#!/bin/bash # # This script sets up and submits job of global WW3 simulation # using multiple grids on Yellowstone/Cheyenne. # # Qing Li, 20170713 # 20170717 set up for a grid set of 3 ## load shared functions ------------------------------------------------------ source ./set_env source ./share/bash_functions.sh ## Run control ---------------------------------------------------------------- # case name # CURVILINEAR GRID SUPPORT NOT IMPLEMENTED FOR NRGRD > 1! # Should try curvilinear at north polar region and regular elsewhere gridtype="mww3a" # grid type: mww3a if [[ ${gridtype} == mww3a ]]; then grid1="gx16b_spr" grid2="ww3a_eq" grid3="gx16b_np" grids="${grid1} ${grid2} ${grid3}" # combination of gx16b_sp, gx37b_eq and gx16b_np inputgrid="" # curvilinear not supported for input grid targetgrid="gx16b" else echo "Grid type ${gridtype} not supported. Stop." exit 1 fi casename="testMulti_200901_${gridtype}" # run times # (nonzero hhmmss not supported) t_beg="20090101 000000" # first output t_end="20090131 000000" # last output dt="21600" # output interval dtrs="86400" # restart interval # restart run or not f_restart="no" # clean old exes and build new ones f_new="yes" # update grid f_grid="yes" # input file options: core2update, core2copy, cice, none opt_input="cice" # number of processors nproc=64 # wall time (hh:mm) walltime="01:00" # queue (small, regular, economy) queue="regular" # project number #projnum="UBRN0005" # set switch case_switch_base="F90 NOGRB NOPA LRB4 NC4 SCRIP SCRIPNC PR3 UQ FLX0 LN1 ST4 BT1 DB1 MLIM "\ "NL1 TR0 BS0 IC2 IS2 REF0 XX0 WNT1 WNX1 CRT1 CRX1 O0 O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O11" case_switch_ser="${case_switch_base} SHRD" case_switch_mpi="${case_switch_base} MPI DIST" # set directory tmp_dir="/glade/scratch/aordonez/wwatch3v5p16" toolbox_dir=${WW3_TOOLBOX_ROOT} # set environment export WWATCH3_NETCDF="NC4" if [[ ${HOSTNAME} == yslogin* ]]; then ww3_dir="/glade/u/home/aordonez/wwatch3_v5.16" projnum="UWAS0039" export NETCDF_CONFIG="/glade/apps/opt/netcdf/4.3.0/intel/12.1.5/bin/nc-config" # specify compiler string (as per in ww3_dir/bin options) here: compstr="Intel" elif [[ ${HOSTNAME} == cheyenne* ]]; then ww3_dir="/glade/u/home/aordonez/wwatch3_v5.16_cheyenne" projnum="UWAS0039" export NETCDF_CONFIG="/glade/u/apps/ch/opt/netcdf/" # specify compiler string (as per in ww3_dir/bin options) here: compstr="Cheyenne_Intel" else echo "Machine ${HOSTNAME} not supported. Stop." exit 1 fi export WWATCH3_ENV="${ww3_dir}/wwatch3.env" ## 0. Preprocessing ----------------------------------------------------------- print_title "Preprocessing" # calculate the output file number date_beg=${t_beg:0:8} date_end=${t_end:0:8} nsec=$(( $(date --date=${date_end} +%s) - $(date --date=${date_beg} +%s) )) nday=$(( ${nsec}/86400 )) nfile=$(( ${nsec}/${dt} )) nres=$(( ${nsec}/${dtrs} )) # spatial dimensions if [[ ${targetgrid} == gx37 ]]; then nx=100 ny=116 elif [[ ${targetgrid} == gx16* ]]; then