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 proVBFH-inclusive v.2.0.2

proVBFH (projection-to-Born Vector Boson-Fusion Higgs production) is a
computer program written to calculate QCD corrections in VBF single
and double Higgs production.

This package contains a stand-alone version of the inclusive process,
integrating over all hadronic radiation. QCD corrections can be
evaluated up to next-to-next-to-next-to leading order (N3LO) in the
structure function approach.


To compile proVBFH-inclusive, you will need
* hoppet, the struct-func-devel branch (http:
* LHAPDF (http:

The struct-func-devel branch of hoppet can be downloaded using

  svn checkout

Once all dependencies are installed on your machine, proVBFH-inclusive
can be compiled using:

  ./configure [--with-LHAPDF=DIR --with-hoppet=DIR]

in the main directory. This will create an executable "provbfh_incl".

To compile proVBFH-inclusive with a local installation of hoppet or
LHAPDF, change the "DIR" above in the configure step to the folder
containing the hoppet-config and lhapdf-config executables


To run proVBFH-inclusive, use the provbfh_incl executable, and pass command
line arguments to specify inputs. Example:

  ./provbfh_incl -pdf PDF4LHC15_nlo_mc -nlo -sqrts 8000 -xmur 0.5 -xmuf 0.5 -iseed 12

The program will create a file "xsct_(n/nn/n3)lo_seedXXXX.dat"
containing the total cross section and Monte Carlo error.

A list of possible options is available in the documentation,
docs/provbfh-incl-doc.pdf, or alternatively can also be obtained from

Dihiggs production

To run dihiggs VBF production instead of the single Higgs process,
compile the "provbfhh_incl" program with

  make provbfhh_incl

which creates an executable "provbfhh_incl" that can be run with
command line arguments exactly like the corresponding single Higgs

  ./provbfhh_incl -pdf PDF4LHC15_nlo_mc -nlo -sqrts 8000 -xmur 0.5 -xmuf 0.5 -iseed 12
The program will create a file "xsct_(n/nn/n3)lo_seedXXXX.dat"
containing the total cross section and Monte Carlo error.