[![Build Status](https://akvo.semaphoreci.com/badges/akvo-flow/branches/master.svg?style=shields)](https://akvo.semaphoreci.com/projects/akvo-flow) [Akvo Flow](http://akvo.org/products/akvoflow/) is a tool for collecting, evaluating and displaying of geographically referenced data. It is composed of an [android mobile app](https://github.com/akvo/akvo-flow-mobile/) and an online web-based platform. This repository contains code for the web-based platform that comprises a [backend engine](https://github.com/akvo/akvo-flow/tree/master/GAE) and a [dashboard user interface](https://github.com/akvo/akvo-flow/tree/master/Dashboard). Alongside the dashboard and mobile apps, is a [data import and export component](https://github.com/akvo/akvo-flow-services). You can read more about the [motivation and history of Akvo Flow](http://www.akvo.org/blog/?p=4836) as well as its place in [the platform of tools created by Akvo](http://www.akvo.org/blog/?p=4822). For more information on Akvo Flow, use these links to go directly to one of the corresponding pages: * [Knowledge base](https://kb.akvo.org/flow/) * [Developer Documentation](doc/dev.md) * [License](LICENSE.md) Read more about other [Akvo Products](https://akvo.org/tech-services/).