import json import bpy from bpy.types import FCurve, Camera, TimelineMarker, Object from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple from bpy_extras.io_utils import ImportHelper from mathutils import Euler, Matrix, Quaternion, Vector from math import radians, pi, floor, ceil, isclose from fractions import Fraction from itertools import chain from dataclasses import dataclass bl_info = { "name": "Import After Effects Composition", "description": "Import layers from an After Effects composition into Blender", "author": "adroitwhiz", "version": (0, 5, 3), "blender": (2, 91, 0), "category": "Import-Export", "doc_url": "", "tracker_url": "" } # Blender will warn users if they enable this addon in an older version of Blender than is officially supported, # but will not prevent them from using it. This warning is apparently not visible enough, and Blender will throw an # obscure error when those users attempt to actually use the add-on. Instead, prevent the add-on from being enabled in # versions of Blender too old to allow it to function. if < bl_info['blender']: min_blender_version_string = '.'.join(str(ver) for ver in bl_info['blender']) raise Exception(f"This add-on is incompatible with Blender versions older than {min_blender_version_string}. Please update to a newer version of Blender.") @dataclass class CameraLayer: """Camera layer; used for Cameras to Markers functionality""" camera: Object inFrame: int outFrame: int class ImportAEComp(bpy.types.Operator, ImportHelper): """Import layers from an After Effects composition, as exported by the corresponding AE script""" bl_idname = "import.ae_comp" bl_label = "Import AE Comp" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO", "PRESET"} filename_ext = ".json" filter_glob: bpy.props.StringProperty( default="*.json", options={'HIDDEN'}, ) scale_factor: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Scale Factor", description="Amount to scale the imported layers by. The default (0.01) maps one pixel to one centimeter", min=0.0001, max=10000.0, default=0.01 ) handle_framerate: bpy.props.EnumProperty( items=[ ( "preserve_frame_numbers", "Preserve Frame Numbers", "Keep the frame numbers the same, without changing the Blender scene's frame rate, if frame rates differ", "", 0 ), ( "set_framerate", "Use Comp Frame Rate", "Set the Blender scene's frame rate to match that of the imported composition", "", 1 ), ( "remap_times", "Remap Frame Times", "If the Blender scene's frame rate differs, preserve the speed of the imported composition by changing frame numbers", "", 2 ), ], name="Handle FPS", description="How to handle the frame rate of the imported composition differing from the Blender scene's frame rate", default="preserve_frame_numbers" ) comp_center_to_origin: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Comp Center to Origin", description="Translate everything over so that the composition center is at (0, 0, 0) (the origin)", default=False ) use_comp_resolution: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Use Comp Resolution", description="Change the scene resolution and pixel aspect ratio to those of the imported composition", default=False ) create_new_collection: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Create New Collection", description="Add all the imported layers to a new collection.", default=False ) adjust_frame_start_end: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Adjust Frame Start/End", description="Adjust the Start and End frames of the playback/rendering range to the imported composition's work area.", default=False ) cameras_to_markers: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Cameras to Markers", description="Create timeline markers and bind them to the imported camera layers' in/out points.", default=False ) def make_or_get_fcurve(self, action: 'bpy.types.Action', data_path: str, index=-1) -> 'FCurve': '''Returns an F-curve controlling a certain datapath on the given action, creating one if it does not already exist. Args: action (bpy.types.Action): The action to return an F-curve from data_path (str): The datapath which the F-curve controls index (int, optional): The