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Running the following command will guide you to set it up interactively.

npx shipjs setup

Otherwise, you can still do it manually.

npm install --save-dev shipjs


yarn add -D shipjs

Add the following to the scripts section in your package.json.

"scripts: {
  "release:prepare": "shipjs prepare",
  "release:trigger": "shipjs trigger",

GitHub Token

GitHub token is used in both shipjs prepare and shipjs trigger.

  1. Go to
  2. Check "repo(Full control of private repositories)"
  3. Generate/copy the token

You can put it in the following two ways:

  1. Prepend it in your command like: GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx shipjs prepare
  2. Create a file named ".env" and put the following content: GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx (".env" should not be committed. Add it to ".gitignore".)

If you automate flows in your CI, you can add the token to Environment Variable section in your CI service.

Dry Mode

If you're not sure, you can always run commands in dry mode.

yarn release:prepare --dry-run


yarn release:trigger --dry-run

It will show you which steps are going to be executed without actually executing them.

On your local machine

  • Part 1: yarn release:prepare will create a pull request.
  • Part 2: Review and merge the PR.
  • Part 3: git pull and yarn release:trigger to actually publish it to NPM.

Automate Part 3 (shipjs trigger) on your CI

This guide is based on CircleCI. It may be done similarly on other CI services.

A minimal .circleci/config.yml looks like the following:

version: 2
      - image: "circleci/node:latest"
      - checkout
      - run:
          name: Install
          command: yarn install
      - run:
          name: Try to Release
          command: yarn release:trigger

At Part 2, if you merge the PR, a new commit will be added and CircleCI will run yarn release:trigger. Then, it will check if the latest commit message is in convention and the current branch is right. If the conditions are met, it will trigger a release. Otherwise, it will skip.

By default, it will check if the commit message is chore: release vx.y.z(which is the title of the PR).

According to your merge strategy, you might either Squash and merge or Merge pull request.

For more information, please refer to the mergeStrategy section.

NPM Token

Setup an NPM token to allow Ship.js(at CircleCI) to release the package to NPM.

  1. Login at, click your profile icon and go to "Tokens".
  2. Click "Create New Token", make sure the access level is "Read and Publish" and copy the token.
  3. At CircleCI, go to "Project Settings" → "BUILD SETTINGS" → "Environment Variables".
  4. Click "Add Variable".
    • Name: NPM_AUTH_TOKEN
    • Value: Paste the token from clipboard.

GitHub Token

Setup a GitHub token to allow Ship.js(at CircleCI) to create a git tag and push it to remote after release.

  1. Go to
  2. Check "repo(Full control of private repositories)"
  3. Generate/copy the token
  4. At CircleCI, go to "Project Settings" → "BUILD SETTINGS" → "Environment Variables".
  5. Click "Add Variable".
    • Name: GITHUB_TOKEN
    • Value: Paste the token from clipboard.

Useful Configurations

At the root of your project, you can create ship.config.js file to customize the process.

Everything is optional.


module.exports = {
  mergeStrategy: {
    toSameBranch: ["master"]

The default value for mergeStrategy is the above. It means shipjs prepare will work only on master branch.

shipjs prepare will checkout to a staging branch(e.g. releases/v1.0.1) and create a PR from the staging branch to master.

So, by default, Ship.js works on your master branch only.

Let's look at the configuration below:

module.exports = {
  mergeStrategy: {
    toSameBranch: ["legacy"],
    toReleaseBranch: {
      develop: "master"

Let's assume you're working on the latest version 1.x on develop and master is the latest release branch.

You also maintain a legacy version which is 0.x.

toSameBranch strategy

When you run shipjs prepare on legacy branch, it will

  • checkout to a staging branch(e.g. releases/v0.8.3).
  • create a PR from the staging branch to legacy branch.

Let's assume you configured your CI to monitor legacy branch. When you review and merge the PR, your CI will run shipjs trigger and it will

  1. run tests.
  2. release to NPM.
  3. create a git tag(e.g. v0.8.3).
  4. push to git remote.

When merging a PR from this strategy, you need to "Squash and merge" and make sure the commit title is the same with the title of the PR.

You can go to "Settings" menu of your repository, and even force "Squash and merge" behavior under "Merge button" section.

toReleaseBranch strategy

When you run shipjs prepare on develop branch, it will

  • checkout to a staging branch(e.g. releases/v1.4.2).
  • create a PR from the staging branch to master branch.

When you review and merge the PR, your CI will run shipjs trigger and it will

  1. run tests.
  2. release to NPM.
  3. create a git tag(e.g. v1.4.2).
  4. merge master back to develop.
  5. push to git remote.

