{% comment %} // Variables for this template: // urly - this is an urly instance to show (we use code and href properties) // error_404 - an error message to show the user // default_href - default href to dump into text area. Why do we have this? // error_href - set when we have an improperly formatted href {% endcomment %} ur.ly - dang short urls
 - dang short urls {% if error_404 or urly or error_href %}
{% if error_404 %}Oops - we couldn't find that urly.{% endif %} {% if error_href %}Oops - that address doesn't look right... we can't create a dang short url from it.{% endif %} {% if urly %} {{ urly.href }} is now dang short, and its already on your clipboard.
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{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if not urly %}
Enter a long URL below and we'll make it dang short:
{% endif %}
Code and API Drag this link to your browser toolbar:  ur.ly!