index of the property, for multidimensional properties like location, rotation, and scale. Returns: FCurve: The F-curve controlling the given datapath ''' for fc in action.fcurves: if (fc.data_path != data_path): continue if index<0 or index==fc.array_index: return fc # the action didn't have the fcurve we needed, yet return, index=index) def import_bezier_keyframe_channel(self, fcurve: 'FCurve', keyframes, framerate: float, mul = 1.0, add = 0.0): '''Imports a given keyframe channel in Bezier format onto a given F-curve. Args: fcurve (FCurve): The F-curve to import the keyframes into. keyframes: The keyframes. framerate (float): The scene's framerate. mul (float, optional): Multiply all keyframes by this value. Defaults to 1. add (float, optional): Add this value to all keyframes. Defaults to 0. ''' fcurve.keyframe_points.add(len(keyframes)) for i, keyframe in enumerate(keyframes): k = fcurve.keyframe_points[i] if keyframe['interpolationOut'] == 'hold': k.interpolation = 'CONSTANT' k.handle_left_type = 'FREE' k.handle_right_type = 'FREE' x = keyframe['time'] * framerate y = keyframe['value'] = [x, y * mul + add] if i > 0: # After Effects keyframe handles have a "speed" (in units per second) which determines the vertical # position of the handle, and an "influence" (as a percentage of the distance to the previous/next # keyframe) which determines the horizontal position and also scales the vertical position. easeIn = keyframe['easeIn'] prev_to_cur_duration = (keyframe['time'] - keyframes[i - 1]['time']) * framerate influence = easeIn['influence'] * 0.01 k.handle_left = [ x - (prev_to_cur_duration * influence), (y - (easeIn['speed'] * influence * (prev_to_cur_duration / framerate))) * mul + add ] if i != len(keyframes) - 1: easeOut = keyframe['easeOut'] cur_to_next_duration = (keyframes[i + 1]['time'] - keyframe['time']) * framerate influence = easeOut['influence'] * 0.01 k.handle_right = [ x + (cur_to_next_duration * influence), (y + (easeOut['speed'] * influence * (cur_to_next_duration / framerate))) * mul + add ] def import_baked_keyframe_channel( self, fcurve: FCurve, keyframes, start_frame: int, comp_framerate: float, desired_framerate: float, supersampling_rate: int, mul = 1.0, add = 0.0): '''Import a given keyframe channel in "calculated"/baked format onto a given F-curve. Args: fcurve (FCurve): The F-curve to import the keyframes into. keyframes: The keyframes. start_frame (int): The frame number at which the keyframe data starts. comp_framerate (float): The comp's framerate. desired_framerate (float): The desired framerate. supersampling_rate (int): Multiplier for the framerate; this many keyframes will be created per frame. mul (int, optional): Multiply all keyframes by this value. Defaults to 1. add (int, optional): Add this value to all keyframes. Defaults to 0. ''' fcurve.keyframe_points.add(len(keyframes)) for i, keyframe in enumerate(keyframes): k = fcurve.keyframe_points[i] k.co_ui = [(((i / supersampling_rate) + start_frame) * desired_framerate) / comp_framerate, keyframe * mul + add] k.interpolation = 'LINEAR' def ensure_action_exists(self, obj: 'bpy.types.Object'): '''Create animation data and an Action for a given object if it does not already exist. Args: obj (bpy.types.Object): The object to create animation data and an Action for. ''' if obj.animation_data is None: obj.animation_data_create() if obj.animation_data.action is None: obj.animation_data.action = + 'Action') def import_property( self, obj: 'bpy.types.Object', data_path: str, data_index: int, prop_data, comp_framerate: float, desired_framerate: float, mul = 1.0, add = 0.0): '''Imports a given property from the JSON file onto a given Blender object. Args: obj (bpy_struct): The object to import the property onto. data_path (str): The destination data path of the property. data_index (int): The index into the destination data path, for multidimensional properties. -1 for single-dimension properties. prop_data: The JSON property data. comp_framerate (float): The comp's framerate. desired_framerate (float): The desired framerate. mul (float, optional): Multiply the property by this value. Defaults to 1. add (float, optional): Add