nx=320 ny=384 elif [[ ${targetgrid} == ww3a ]]; then nx=90 ny=50 else echo "Grid type ${targetgrid} not supported" exit 1 fi # set path path_e="${ww3_dir}/exe" # path for executables path_b="${ww3_dir}/bin" # path for binaries path_a="${ww3_dir}/aux" # path for aux files and scripts path_work="${tmp_dir}/${casename}" # work directory path_dat="${toolbox_dir}/data" # input data directory path_out="${path_work}/out" # output directory path_res="${path_work}/restart" # restart directory path_exe="${path_work}/exe" # directory executables for each case path_input="${tmp_dir}/data" # input data directory for copy path_scpt="${toolbox_dir}/bin" # path for compiler and linker scripts # setup work directory mkdir -p ${path_work} mkdir -p ${path_exe} cd ${path_work} # setup output directory mkdir -p ${path_out} # setup restart directory mkdir -p ${path_res} # setup compiler and linker script cp ${path_scpt}/comp.${compstr} ${path_b}/comp cp ${path_scpt}/link.${compstr} ${path_b}/link # clean old files and create new case if [[ ${f_new} == yes ]]; then ${path_b}/w3_clean all ${path_b}/w3_new # check error check_error "Error in w3_new. Stop..." fi ## 1. Grid pre-processor ------------------------------------------------------ if [[ ${f_grid} == yes ]]; then print_title "Grid preprocessor" # compile appropriate code echo ${case_switch_ser} > ${path_b}/switch ${path_b}/w3_make ww3_grid # check error check_error "Error in compiling ww3_grid. Stop..." cp ${path_e}/ww3_grid ${path_exe}/ rm -f mod_def.* path_grid="${toolbox_dir}/grids/grid_inp" mkdir -p grid_inp # loop over grids for grd in ${grids} ${inputgrid} ${targetgrid} do if [ ! -f ./mod_def.${grd} ]; then cp ${path_grid}/${grd}_bottom.inp ./ cp ${path_grid}/${grd}_mapsta.inp ./ if [ -f ${path_grid}/${grd}_x.inp ]; then cp ${path_grid}/${grd}_x.inp ./ fi if [ -f ${path_grid}/${grd}_y.inp ]; then cp ${path_grid}/${grd}_y.inp ./ fi cp ${path_grid}/ww3_grid.inp.${grd} ./ww3_grid.inp echo " Screen output routed to ${path_out}/ww3_grid_${grd}.out" ${path_exe}/ww3_grid > ${path_out}/ww3_grid_${grd}.out mv ${grd}_bottom.inp ${grd}_mapsta.inp ww3_grid.inp ${path_work}/grid_inp if [ -f ${grd}_x.inp ]; then mv ${grd}_x.inp ${path_work}/grid_inp fi if [ -f ${grd}_y.inp ]; then mv ${grd}_y.inp ${path_work}/grid_inp fi mv mod_def.ww3 mod_def.${grd} fi done fi ## 2. Initial conditions ------------------------------------------------------ print_title "Initial conditions" if [[ ${f_restart} == yes ]]; then file_res="${path_res}/restart_${date_beg}.ww3" if [[ -e ${file_res} ]]; then echo "Restarting run from ${file_res}..." cp ${file_res} ./restart.ww3 else echo "Restart file ${file_res} not found. Stop." exit 1 fi else echo "Starting from initial condition...Preparing..." # compile appropriate code echo ${case_switch_ser} > ${path_b}/switch ${path_b}/w3_make ww3_strt # check error check_error "Error in compiling ww3_strt. Stop..." cp ${path_e}/ww3_strt ${path_exe}/ path_strt="${toolbox_dir}/data/strt_inp" cp ${path_strt}/ww3_strt.inp ./ for grd in ${grids} do rm -f mod_def.ww3 ln -s mod_def.