phpspec / php-diff
Forked from chrisboulton/php-diffA comprehensive library for generating differences between two strings in multiple formats (unified, side by side HTML etc). Based on the difflib implementation in Python
FriendsOfSymfony / oauth2-php
Forked from arnaud-lb/oauth2-phpA server implementation of OAuth 2.0
FriendsOfBehat / MinkExtension
Forked from Behat/MinkExtensionMink extension (tight integration and configuration) for Behat
Symfony2 BrowserKit driver for Mink framework
FriendsOfBehat / Mink
Forked from minkphp/MinkPHP 5.3+ web browser emulator abstraction
📦 Composer addon to efficiently get installed packages' version numbers
CRON for PHP: Calculate the next or previous run date and determine if a CRON expression is due
whiteoctober / Pagerfanta
Forked from BabDev/PagerfantaPagination for PHP.
GuilhemN / swagger
Forked from phpowermove/swaggerA php library to manipulate swagger specifications
Provides user management for your Symfony project. Compatible with Doctrine ORM & ODM, and custom storages.
magento / zf1
Forked from zendframework/zf1ZF1 adopted for Magento 2. Use composer in Magento 2 root to download it.
Composer installer for Magento modules
colinmollenhour / credis
Forked from jdp/redisentLightweight PHP Redis client that can run standalone or wrap phpredis.
guzzle / psr7
Forked from ringcentral/psr7PSR-7 HTTP message library
firebase / php-jwt
Forked from luciferous/jwtPHP package for JWT