package; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import java.util.List; /** * Description: Describes a 1-many relationship. It applies to some method that returns a {@link List} of Model objects. * This annotation can handle loading, deleting, and saving when the current data changes. By default it will call the * associated method when the containing class operates. */ @Target(ElementType.METHOD) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface OneToMany { /** * The method to apply the OneToMany to. */ enum Method { /** * Load this relationship when the parent model loads from the database. This is called before the OnLoadFromCursor * method, but after other columns load. */ LOAD, /** * Inserts code to delete the results returned from the List relationship when the parent model is deleted. */ DELETE, /** * Inserts code to save the list of models when the parent model is saved. */ SAVE, /** * Shorthand to support all options. */ ALL } /** * @return The methods you wish to call it from. By default it's loaded out of the DB. */ Method[] methods() default Method.LOAD; /** * @return The name of the list variable to use. If is left blank, we will remove the "get" and then decapitalize the remaining name. */ String variableName() default ""; /** * @return If true, the underlying variable that we use is private, requiring us to provide * a setter for it. * @deprecated has no effect on the visibility of the call since we now autodetect visibility. */ @Deprecated boolean isVariablePrivate() default false; /** * @return If true, the code generated for this relationship done as efficiently as possible. * It will not work on nested relationships, caching, and other code that requires overriding of BaseModel or Model operations. */ boolean efficientMethods() default true; }