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Code accompanying the Pixel Color Amplification paper,

A. Gaudio, A. Smailagic, A. Campilho, “Enhancement of Retinal Fundus Images via Pixel Color Amplification,” In: Karray F., Campilho A., Wang Z. (eds) Image Analysis and Recognition. ICIAR 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11663. Springer, Cham (accepted)

(to be updated upon formal publication by Springer): The final authenticated publication is available online at[insert DOI]

Reproducing Results

The below steps should completely reproduce results for the paper.

I tried to leave this in its "raw" state so the code is as close as possible to the state it was in when I generated results. This means it isn't cleaned up in some places. I did move many files around since generating results. I also released a simplepytorch library in order to make this reproducible.

There are three git tags identifying where the work was done.

  • iciar2020_not_reproducible - Deep network results were obtained the work using a private library that I have subsequently open sourced.
  • iciar2020 - I attempted to make the results completely reproducible.
  • iciar2020_v2 - Some code changes to address reviewer comments. Note that the paper before reviewers was 20 pages, and I was asked to cut it to 14 to length requirements. Thus, several results obtained are not published.
check out the git tag to reproduce results
$ git checkout iciar2020_v2
# current working directory should be same as this
# download and unzip the datasets into ./data.  Make a directory structure like this:
 $ mkdir data
 $ ls data/{IDRiD_segmentation,RITE,arsn_qualdr}

'1. Original Images'  '2. All Segmentation Groundtruths'   CC-BY-4.0.txt   LICENSE.txt

data/RITE:  introduction.txt  read_me.txt  test  training
# QualDR results (not used in published version of paper)
cat ./bin/qualdr/
# RITE and IDRiD results  (RITE not used in the published version of paper)
cat ./bin/segmentation/
# Separability on IDRiD train (This goes exhaustively through all models, all images, all label types, which is probably unnecessary).
python ./bin/separability/
# plots and tables