from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import timedelta from http import HTTPStatus from pathlib import Path from typing import AsyncGenerator, Optional from aiohttp import ClientSession, web from cachetools import TTLCache from gidgethub.aiohttp import GitHubAPI from structlog import get_logger from ancv import PROJECT_ROOT from import is_valid_github_username from ancv.exceptions import ResumeConfigError, ResumeLookupError from ancv.timing import Stopwatch from ancv.visualization.templates import Template from ancv.web.client import get_resume LOGGER = get_logger() _SHOWCASE_RESUME = Template.from_file( PROJECT_ROOT / "data" / "showcase.resume.json" ).render() _SHOWCASE_USERNAME = "heyho" def is_terminal_client(user_agent: str) -> bool: """Determines if a user agent string indicates a terminal client.""" terminal_clients = [ "curl", "wget", "powershell", ] for client in terminal_clients: if client.lower() in user_agent.lower(): return True return False @dataclass class ServerContext: """Context for the server.""" host: Optional[str] port: Optional[int] path: Optional[str] class Runnable(ABC): """A server object that can be `run`, enabling different server implementations.""" @abstractmethod def run(self, context: ServerContext) -> None: ... class APIHandler(Runnable): """A runnable server for handling dynamic API requests. This is the core application server powering the API. It is responsible for handling requests for the resume of a given user, and returning the appropriate response. It queries the live GitHub API. """ def __init__( self, requester: str, token: Optional[str], terminal_landing_page: str, browser_landing_page: str, ) -> None: """Initializes the handler. Args: requester: The user agent to use for the GitHub API requests. token: The token to use for the GitHub API requests. terminal_landing_page: URL to "redirect" to for requests to the root from a *terminal* client. browser_landing_page: URL to redirect to for requests to the root from a *browser* client. """ self.requester = requester self.token = token self.terminal_landing_page = terminal_landing_page self.browser_landing_page = browser_landing_page LOGGER.debug("Instantiating web application.") = web.Application() LOGGER.debug("Adding routes.") [ # Order matters, see also web.get("/", self.root), web.get(f"/{_SHOWCASE_USERNAME}", self.showcase), web.get("/{username}", self.username), ] ) def run(self, context: ServerContext) -> None:"Loaded, starting server...") web.run_app(,, port=context.port, path=context.path) async def app_context(self, app: web.Application) -> AsyncGenerator[None, None]: """For an `aiohttp.web.Application`, provides statefulness by attaching objects. See also: - - Args: app: The app instance to attach our state to. It can later be retrieved, such that all app components use the same session etc. """ log = LOGGER.bind(app=app) log.debug("App context initialization starting.") log.debug("Starting client session.") session = ClientSession() log = log.bind(session=session) log.debug("Started client session.") log.debug("Creating GitHub API instance.") github = GitHubAPI( session, requester=self.requester, oauth_token=self.token, cache=TTLCache(maxsize=1e2, ttl=60), ) log = log.bind(github=github) log.debug("Created GitHub API instance.") app["client_session"] = session app["github"] = github log.debug("App context initialization done, yielding.") yield log.debug("App context teardown starting.") log.debug("Closing client session.") await app["client_session"].close() log.debug("Closed client session.")"App context teardown done.") async def root(self, request: web.Request) -> web.Response: """The root endpoint, redirecting to the landing page.""" user_agent = request.headers.get("User-Agent", "") if is_terminal_client(user_agent): return web.Response( text=f"Visit {self.terminal_landing_page} to get started.\n" ) raise web.HTTPFound(self.browser_landing_page) # Redirect async def showcase(self, request: web.Request) -> web.Response: """The showcase endpoint, returning a static resume.""" return web.Response(text=_SHOWCASE_RESUME) async def username(self, request: web.Request) -> web.Response: """The username endpoint, returning a dynamic resume from a user's gists.""" stopwatch = Stopwatch() stopwatch(segment="Initialize Request") log = LOGGER.bind(request=request) user = request.match_info["username"] if not is_valid_github_username(user): raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason=f"Invalid username: {user}") # Implicit 'downcasting' from `Any` doesn't require an explicit `cast` call, just # regular type hints: # session: ClientSession =["client_session"] github: GitHubAPI =["github"] log = log.bind(user=user) stopwatch.stop() try: resume = await get_resume( user=user, session=session, github=github, stopwatch=stopwatch ) except ResumeLookupError as e: stopwatch.stop() log.warning(str(e)) return web.Response(text=str(e), status=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) else: stopwatch(segment="Templating") try: template = Template.from_model_config(resume) except ResumeConfigError as e: log.warning(str(e)) return web.Response(text=str(e)) stopwatch(segment="Rendering") resp = web.Response(text=template.render()) stopwatch.stop() resp.headers["Server-Timing"] = server_timing_header(stopwatch.timings) log.debug("Serving rendered template.") return resp class FileHandler(Runnable): """A handler serving a rendered, static template loaded from a file at startup.""" def __init__(self, file: Path) -> None: """Initializes the handler. Args: file: The (JSON Resume) file to load the template from. """ self.template = Template.from_file(file) self.rendered = self.template.render() LOGGER.debug("Instantiating web application.") = web.Application() LOGGER.debug("Adding routes.")[web.get("/", self.root)]) def run(self, context: ServerContext) -> None:"Loaded, starting server...") web.run_app(,, port=context.port, path=context.path) async def root(self, request: web.Request) -> web.Response: """The root and *only* endpoint, returning the rendered template.""" LOGGER.debug("Serving rendered template.", request=request) return web.Response(text=self.rendered) def server_timing_header(timings: dict[str, timedelta]) -> str: """From a mapping of names to `timedelta`s, return a `Server-Timing` header value. See also: """ # For controlling `timedelta` conversion precision, see: # # E.g., `td.microseconds` will return `0` for `timedelta(seconds=1)`, not 1e6. return ", ".join( f"{name.replace(' ', '-')};dur={duration // timedelta(milliseconds=1)}" for name, duration in timings.items() )