this value to the property. Defaults to 0. ''' if prop_data['isKeyframed']: self.ensure_action_exists(obj) fcurve = self.make_or_get_fcurve(obj.animation_data.action, data_path, data_index) if prop_data['keyframesFormat'] == 'bezier': self.import_bezier_keyframe_channel( fcurve, prop_data['keyframes'], desired_framerate, mul, add ) else: self.import_baked_keyframe_channel( fcurve, prop_data['keyframes'], prop_data['startFrame'], comp_framerate, desired_framerate, prop_data.get('supersampling', 1), mul, add ) else: cur_val = getattr(obj, data_path) if data_index == -1: cur_val = prop_data['value'] * mul + add else: cur_val[data_index] = prop_data['value'] * mul + add setattr(obj, data_path, cur_val) def import_baked_transform( self, obj: 'bpy.types.Object', data, comp_framerate: float, desired_framerate: float, func: Optional[ Callable[ ['Vector', 'Quaternion', 'Vector'], Tuple['Vector', 'Quaternion', 'Vector'] ] ] = None): '''Import a baked transform (one 4x4 transform matrix per frame) onto a given Blender object. Args: obj (bpy_struct): The object to import the property onto. data: The JSON transform data. comp_framerate (float): The comp's framerate. desired_framerate (float): The desired framerate. func ((Vector, Quaternion, Vector) -> (Vector, Quaternion, Vector), optional): Function to call on each keyframe. ''' self.ensure_action_exists(obj) obj.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION' loc_fcurves = [self.make_or_get_fcurve(obj.animation_data.action, 'location', index) for index in range(3)] rot_fcurves = [self.make_or_get_fcurve(obj.animation_data.action, 'rotation_quaternion', index) for index in range(4)] scale_fcurves = [self.make_or_get_fcurve(obj.animation_data.action, 'scale', index) for index in range(3)] keyframes = data['keyframes'] start_frame = data['startFrame'] supersampling_rate = data.get('supersampling', 1) for fcurve in chain(loc_fcurves, rot_fcurves, scale_fcurves): fcurve.keyframe_points.add(len(keyframes)) prev_rot = None for i, keyframe in enumerate(keyframes): mat = Matrix(( (keyframe[0], keyframe[1], keyframe[2], keyframe[3]), (keyframe[4], keyframe[5], keyframe[6], keyframe[7]), (keyframe[8], keyframe[9], keyframe[10], keyframe[11]), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) )) loc, rot, scale = mat.decompose() if func is not None: loc, rot, scale = func(loc, rot, scale) if prev_rot is not None: rot.make_compatible(prev_rot) prev_rot = rot kx = (((i / supersampling_rate) + start_frame) * desired_framerate) / comp_framerate for j in range(3): k = loc_fcurves[j].keyframe_points[i] k.co_ui = [kx, loc[j]] k.interpolation = 'LINEAR' for j in range(4): k = rot_fcurves[j].keyframe_points[i] k.co_ui = [kx, rot[j]] k.interpolation = 'LINEAR' for j in range(3): k = scale_fcurves[j].keyframe_points[i] k.co_ui = [kx, scale[j]] k.interpolation = 'LINEAR' def import_property_spatial( self, obj: 'bpy.types.Object', data_path: str, prop_data, comp_framerate: float, desired_framerate: float, swizzle: Tuple[int, int, int], mul: Tuple[float, float, float], add: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ): '''Import a 3D spatial property. Args: obj (bpy_struct): The object to import the property onto. data_path (str): The destination property's data path. prop_data: The JSON property data. comp_framerate (float): The comp's framerate. desired_framerate (float): The desired framerate. swizzle (int, int, int): The indices to place the destination values onto (e.g. (0, 2, 1) to map the channel with source index 1 to destination index 2, and vice versa). mul (float, float, float): The (pre-swizzle) values to multiply the keyframe values by. add (float, float, float): The (pre-swizzle) values to add to the keyframe values. ''' for i in range(3): self.import_property( obj=obj, data_path=data_path, data_index=swizzle[i], prop_data=prop_data['channels'][i], comp_framerate=comp_framerate, desired_framerate=desired_framerate, mul=mul[i], add=add[i] ) def execute(self, context): scale_factor = self.scale_factor with open(self.filepath) as f: data = json.load(f) fileVersion = data.get('version', 0) if fileVersion != 3: if fileVersion > 3: warning = 'This file is too new. Update this add-on.' else: warning = 'This file is too old. Re-export it using a newer version of this add-on.'