${grd} mod_def.ww3 echo " Screen output routed to ${path_out}/ww3_strt.${grd}.out" ${path_exe}/ww3_strt > ${path_out}/ww3_strt.${grd}.out mv restart.ww3 restart.${grd} done mkdir -p strt_inp mv ww3_strt.inp strt_inp/ fi ## 3. Input fields ------------------------------------------------------------ # update input files if [[ ${opt_input} == core2update ]]; then print_title "Input fields" # compile appropriate code echo ${case_switch_ser} > ${path_b}/switch ${path_b}/w3_make ww3_prnc # check error check_error "Error in compiling ww3_prnc. Stop..." cp ${path_e}/ww3_prnc ${path_exe} path_prnc="${toolbox_dir}/data/prnc_inp" # prepare input fields rm -f mod_def.ww3 ln -s mod_def.${inputgrid} mod_def.ww3 # wind ln -s ${path_dat}/wind.nc ./ cp ${path_prnc}/ww3_prnc.inp.wind ./ww3_prnc.inp echo " Screen output routed to ${path_out}/ww3_prnc_wind.out" ${path_exe}/ww3_prnc > ${path_out}/ww3_prnc_wind.out mkdir -p prnc_inp mv ww3_prnc.inp prnc_inp/ww3_prnc_wind.inp mv wind.ww3 wind.${inputgrid} rm -f wind.nc # ice ln -s ${path_dat}/ice.nc ./ cp ${path_prnc}/ww3_prnc.inp.ice ./ww3_prnc.inp echo " Screen output routed to ${path_out}/ww3_prnc_ice.out" ${path_exe}/ww3_prnc > ${path_out}/ww3_prnc_ice.out mv ww3_prnc.inp prnc_inp/ww3_prnc_ice.inp mv ice.ww3 ice.${inputgrid} rm -f ice.nc mod_def.ww3 elif [[ ${opt_input} == core2copy ]]; then for grd in ${grids} do rm -f wind.${grd} ice*.${grd} ln -s ${path_input}/wind.${grd} ./ ln -s ${path_input}/ice*.${grd} ./ done elif [[ ${opt_input} == cice ]]; then print_title "Input fields" # compile appropriate code echo ${case_switch_ser} > ${path_b}/switch ${path_b}/w3_make ww3_prnc # check error check_error "Error in compiling ww3_prnc. Stop..." cp ${path_e}/ww3_prnc ${path_exe} path_prnc="${toolbox_dir}/data/prnc_inp" mkdir -p prnc_inp # wind ln -s ${path_dat}/wind.nc ./ cp ${path_prnc}/ww3_prnc.inp.wind ./ww3_prnc.inp for grd in ${grids} do rm -f mod_def.ww3 ln -s mod_def.${grd} mod_def.ww3 echo " Screen output routed to ${path_out}/ww3_prnc_wind.${grd}.out" ${path_exe}/ww3_prnc > ${path_out}/ww3_prnc_wind.${grd}.out mv wind.ww3 wind.${grd} done mv ww3_prnc.inp prnc_inp/ww3_prnc_wind.inp rm -f wind.nc # ice fraction ln -s ${path_dat}/cice.nc ./ cp ${path_prnc}/ww3_prnc.inp.cice.ice ./ww3_prnc.inp for grd in ${grids} do rm -f mod_def.ww3 ln -s mod_def.${grd} mod_def.ww3 echo " Screen output routed to ${path_out}/ww3_prnc_cice_ice.${grd}.out" ${path_exe}/ww3_prnc > ${path_out}/ww3_prnc_cice_ice.${grd}.out mv ice.ww3 ice.${grd} done mv ww3_prnc.inp prnc_inp/ww3_prnc_cice_ice.inp # ice thickness cp ${path_prnc}/ww3_prnc.inp.cice.ic1 ./ww3_prnc.inp for grd in ${grids} do rm -f mod_def.ww3 ln -s mod_def.${grd} mod_def.ww3 echo " Screen output routed to ${path_out}/ww3_prnc_cice_ic1.${grd}.out" ${path_exe}/ww3_prnc > ${path_out}/ww3_prnc_cice_ic1.${grd}.out mv ice1.ww3 ice1.