image.shape[2], image.shape[3]).cuda() for index in range(image.shape[0]): fine_annotation_cost += torch.norm(upsampled_activation[index, :label[index] * proto_num_per_class] * (1 * all_white_mask)) + \ torch.norm(upsampled_activation[index, label[index] * proto_num_per_class : (label[index] + 1) * proto_num_per_class] * (1 * fine_annotation[index])) + \ torch.norm(upsampled_activation[index, (label[index]+1) * proto_num_per_class:] * (1 * all_white_mask)) else: min_distance, _ = torch.min(min_distances, dim=1) # label=0 negative, label=1 positive, minimize cluster loss maximize separation loss # all prototypes are positive positive_sample_index = torch.flatten(torch.nonzero(label)).tolist() negative_sample_index = torch.flatten(torch.nonzero(label == 0)).tolist() if len(positive_sample_index) > 0: positive_proto_distance = min_distance[positive_sample_index] else: positive_proto_distance = torch.zeros(1) if len(negative_sample_index) > 0: negative_proto_distance = min_distance[negative_sample_index] else: negative_proto_distance = torch.zeros(1) cluster_cost = torch.mean(positive_proto_distance) separation_cost = torch.mean(negative_proto_distance) l1 = model.module.last_layer.weight.norm(p=1) # evaluation statistics _, predicted = torch.max(, 1) n_examples += target.size(0) n_correct += (predicted == target).sum().item() # confusion matrix for t_idx, t in enumerate(target): if predicted[t_idx] == t and predicted[t_idx] == 1: # true positive confusion_matrix[0] += 1 elif t == 0 and predicted[t_idx] == 1: confusion_matrix[1] += 1 # false positives elif t == 1 and predicted[t_idx] == 0: confusion_matrix[2] += 1 # false negative else: confusion_matrix[3] += 1 # one hot label for AUC one_hot_label = np.zeros(shape=(len(target), model.module.num_classes)) for k in range(len(target)): one_hot_label[k][target[k].item()] = 1 prob = torch.nn.functional.softmax(output, dim=1) total_output.extend( total_one_hot_label.extend(one_hot_label) # one hot label for AUC n_batches += 1 total_cross_entropy += cross_entropy.item() total_cluster_cost += cluster_cost.item() total_separation_cost += separation_cost.item() total_fa_cost += fine_annotation_cost if class_specific: total_avg_separation_cost += avg_separation_cost.item() # compute gradient and do SGD step if is_train: if coefs is not None: loss = (coefs['crs_ent'] * cross_entropy + coefs['clst'] * cluster_cost + coefs['sep'] * separation_cost + coefs['l1'] * l1 + coefs['fine'] * fine_annotation_cost) else: loss = cross_entropy + 0.8 * cluster_cost - 0.08 * separation_cost + 1e-4 * l1 optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() del input del target del output del predicted del min_distances end = time.time() log('\ttime: \t{0}'.format(end - start)) log('\tcross ent: \t{0}'.format(total_cross_entropy / n_batches)) log('\tcluster: \t{0}'.format(total_cluster_cost / n_batches)) log('\tseparation:\t{0}'.format(total_separation_cost / n_batches)) log('\tfine annotation:\t{0}'.format(total_fa_cost / n_batches)) if class_specific: log('\tavg separation:\t{0}'.format(total_avg_separation_cost / n_batches)) avg_auc = 0 for auc_idx in range(len(total_one_hot_label[0])): avg_auc += roc_auc_score(np.array(total_one_hot_label)[:, auc_idx], np.array(total_output)[:, auc_idx]) / len(total_one_hot_label[0]) log("\tauc score for class {} is: \t\t{}".format(auc_idx, roc_auc_score(np.array(total_one_hot_label)[:, auc_idx], np.array(total_output)[:, auc_idx]))) log('\taccu: \t\t{0}%'.format(n_correct / n_examples * 100)) log('\tl1: \t\t{0}'.format(model.module.last_layer.weight.norm(p=1).item())) p = model.module.prototype_vectors.view(model.module.num_prototypes, -1).cpu() with torch.no_grad(): p_avg_pair_dist = torch.mean(list_of_distances(p, p)) log('\tp dist pair: \t{0}'.format(p_avg_pair_dist.item())) log('\tthe confusion matrix is: \t\t{0}'.format(confusion_matrix)) return avg_auc def train(model, dataloader, optimizer, class_specific=False, coefs=None, log=print, finer_loader=None): assert(optimizer is not None) log('\ttrain') model.train() return _train_or_test(model=model, dataloader=dataloader, optimizer=optimizer, class_specific=class_specific, coefs=coefs, log=log, finer_loader=finer_loader) def test(model, dataloader, class_specific=False, log=print, save_logits=False): log('\ttest') model.eval() return _train_or_test(model=model, dataloader=dataloader, optimizer=None, class_specific=class_specific, log=log, save_logits=save_logits) def last_only(model, log=print): for p in model.module.features.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False for p in model.module.add_on_layers.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False model.module.prototype_vectors.requires_grad = False for p in model.module.last_layer.parameters(): p.requires_grad = True log('\tlast layer') def warm_only(model, log=print): for p in model.module.features.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False for p in model.module.add_on_layers.parameters(): p.requires_grad = True model.module.prototype_vectors.requires_grad = True for p in model.module.last_layer.parameters(): p.requires_grad = True log('\twarm') def joint(model, log=print): for p in model.module.features.parameters(): p.requires_grad = True for p in model.module.add_on_layers.parameters(): p.requires_grad = True model.module.prototype_vectors.requires_grad = True for p in model.module.last_layer.parameters(): p.requires_grad = True log('\tjoint')