> Coming soon: This ![Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/) plugin is set to launch shortly! # Notion Migration Plugin for Obsidian 🚀 ## Overview 🌐 The N2O (Notion to Obsidian) allows you to seamlessly migrate your Notion databases into your Obsidian vault. Say goodbye to the manual labor of copying and pasting your data! 🙌 ![Plugin Screenshot](./screenshot.png) ## Features 🌟 - 🗝️ **Notion API Integration**: Use your Notion API key to connect directly to your Notion workspace. - 📚 **Database ID Search**: Easily find your Notion database by ID. - 📂 **Dynamic Folder Suggestions**: As you type the migration path, get real-time folder suggestions. - 🖋️ **Page Relations**: Choose to insert relations inside the page if your Notion notes have properties that link to other pages. - 🏷️ **Attach Page ID**: Option to attach Notion page ID to Obsidian note titles, useful if you have pages with the same name. Anyway the plugin will use a sequential number at the end. - 📄 **Page Content**: Toggle to import the content of the pages from Notion. - 📝 **Migration Log**: Keep track of your migration progress. ## Installation 🛠️ 1. Open Obsidian 2. Go to `Community plugins` in your `Settings` 3. Search for `Notion to Obsidian` 4. Click `Install` ## How to Use 📘 ### Notion API Key First, you'll need go to Notion to get your secret API key and give it permissions for the databases you want import. 1. **Create API Key** Visit the [Notion Integrations](https://www.notion.so/my-integrations) page and create a new integration. 2. Click `Show Integration` and copy the secret key. This is your Notion API key. 3. **Notion Databases**: For each database you want to import, visit the database page and click `...` menu in the top right corner. 4. Choose `Add Connection` and select the name of the integration you just created. ### Settings Tab Navigate to the `Notion to Obsidian` settings tab, where you can: 1. **Enter your Notion API Key**: Make sure you've integrated your Notion workspace with the plugin. 2. **Search Notion Databases**: Click the `Search DBs` button to populate a list of databases you can migrate. 3. **Specify the Database ID**: After finding your database, specify its ID. You can just click on any in the list. 4. **Set Migration Path**: First create then choose the Obsidian folder where you want the Notion database to be migrated to. 5. **Set Optional Parameters**: - `Create relations inside the page`: To include relations inside the Obsidian note. In this way they won't appear in frontmatter and you can see the connection in the graph. - `Attach page ID at the end`: To append Notion's page ID at the end of your Obsidian note. - `Import page content`: To import the actual content of your Notion pages into Obsidian. 6. **Start the Migration**: Click `Start Migration`. A migration log will appear showing the progress. 7. **Stop the Migration**: If you need to stop the migration for any reason, click `Stop Migration`. ### Migration Log You can view the migration log to see the details of what was migrated, any errors, etc. You can also clear the log by clicking `Clear Log`. ## Known Issues ❗ 1. Sometimes the migration log won't clear. 2. Not all Notion content is (well) supported. ## Contributing 🤝 Feel free to create an issue or pull request if you find any bugs or have some great feature ideas. ## License 📜 MIT License. --- 🎉 **Happy migrating your Notion databases into Obsidian!** 🎉