------ # Alias CLI A PHP CLI application that helps you organize your aliases.

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## Installation ```bash composer require --dev alexgaal/alias ``` After installing Alias CLI we recommend to call the setup command once for automatically creation of `aliases.json`. ## Usage ### Summary To get an overview of all available commands you can call alias without any parameters. ### Execute an alias After defining your aliases in `aliases.json` or `aliases.dev.json` you can call to get an overview of all available aliases. You can also call an alias directly: ## aliases.json At the moment our packages scans your root directory of your project for following files - `aliases.dev.json` - `aliases.json` Please be aware that your values must be executable by your terminal. ### `aliases.json` example ## Support the development **Do you like this project? Support it by donating** - PayPal: [Donate](https://paypal.me/alexandergaal95) - Patreon: [Donate](https://www.patreon.com/alexandergaal) ## License Alias CLI is an open-source software licensed under the MIT license.