So the flow is like this:

develop -> releases/v1.4.3 -> master -> (merged back to) develop

You see the difference between two strategies, right?

When merging a PR from this strategy, you need to "Merge pull request(Create a merge commit)" and also, you must modify the commit title to the title of the PR.

You go to "Settings" menu of your repository, and even force "Merge pull request" behavior under "Merge button" section.


Ship.js currently supports monorepo project(Independent versioning is not supported at the moment).

module.exports = {
  monorepo: {
    mainVersionFile: "package.json", // or `lerna.json`, or whatever a json file you can read the latest `version` from.
    packagesToBump: ["packages/*", "examples/*"],
    packagesToPublish: ["packages/*"]

With the config above, prepare command will

  1. Read the current version from package.json file at the project root directory.
  2. Calculate the next version based on commit messages.
  3. Update the next version over package.json files in ['packages/*', 'examples/*'].

And trigger command will publish packages in ['packages/*'].

When Ship.js handles packagesToBump and packagesToPublish, it will only list directories with package.json inside them.

Extra work on updating version

After bumping the version, you may want to do extra work regarding the version. Ship.js provides versionUpdated hook.

const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");

module.exports = {
  versionUpdated: ({ version, releaseType, dir, exec }) => {
    // update `lerna.json`
    const lernaConfigPath = path.resolve(dir, "lerna.json");
    const lernaConfig = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(lernaConfigPath).toString());
    lernaConfig.version = version;
    fs.writeFileSync(lernaConfigPath, JSON.stringify(lernaConfig, null, 2));

    // update `src/lib/version.js`
    const versionPath = path.resolve(dir, "src/lib/version.js");
    fs.writeFileSync(versionPath, `export default "${version}";\n`);

    // update dependencies (if you're using yarn workspace)
    exec(`yarn workspace example-foo add my-lib@${version}`);
    exec(`yarn workspace example-bar add my-lib@${version}`);

Schedule your release

At Part 1, by running yarn release:prepare, you get a PR for next release. What if you even automate this?

You can configure your CI to run periodically yarn release:prepare.

version: 2
      - image: "circleci/node:latest"
      - checkout
      - run:
          name: Install
          command: yarn install
      - run:
          name: Prepare release
          command: |
            git config --global "[email protected]"
            git config --global "Your Name"
            yarn release:prepare --yes --no-browse
  version: 2
      - schedule:
          cron: "0 9 * * 2"
                - master
      - prepare_release

GITHUB_TOKEN is required for CircleCI to create a PR. Make sure you have it configured as an environment variable.

Now, every Tuesday at 9am, new PR will be created. All you need to do is review the PR and merge it. Then the rest will be automatically done.

If you're using CircleCI v2.0, you can also manually trigger the job using API call. You can refer to this document, but it won't work in CircleCI v2.1.

Assign Reviewers

You can assign reviewers on the PR.

module.exports = {
  pullRequestReviewers: ["user1", "user2", "user3"]

One thing you need to be aware of is, you cannot assign yourself as a reviewer. You can put github username of your team or colleagues. The value can be either a string or an array of strings.

The assignees will receive a notification from GitHub when the PR is created. Whenever they review and merge the PR, it will be automatically released by the prior configuration you've done above.


SLACK_INCOMING_HOOK=xxx yarn release:prepare

With this environment variable, messages will be sent to your Slack channel

  • when shipjs prepare is finished
  • when shipjs trigger is finished

Release projects somewhere else

You can use Ship.js to release projects somewhere other than NPM.

For example,

module.exports = {
  publishCommand: () => "npx now"

By default, publishCommand returns yarn publish or npm publish. You can override it like the above to release it to wherever you want.

If you have configured monorepo, this command will run in each package in monorepo.packagesToPublish.

All Configurations

See here for all configurations


shipjs prepare

$ shipjs prepare --help
        shipjs prepare - Prepare a release.

        shipjs prepare [--help] [--dir PATH] [--yes] [--dry-run]

        -h, --help
          Print this help

        -d, --dir PATH
          Specify the PATH of the repository (default: the current directory).

        -y, --yes
          Skip all the interactive prompts and use the default values.

        -D, --dry-run
          Displays the steps without actually doing them.

shipjs trigger

$ shipjs trigger --help
        shipjs trigger - Trigger a release.

        shipjs prepare [--help] [--dir PATH] [--dry-run]

        -h, --help
          Print this help

        -d, --dir PATH
          Specify the PATH of the repository (default: the current directory).

        -D, --dry-run
          Displays the steps without actually doing them.