--- productId: x-date-pickers title: Date and Time pickers - Custom layout components: PickersActionBar, PickersLayout githubLabel: 'component: pickers' packageName: '@mui/x-date-pickers' --- # Custom layout

The Date and Time Pickers let you reorganize the layout

## Default layout structure By default, pickers are made of 5 subcomponents present in the following order: - The **toolbar** displaying the selected date. Can be enforced with `slotProps: { toolbar: { hidden: false } }` prop. - The **shortcuts** allowing quick selection of some values. Can be added with [`slotProps.shortcuts`](/x/react-date-pickers/shortcuts/#adding-shortcuts) - The **content** displaying the current view. Can be a calendar, or a clock. - The **tabs** allowing to switch between day and time views in Date Time Pickers. Can be enforced with `slotProps: { tabs: { hidden: false } }` prop. - The **action bar** allowing some interactions. Can be added with [`slotProps.actionBar`](/x/react-date-pickers/custom-components/#action-bar) prop. By default the `content` and `tabs` are wrapped together in a `contentWrapper` to simplify the layout. You can [customize those components](/x/react-date-pickers/custom-components/) individually by using `slots` and `slotProps`. ## Orientation Toggling layout can be achieved by changing `orientation` prop value between `'portrait'` or `'landscape'`. Here is a demonstration with the 3 main blocks outlined with color borders. {{"demo": "LayoutBlocks.js", "hideToolbar": true, "bg": "inline"}} ## Layout structure A `` wraps all the subcomponents to provide the structure. By default it renders a `div` with `display: grid`. Such that all subcomponents are placed in a 3 by 3 [CSS grid](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_grid_layout). ```jsx {toolbar} {shortcuts} {tabs} {content} {actionBar} ``` ## CSS customization To move an element, you can override its position in the layout with [`gridColumn`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/grid-column) and [`gridRow`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/grid-row) properties. In the next example, the action bar is replaced by a list and then placed on the left side of the content. It's achieved by applying the `{ gridColumn: 1, gridRow: 2 }` style. :::warning If you are using custom components, you should pay attention to `className`. To make CSS selectors work, you can either propagate `className` to the root element like in the demo, or use your own CSS class. ::: {{"demo": "MovingActions.js"}} ## DOM customization It's important to note that by modifying the layout with CSS, the new positions can lead to inconsistencies between the visual render and the DOM structure. In the previous demonstration, the tab order is broken because the action bar appears before the calendar, whereas in the DOM the action bar is still after. To modify the DOM structure, you can create a custom `Layout` wrapper. Use the `usePickerLayout` hook to get the subcomponents React nodes. Then you can fully customize the DOM structure. ```jsx import { usePickerLayout, PickersLayoutRoot, pickersLayoutClasses, PickersLayoutContentWrapper, } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/PickersLayout'; function MyCustomLayout(props) { const { toolbar, tabs, content, actionBar } = usePickerLayout(props); // Put the action bar before the content return ( {toolbar} {actionBar} {tabs} {content} ); } ``` :::info This slot can also be used to add additional information in the layout. ::: Here is the complete example with a fix for the tabulation order and an external element added to the layout. Notice the use of `pickersLayoutClasses`, `PickersLayoutRoot`, and `PickersLayoutContentWrapper` to avoid rewriting the default CSS. {{"demo": "AddComponent.js", "defaultCodeOpen": false}}