{'WARNING'}, warning) return {'CANCELLED'} added_objects = [] cameras: list[CameraLayer] = [] camera_in_out_frames: list[int] = [] imported_objects = [] innermost_objects_by_index = dict() if self.handle_framerate == 'remap_times': desired_framerate = context.scene.render.fps else: desired_framerate = data['comp']['frameRate'] if self.handle_framerate == 'set_framerate': comp_framerate = data['comp']['frameRate'] if int(comp_framerate) == comp_framerate: context.scene.render.fps = comp_framerate context.scene.render.fps_base = 1.0 else: ceil_framerate = ceil(comp_framerate) # round to 1.001, the proper timebase fps_base = round(ceil_framerate / comp_framerate, 5) context.scene.render.fps = ceil_framerate context.scene.render.fps_base = fps_base for layer in data['layers']: if layer['type'] == 'av': if 'nullLayer' in layer and layer['nullLayer']: obj_data = None else: width = data['sources'][layer['source']]['width'] * scale_factor height = data['sources'][layer['source']]['height'] * scale_factor verts = [ (0, 0, -height), (width, 0, -height), (width, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0) ] obj_data =['name']) obj_data.from_pydata(verts, [], [[0, 1, 2, 3]]) elif layer['type'] == 'camera': obj_data =['name']) elif layer['type'] == 'unknown': obj_data = None obj =['name'], obj_data) if layer['type'] == 'camera' and 'enabled' in layer and layer['enabled'] and 'inFrame' in layer and 'outFrame' in layer: # If this is an enabled camera layer, add it to the "Camera to Markers" data to be imported # Older files don't have inFrame/outFrame/enabled properties, so confirm their presence # The frames are calculated by multiplying floating-point seconds values by the framerate, so they're # often a bit off and need to be rounded to the nearest frame cameras.append(CameraLayer(obj, round(layer['inFrame']), round(layer['outFrame']))) camera_in_out_frames.append(round(layer['inFrame'])) camera_in_out_frames.append(round(layer['outFrame'])) added_objects.append(obj) innermost_objects_by_index[layer['index']] = obj transform_target = obj if data['transformsBaked']: # These are used to swap Z and -Y. Not sure this is the best way to do it. pre_quat = Quaternion((1.0, 0.0, 0.0), radians(-90.0)) post_quat = Quaternion((1.0, 0.0, 0.0), radians(180.0 if layer['type'] == 'camera' else 90.0)) def transform(loc, rot, scale): if self.comp_center_to_origin: loc -= Vector((data['comp']['width'] * 0.5, data['comp']['height'] * 0.5, 0.0)) loc = Vector((loc[0] * scale_factor, loc[2] * scale_factor, -loc[1] * scale_factor)) scale = Vector((scale[0], scale[2], scale[1])) rot = pre_quat @ rot @ post_quat return loc, rot, scale self.import_baked_transform( obj, layer['transform'], comp_framerate=data['comp']['frameRate'], desired_framerate=desired_framerate, func=transform ) else: if 'anchorPoint' in layer and ( any(channel['isKeyframed'] for channel in layer['anchorPoint']['channels']) or any(abs(channel['value']) >= 1e-15 for channel in layer['anchorPoint']['channels']) ): anchor_parent =['name'] + ' Anchor Point', None) anchor_parent.empty_display_type = 'ARROWS' added_objects.append(anchor_parent) self.import_property_spatial( obj=transform_target, data_path='location', prop_data=layer['anchorPoint'], comp_framerate=data['comp']['frameRate'], desired_framerate=desired_framerate, swizzle=(0, 2, 1), mul=(-scale_factor, scale_factor, -scale_factor) ) transform_target.parent = anchor_parent transform_target = anchor_parent if 'scale' in layer: self.import_property_spatial( obj=transform_target, data_path='scale', prop_data=layer['scale'], comp_framerate=data['comp']['frameRate'], desired_framerate=desired_framerate, swizzle=(0, 2, 1), mul=(0.01, 0.01, 0.01) ) ANGLE_CONVERSION_FACTOR = pi / 180 if layer['type'] == 'camera': # Rotate camera upwards 90 degrees along the X axis transform_target.rotation_mode = 'ZYX' channel_swizzle = (0, 1, 2) channel_add = (pi / 2, 0, 0) channel_multiply = (1, -1, -1) else: transform_target.rotation_mode = 'YZX' channel_swizzle = (0, 2, 1) channel_add = (0, 0, 0) channel_multiply = (1, -1, 1) for index, prop_name in enumerate(['rotationX', 'rotationY', 'rotationZ']): if prop_name in layer: self.import_property( obj=transform_target, data_path='rotation_euler', data_index=channel_swizzle[index], prop_data=layer[prop_name]['channels'][0], comp_framerate=data['comp']['frameRate'], desired_framerate=desired_framerate, mul=ANGLE_CONVERSION_FACTOR * channel_multiply[index], add=channel_add[index] ) if 'orientation' in layer: all_keyframed = all(channel['isKeyframed'] for channel in layer['orientation']['channels']) none_keyframed = all(not channel['isKeyframed'] for channel in layer['orientation']['channels']) if not (all_keyframed or none_keyframed): raise ValueError('Orientation keyframe channels should either all be keyframed or all be not keyframed') if not (none_keyframed and all(abs(channel['value']) < 1e-15 for channel in layer['orientation']['channels'])): orientation_parent =['name'] + ' Orientation', None) orientation_parent.empty_display_type = 'ARROWS' added_objects.append(orientation_parent) if all_keyframed: if any(channel['keyframesFormat'] != 'calculated' for channel in layer['orientation']['channels']): raise ValueError('Orientation keyframes must be in "calculated" format') orientation_parent.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION' self.ensure_action_exists(orientation_parent) num_keyframes = len(layer['orientation']['channels'][0]['keyframes']) start_frame = layer['orientation']['channels'][0]['startFrame'] rot_fcurves = [self.make_or_get_fcurve(orientation_parent.animation_data.action, 'rotation_quaternion', i) for i in range(4)] for fcurve in rot_fcurves: fcurve.keyframe_points.add(num_keyframes) for i in range(num_keyframes): fcurve.keyframe_points[i].interpolation = 'LINEAR' prev_angle = None for i, (x, y, z) in enumerate(zip(*(channel['keyframes'] for channel in layer['orientation']['channels']))): angle = Matrix.Identity(3) # Apply AE orientation angle.rotate(Euler((radians(x), radians(z), radians(-y)), 'YZX')) # Prevent discontinuities in the rotation which can mess up motion blur. # Euler angles also have a make_compatible function, but it doesn't always work, so it's necessary to use quaternions. quat = angle.to_quaternion() if prev_angle: quat.make_compatible(prev_angle) prev_angle = quat for j in range(4): k = rot_fcurves[j].keyframe_points[i] k.co_ui = [i + start_frame, quat[j]] else: orientation_parent.rotation_mode = 'YZX' orientation_parent.rotation_euler = [ radians(layer['orientation']['channels'][0]['value']), radians(layer['orientation']['channels'][2]['value']), radians(-layer['orientation']['channels'][1]['value']) ] transform_target.parent = orientation_parent transform_target = orientation_parent if 'pointOfInterest' in layer: point_of_interest_parent =['name'] + ' Point Of Interest Constraint', None) point_of_interest_parent.empty_display_type = 'ARROWS' added_objects.append(point_of_interest_parent) point_of_interest =['name'] + ' Point Of Interest', None) added_objects.append(point_of_interest) self.import_property_spatial( obj=point_of_interest, data_path='location', prop_data=layer['pointOfInterest'], comp_framerate=data['comp']['frameRate'], desired_framerate=desired_framerate, swizzle=(0, 2, 1), mul=(scale_factor, -scale_factor, scale_factor), add=( # TODO: abstract the process of "comp center to origin" for all translations -data['comp']['width'] * 0.5 * self.scale_factor if self.comp_center_to_origin else 0, data['comp']['height'] * 0.5 * self.scale_factor if self.comp_center_to_origin else 0, 0 ) ) track_constraint ='TRACK_TO') track_constraint.owner_space = 'LOCAL' = point_of_interest track_constraint.track_axis = 'TRACK_Y' track_constraint.up_axis = 'UP_Z' transform_target.parent = point_of_interest_parent transform_target = point_of_interest_parent should_translate = self.comp_center_to_origin and layer['parentIndex'] is None if 'position' in layer: self.import_property_spatial( obj=transform_target, data_path='location', prop_data=layer['position'], comp_framerate=data['comp']['frameRate'], desired_framerate=desired_framerate, swizzle=(0, 2, 