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This code implements the HARM algorithm outlined in Gammie et al. 2003, with some modifications outlined in McKinney & Gammie 2004. This is a second-order, conservative, shock-capturing scheme for general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD). Credit also to the many people who have worked on the code over the years, including Scott Noble, who implemented the first 3D version of the code, Josh Dolence, Ben Ryan, George Wong, and Ben Prather.


iharm3D requires an MPI/Parallel HDF5 stack. In practice, this means that the executable h5pcc must be in your PATH and working correctly. It also requires the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) to be installed or loaded. Most Linux distributions package these requirements, and most supercomputers have modules for them.


Provided the above is met, iharm3D can be built with

$ make

This builds the 'torus' problem, prob/torus, which sets up the initial conditions in the equilibrium torus configuration of Fishbone & Moncrief 1976. This is by far the most common problem used for science runs.

Alternative (mostly testing) problems can be built by specifying their folder name in prob/, e.g.

$ make PROB=mhdmodes

Refer to existing problems and/or forthcoming developer documentation for details on how to add new problem definitions.

The make process or flags can be customized by adding a host-specific makefile

$ touch machines/$(hostname).make

which can contain any valid make script and is read after setting most of the default parameters, in order to override them.

Configuration and Running

Building iharm3d produces a directory named build_archive in the directory where make is invoked. This archive contains all the source files used in the build, as well as all the object files and a copy of the executable.

If build_archive already exists, make will prefer any newer/modified files in that directory, vs their equivalents in the original source. This allows modifying the compile-time parameters in parameters.h, or even modifying the C code as desired, without disrupting the original repository and potentially committing upstream whatever compile-time or runtime configuration you happen to be using.

Note that iharm3d also takes runtime parameters (most of the physical parameters, whereas grid size & MPI topology are compile-time). iharm3d will automatically use any file called param.dat in the current working directory, and will output simulation data to the working directory as well. You can specify an alternative parameter file with -p or output directory with -o. Sample runtime parameters for each problem are provided in the problem directories.

Due to this extra copy, note that between building different problems (e.g. from a torus to the MHD modes problem) one must run

$ make distclean

which will remove the build_archive directory, including any customizations that had previously been applied. A simple make clean will remove just the object and executable files, preserving any customizations in build_archive

Full details of production runs on larger machines e.g. Stampede2 are in script/submit/checklist.txt in this repository, along with job submission scripts for SLURM in the TACC environment, adaptable for a lot of SLURM machines.

Running a Fishbone-Moncrief torus

The Fishbone-Moncrief(FM) torus is the ubiquitous initial condition for modelling compact radio sources such as M87* and SgrA*. The FM problem can be simulated on iharm3d by passing the command line argumentPROB=torus, while making the program, and specifying problem-specific parameters (compile-time and run-time) in parameters.h (in the build archive) and an additional parameter file which, by default iharm3d assumes to be named param.dat. Presupposing that all the necessary dependencies (eg: OpenMP, MPI, phdf5, GSL) are installed and the directory variables and flags in makefile are pointing to them correctly, the following steps outline the commands to compile and execute the problem:

  1. Invoke the make command from the output directory,
$ make -f IHARM3D_DIRECTORY/makefile PROB=torus

where IHARM3D_DIRECTORY is the path to your local iharm3d repository that contains the makefile. The output directory is where, as explained in the section above, the harm executable is created along with the build_archive. build_archive contains the source files necessary to run iharm3d along with the problem-specific compile-time parameter file, parameters.h and problem initialization file, problem.c.

  1. Modify compile-time parameters in build_archive/parameters.h. These typically include (i) the grid size NiTOT; (ii) number of MPI ranks NiCPU; (iii) density and internal energy floors: BSQORHOMAX, UORHOMAX, BSQOUMAX; (iv) the reconstruction scheme RECONSTRUCTION. NOTE: If you're running iharm3d on your local system, it is recommended that the FM problem is run at a low resolution or a 2D problem is executed (set N3TOT to 1). Note that a strict minimum is placed on N1TOT based on the domain size, usually ~90 grid zones or greater, as simulations can become unstable when too few zones are placed within the event horizon of the central black hole.

