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204 lines (199 loc) · 7.97 KB

Supported ONNX Operation for Target cpu.

Onnx-mlir currently supports ONNX operations targeting up to opset 16. Limitations are listed when applicable.

  • Operations are defined by the ONNX Standard.
  • Opset indicates, for each operation, the ONNX opset that (1) last modified that operation and (2) is supported by the current version of onnx-mlir. For example, "Add" was modified in Opset 14 and carries on unmodified to Opset 16. If onnx-mlir supports Opset 14, we thus list "14" as the Opset associated with the "Add" operation.
Op Up to Opset Limitations Notes
Abs 13
Acos 7
Acosh 9
Adagrad unsupported
Adam unsupported
Add 14 No support for short integers.
And 7
ArgMax 13
ArgMin 13
ArrayFeatureExtractor unsupported
Asin 7
Asinh 9
Atan 7
Atanh 9
AveragePool 11
BatchNormalization 15 Training not supported.
Bernoulli unsupported
Binarizer unsupported
BitShift unsupported
Cast 13 Cast only between float and double types.
CastLike unsupported
CastMap unsupported
CategoryMapper unsupported
Ceil 13
Celu unsupported
Clip 13, 12, 11, 6 No support for short integers.
Compress 11
Concat 13
ConcatFromSequence unsupported
Constant 13
ConstantOfShape 9
Conv 11
ConvInteger unsupported
ConvTranspose unsupported
Cos 7
Cosh 9
CumSum 14
DepthToSpace 13
DequantizeLinear unsupported
Det unsupported
DictVectorizer unsupported
Div 14 No support for short integers.
Dropout 13 Does not support masked and training.
DynamicQuantizeLinear unsupported
Einsum 12 Limited to the types supported by ReduceSum and MatMul (which we decompose to in most cases) which exclude integers with width < 32.
Elu 6
Equal 13
Erf 13
Exp 13
Expand 13
EyeLike unsupported
FeatureVectorizer unsupported
Flatten 13
Floor 13
GRU 14
Gather 13
GatherElements 13
GatherND 13
Gemm 13
GlobalAveragePool 1
GlobalLpPool unsupported
GlobalMaxPool 1
Gradient unsupported
Greater 13
GreaterOrEqual 16
HardSigmoid 6
HardSwish unsupported
Hardmax 13
Identity 16 Sequence identity not supported.
If 16 Sequence and Optional outputs are not supported.
Imputer unsupported
InstanceNormalization 6
IsInf unsupported
IsNaN unsupported
LRN 13
LabelEncoder unsupported
LeakyRelu 16
Less 13
LessOrEqual 16
LinearClassifier unsupported
LinearRegressor unsupported
Log 13
LogSoftmax 13 Axis 0, 1, and default currently disabled due to changes in ONNX 1.8.1/Opset 13. Temporally removed due to changes in onnx 1.8.1.
Loop 16 No support for opset 13 and 16 at this time.
LpNormalization unsupported
LpPool unsupported
MatMul 13
MatMulInteger unsupported
Max 13 No support for short floats and unsigned int.
MaxPool 12 Does not support argmax and short ints. Support single output only.
MaxRoiPool unsupported
MaxUnpool unsupported
Mean 13
MeanVarianceNormalization unsupported
Min 13 Does not support short floats and unsigned numbers.
Mod 13 Support float and double only.
Momentum unsupported
Mul 14 Does not support short integers.
Multinomial unsupported
Neg 13
NegativeLogLikelihoodLoss unsupported
NonMaxSuppression 11
NonZero 13
Normalizer unsupported
Not 1
OneHot 11
OneHotEncoder unsupported
Optional unsupported
OptionalGetElement unsupported
OptionalHasElement unsupported
Or 7
PRelu 16
Pad 13, 11, 2
Pow 15 No support for power with integer types.
QLinearConv unsupported
QLinearMatMul unsupported
QuantizeLinear unsupported
RNN 14
RandomNormal unsupported
RandomNormalLike unsupported
RandomUniform unsupported
RandomUniformLike unsupported
Range 11
Reciprocal 13
ReduceL1 13
ReduceL2 13
ReduceLogSum 13
ReduceLogSumExp 13
ReduceMax 13
ReduceMean 13
ReduceMin 13
ReduceProd 13
ReduceSum 13, 11 Default axis and do_not_keep_dim not supported. Default axis and do_not_keep_dim temporarily removed due to changes in onnx 1.8.1.
ReduceSumSquare 13
Relu 14
Reshape 14 allowzero not supported.
Resize 13, 11, 10 Missing support for linear, cubic, crop, pytorch_half_pixel, and floor.
ReverseSequence 10
RoiAlign unsupported
Round 11
SVMClassifier unsupported
SVMRegressor unsupported
Scaler unsupported
Scan 16 Does not support dynamic shapes. Precision issue with newer opset, maybe just unsupported. Dynamic shape?.
Scatter unsupported
ScatterElements 13 Does not support duplicate indices.
ScatterND 16 Does not support scatternd add/multiply.
Selu 6
SequenceAt unsupported
SequenceConstruct unsupported
SequenceEmpty unsupported
SequenceErase unsupported
SequenceInsert 11 Does not support unranked sequence element.
SequenceLength unsupported
Shape 15 Does not support start and end attributes.
Shrink unsupported
Sigmoid 13
Sign 13
Sin 7
Sinh 9
Size 13
Slice 13 Axis must be a constant argument. Add tests to slices, currently have none.
Softmax 13
SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss unsupported
Softplus 1
Softsign 1
SpaceToDepth 13 Example works, the other is imprecise. To investigate.
Split 13, 11 Does not support static and dynamic shape, zero size splits. Temporally removed due to changes in onnx 1.8.1.
SplitToSequence unsupported
Sqrt 13
Squeeze 13, 11 Does not support static and dynamic shape. Temporally removed due to changes in onnx 1.8.1.
StringNormalizer unsupported
Sub 14 Does not support short integers.
Sum 13
Tan 7
Tanh 13
TfIdfVectorizer unsupported
ThresholdedRelu unsupported
Tile 13
TopK 11
Transpose 13
TreeEnsembleClassifier unsupported
TreeEnsembleRegressor unsupported
Trilu unsupported
Unique unsupported
Unsqueeze 13, 11 Does not support static and dynamic shape. Temporally removed due to changes in onnx 1.8.1.
Upsample 10, 9, 7
Where 16
Xor 7
ZipMap unsupported