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This is intended to be the simple, reliable, configurable, and elegant solution to having splittable, draggable and collapsible panes in your React application.

Getting Started 🚀

Install react-collapse-pane:

npm i react-collapse-pane

# or for yarn

yarn add react-collapse-pane

Once installed you can import the SplitPane component.

import { SplitPane } from "react-collapse-pane";

If you're using Typescript the SplitPaneProps, and a few other helper types are also available.

import { SplitPane, SplitPaneProps, ResizerOptions, CollapseOptions, SplitPaneHooks } from "react-collapse-pane";

Usage 👓

The Basics - Laying Things Out 📘

The only component you use is SplitPane. This is a wrapper for the children you wish to lay out in a panel form.

There is only 1 required prop, split, which can be either "horizontal" or "vertical". This identifies what the orientation of the split panel will be.

Here's a basic example:

<SplitPane split="vertical">
  <div>This is the first div</div>
  <div>This is the second div</div>
  <div>This is the third div</div>
  This is the fourth but not a div!

?> Note There is no limit to the number of divs you have as children. The SplitPane will split them all accordingly.

!> The children can be any valid React child, but if a child is null it will be excluded from being split or displayed.

!> You must have MORE than one non-null child in the split-pane otherwise it will log an error and simply render the single child.

Styling the Resizer 💅

By default there is a 1px divider with some basic CSS.

This is replaceable with the css and hoverCss options. No need to worry about pseudo selectors, transitions, animations or anything. You just have to indicate what the divider should look like before and after. This is accomplished by having two separate divs, one of which fades out and the other which fades in.

!> Note! The css props must be valid React.CSSProperties objects.

The sizer also has a grabbable surface that spans the height (or length) of the split and has a default grabbable surface of 1rem. This is changeable by the grabberSize option which can be set to any valid CSS size value for width or height.

?> As per default React CSS, a number will be interpreted as a px value.

Here's an example:

    css: {
      width: '1px',
      background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',
    hoverCss: {
      width: '3px',
      background: '1px solid rgba(102, 194, 255, 0.5)',
    grabberSize: '1rem',
  <div>This is the first div</div>
  <div>This is the second div</div>

Using a Collapse Button 🤹‍♀️

!> This is the killer feature of this library 👀

It's a common need to want to collapse the left or initial panel to give more room for another part of a site or app. This is easily accomplished by including several CollapseOptions as a prop to the SplitPane.

  • beforeToggleButton - the element displayed as the collapse button before the panel is collapsed. This is an purely aesthetic component.
  • afterToggleButton - the element displayed as the collapse button after the panel is collapsed. This is an purely aesthetic component.
  • buttonTransition - the animation applied to the button appear/disappear. Possible options are zoom, grow, fade, or none. You can try them out in the storybook. none indicates to keep the button always visible.
  • buttonTransitionTimeout - the time (in millisecons) that the animation for the appear/disappear of the button will take place
  • buttonPositionOffset - a positive or negative number that will either add or subtract the flex-basis (starting at 100) of an invisible div before or after the button. e.g. 50 would make the "before" 150 and the "after" 50
  • collapseDirection - 'left' | 'right' | 'up' | 'down' - this is used to indicate the direction that it should collapse. By default collapsing happens left and up for the vertical and horizontal splits respectively. Valid values for a vertical split are left or right and valid values for a horizontal split are up or down
  • collapseSize - the size of the collapsed panel after it has been collapsed
  • collapseTransitionTimeout - the duration within the collapse animation will take place
  • overlayCss - the css applied to a div positioned on top of the content. The overlay div has an initial opacity of zero which transitions to 1 over the course of the collapse.

Here's an example using a Button element imported from elsewhere.

    beforeToggleButton: <Button></Button>,
    afterToggleButton: <Button></Button>,
    overlayCss: { backgroundColor: "black" },
    buttonTransition: "zoom",
    buttonPositionOffset: -20,
    collapsedSize: 50,
    collapseTransitionTimeout: 350,
  <div>This is a div</div>
  <div>This is a second div</div>
  <div>This is a third div</div>
  <div>This is a fourth div</div>

?> Note! When collapsing a panel, the minSize value is used to freeze the width of the collapsed panel to its minimum size and hides the rest of the content. This allows for a smooth collapse animation and is something to keep in mind. Until the animation reaches the min size it will shrink the panel as normal. Try it out for yourself!

Hooks and Saving State ⚡

The component manages its own state while resizing however also allows an initial state as well as callbacks to save state changes.

These callbacks are in the hooks prop:

onDragStarted?: () => void;
onChange?: (sizes: number[]) => void;
onSaveSizes?: (sizes: number[]) => void;
onCollapse?: (collapsedSizes: Nullable<number>[]) => void;
  • onDragStarted fires as soon as you click down on a resizer and begin moving
  • onSaveSizes fires when the movement of a resizer is finished and the mouse lifts OR when a panel is collapsed - as both of these trigger size changes.
  • onChange fires on every size change, which can be quite often
  • onCollapse fires whenever a panel is collapsed, and keeps track of the previously collapsed panes

The initial state is passed in with these three props:

initialSizes?: number[];
minSizes?: number | number[];
collapsedSizes?: Nullable<number>[];
  • initialSizes is the default flex-basis that's given to the panes. This can be a simple ratio if it's the first time the render will happen and there's no saved sizes. e.g. [1, 2, 1] would make the second panel twice as big as its siblings. If you're saving state this should be the saved size value on a second render.
  • minSizes is either (1) a minimum size that's given to all the panes, or (2) an array of minimum sizes that's given to each pane in order. Any missing sizes in the array will be assumed default.
  • collapsedSizes an array of nullable numbers. This keeps track of a pane's size before it was collapsed. If not collapsed it's null. This will determine which panels are collapsed and what to do when they're uncollapsed.

Typically if this is a controlled component you would have state variables for initialSizes and collapsedSizes and have callbacks on onSaveSizes and onCollapse that would save the two data points and pass them back into the SplitPane on a remount. The minSizes would typically never change.

RTL Support ( Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi ) 🕋

This library easily supports RTL languages by providing a direction prop. This is only necessary if you're using RTL.

Note! 🚨 the direction is only applicable if the split is vertical

      <div style={{ direction: 'rtl' }}>
          <div>اللوحة الأولى</div>
          <div>اللوحة الثانية</div>
          <div>اللوحة الثالثة</div>
          <div>اللوحة الرابعة</div>

Note about Polyfills

  • If you require IE11 support then you will need to add a pollyfill for AbortController
  • If you are using the ionic framework then you will need a polyfill for resize-observer-polyfill otherwise the pane size calculation will not work.