1), mul=(scale_factor, -scale_factor, scale_factor), add=( -data['comp']['width'] * 0.5 * self.scale_factor if should_translate else 0, data['comp']['height'] * 0.5 * self.scale_factor if should_translate else 0, 0 ) ) if layer['type'] == 'camera': obj_data.sensor_fit = 'VERTICAL' self.import_property( obj=obj_data, data_path='lens', data_index=-1, prop_data=layer['zoom']['channels'][0], comp_framerate=data['comp']['frameRate'], desired_framerate=desired_framerate, # 24 = default camera sensor height mul=24 / data['comp']['height'] ) imported_objects.append((transform_target, layer)) # Baked transforms include parent transforms if not data['transformsBaked']: for obj, layer in imported_objects: if layer['parentIndex'] is not None: obj.parent = innermost_objects_by_index[layer['parentIndex']] if self.create_new_collection: dst_collection =['comp']['name']) else: dst_collection = context.collection for obj in added_objects: obj.select_set(True) context.view_layer.update() if self.use_comp_resolution: render_settings = context.scene.render render_settings.resolution_x = data['comp']['width'] render_settings.resolution_y = data['comp']['height'] pixel_aspect = data['comp']['pixelAspect'] # Check whether the pixel aspect ratio can be expressed precisely as a ratio of smallish integers pixel_aspect_frac = Fraction(pixel_aspect).limit_denominator(1000) if isclose(float(pixel_aspect_frac), pixel_aspect, abs_tol=1e-11): render_settings.pixel_aspect_x = pixel_aspect_frac.numerator render_settings.pixel_aspect_y = pixel_aspect_frac.denominator else: # Blender clamps pixel aspect X and Y to never go below 1 if pixel_aspect > 1: render_settings.pixel_aspect_x = pixel_aspect render_settings.pixel_aspect_y = 1 else: render_settings.pixel_aspect_x = 1 render_settings.pixel_aspect_y = 1 / pixel_aspect if self.adjust_frame_start_end: # Compensate for floating-point error # TODO: there should be a lot less floating-point error. ExtendScript is probably printing floats poorly. context.scene.frame_start = floor(data['comp']['workArea'][0] * desired_framerate + 1e-13) # After Effects' work area excludes the end point; Blender's includes it. Subtract 1 from the end. context.scene.frame_end = ceil(data['comp']['workArea'][1] * desired_framerate - 1e-13) - 1 if self.cameras_to_markers: # Keep track of existing markers to avoid adding new ones in the same place existing_markers: dict[int, TimelineMarker] = dict() for marker in context.scene.timeline_markers.values(): existing_markers[marker.frame] = marker camera_in_out_frames.sort() prev_enabled_camera = None # Check all the camera layer in/out points, since those are the only places a camera change can occur for frame in camera_in_out_frames: # Find the topmost camera layer enabled_camera = None for camera in cameras: if camera.inFrame <= frame and camera.outFrame > frame: enabled_camera = camera break # If the camera changed, add or update the marker at that frame if enabled_camera != prev_enabled_camera: prev_enabled_camera = enabled_camera if enabled_camera is None: continue marker = existing_markers.get(frame) if marker is None: marker ='M_{}', frame=frame) = return {'FINISHED'} def draw(self, context: 'bpy.types.Context'): layout = self.layout layout.use_property_split = True layout.use_property_decorate = False col = layout.column() col.prop(self, 'scale_factor') col.prop(self, 'handle_framerate') col = layout.column() # Give the checkboxes room to breathe. Ideally, this wouldn't be necessary, but the default width is just a few # pixels too small and truncates the labels. col.use_property_split = False col.prop(self, 'comp_center_to_origin') col.prop(self, 'use_comp_resolution') col.prop(self, 'create_new_collection') col.prop(self, 'adjust_frame_start_end') col.prop(self, 'cameras_to_markers') def menu_func_import(self, context): self.layout.operator(ImportAEComp.bl_idname, text="After Effects composition data, converted (.json)") def register(): bpy.utils.register_class(ImportAEComp) bpy.types.TOPBAR_MT_file_import.append(menu_func_import) def unregister(): bpy.utils.unregister_class(ImportAEComp) bpy.types.TOPBAR_MT_file_import.remove(menu_func_import) if __name__ == "__main__": register()