  2. If the compile-time parameters have been modified or the C code in any of the source files in build_archive has been edited, the harm executable must be remade with the same command as in (1) from the output directory.

  3. Copy any of the parameter files located at IHARM3D_DIRECTORY/prob/torus/ labelled param_sane.dat or param_mad.dat to the output directory and rename the file as param.dat. This contains the runtime parameters for the FM torus (eg: duration of run, domain size, output file cadence, fluid properties, FM torus size, FMKS grid geometry). NOTE: It is again recommended to set tf to a reasonable value if you're running the problem on your local computer.

  4. Submitting the run: Once the runtime parameters have been updated, you're good to run the FM problem. The command to launch the run depends on the capabilities of your system, (i) If you're executing the problem on a single-node system, you do not need the MPI dependency and following command should suffice (run from output directory),

    $ ./harm -p param.dat >LOG_FILE

    where the runtime log is redirected to LOG_FILE. If STDOUT is not redirected, the runtime log will be printed on the terminal. NOTE: You can set the number of cores over which you want iharm3d to execute by modifying the environment variable, OMP_NUM_THREADS during pre-compilation. If not provided, the problem by default will be run across all cores available.

    (ii) If you're running the problem on a multi-node system, you can utilize iharm3d's MPI functionality to parallelize the job across several nodes. The exact command to launch harm depends on the MPI implementation. If you are running iharm3d on a TACC system (which has the SLURM job scheduler), you may find the various job submission scripts located at IHARM3D_DIRECTORY/scripts/submit useful. You can submit the job on any TACC machine as,

    $sbatch -N (NODES) -p (QUEUE) IHARM3D_DIRECTORY/scripts/submit/

    where is the job submission script that varies in accordance with the TACC system you're logged into.

Basic plots

Having run the desired problem, one can use the script at scripts/analysis/simple to generate simple plots. To do this,

  1. Update params_analysis.dat in scripts/analysis/simple to match your problem. NOTE: DUMPSDIR must be a path to the dump files and PLOTSDIR must be a path to the directory where you wish to save the plots.
  2. Run as,
$python3 script/analysis/simple/ -p script/analysis/simple/params_analysis.dat

The script by default parallelizes the analysis by using python's multiprocessing module. You can get around this by setting nthreads to 1 in main. For the 3D torus problem, it plots the density and plasma beta-inverse (magnetic pressure/gas pressure) in the XZ (poloidal) and XY (toroidal) plane. It overlays the poloidal density plot with magnetic field lines. For the 2D torus problem, it generates similar poloidal plots. If you're using the script on the output of a bondi problem, it will generate the poloidal density plot. Note that the bondi problem in iharm3d is unmagnetized and it wouldn't make sense to plot plasma beta-inverse. Finally, the script plots the density in XZ and XY plane for the mhdmodes problem.

We hope that this script sheds some light on the way data is stored in the dump files and grid file (a more detailed summary can be found here and here), and acts as a primer for the calculations performed to compute various qunatities of interest, and generate simple plots.

If you're looking for a more complete set of scripts that calculates and plots a near-exhaustive list of relevant GRMHD diagnostics, have a look at pyHARM.


Notes that may save you time in reading the source code:

  • Grid coordinates match physical coordinates i => x^1, j => x^2, k => x^3. However, they are indexed backward in memory grid[k][j][i]. A number of loop aliases e.g. ILOOP, ZLOOP are defined to make this counter-intuitive ordering, as well as the presence of border "ghost" zones, easier to manage
  • The fluid state S is often modified in-place. Rest assured the accompanying grid G is not. Both are structs of arrays, given typedefs in order to allocate their backing memory contiguously
  • Comments are sparse, and usually concern implementation details, not algorithmic operation. See iharm2d_v3 for a simpler version which may prove a gentler introduction.

Help & Contributing

Qustions and suggestions for the code and/or documentation are welcome. If you run into problems, have questions, or would like to see a feature, we recommend raising an issue here.

We welcome collaboration from anyone interested in these problems or in contributing to the code. Feel free to get in touch either through GitHub by opening pull requests and forks, or directly to the developers via email.