${grd} done mv ww3_prnc.inp prnc_inp/ww3_prnc_cice_ic1.inp rm -f cice.nc mod_def.ww3 elif [[ ${opt_input} == none ]]; then echo "Do nothing on input file. Please make sure wind.ww3 and ice.ww3 exist." else echo "Invalid input option ${opt_input}. Stop." exit 1 fi ## 4. Main program ------------------------------------------------------------ print_title "Main program" # compile appropriate code echo ${case_switch_mpi} > ${path_b}/switch ${path_b}/w3_make ww3_multi # check error check_error "Error in compiling ww3_multi. Stop..." cp ${path_e}/ww3_multi ${path_exe}/ # processing input file path_multi="${toolbox_dir}/run/multi_inp" cp ${path_multi}/ww3_multi.inp ./ find_replace LB_STARTING_TIME "${t_beg}" ww3_multi.inp find_replace LB_ENDING_TIME "${t_end}" ww3_multi.inp find_replace LB_TIME_INT ${dt} ww3_multi.inp find_replace LB_TIME_RES ${dtrs} ww3_multi.inp #find_replace LB_INPUT_GRID ${inputgrid} ww3_multi.inp find_replace LB_GRID1 ${grid1} ww3_multi.inp find_replace LB_GRID2 ${grid2} ww3_multi.inp find_replace LB_GRID3 ${grid3} ww3_multi.inp mkdir -p multi_inp ## 5. Grid integration -------------------------------------------------------- print_title "Grid integration" # compile appropriate code echo ${case_switch_ser} > ${path_b}/switch ${path_b}/w3_make ww3_gint # check error check_error "Error in compiling ww3_gint. Stop..." cp ${path_e}/ww3_gint ${path_exe}/ path_ounf="${toolbox_dir}/postprocess/gint_inp" cp ${path_ounf}/ww3_gint.inp ./ find_replace LB_STARTING_TIME "${t_beg}" ww3_gint.inp find_replace LB_TIME_INT ${dt} ww3_gint.inp find_replace LB_NFILE ${nfile} ww3_gint.inp find_replace LB_GRID1 ${grid1} ww3_gint.inp find_replace LB_GRID2 ${grid2} ww3_gint.inp find_replace LB_GRID3 ${grid3} ww3_gint.inp find_replace LB_TARGET_GRID ${targetgrid} ww3_gint.inp mkdir -p gint_inp ## 6. Gridded netCDF output post-processor ------------------------------------ print_title "Gridded netCDF output post-processor" # compile appropriate code echo ${case_switch_ser} > ${path_b}/switch ${path_b}/w3_make ww3_ounf # check error check_error "Error in compiling ww3_ounf. Stop..." cp ${path_e}/ww3_ounf ${path_exe}/ # processing input file path_ounf="${toolbox_dir}/postprocess/ounf_inp" cp ${path_ounf}/ww3_ounf.inp ./ find_replace LB_STARTING_TIME "${t_beg}" ww3_ounf.inp find_replace LB_TIME_INT ${dt} ww3_ounf.inp find_replace LB_NFILE ${nfile} ww3_ounf.inp find_replace LB_NX ${nx} ww3_ounf.inp find_replace LB_NY ${ny} ww3_ounf.inp mkdir -p ounf_inp # restart file nnn_res=`printf %03d ${nres}` sav_res="restart${nnn_res}.ww3" rname_res="restart_${date_end}.ww3" ## 7. Submitting job ---------------------------------------------------------- print_title "Submitting job" echo " Running WW3 with ${nproc} processors..." # generate machine-specific submission script if [[ ${HOSTNAME} == yslogin* ]]; then exempi="mpirun.lsf" # write LSF header for yellowstone cat > submit.sh << EOF #!/bin/bash #BSUB -n ${nproc} #BSUB -q ${queue} #BSUB -R "span[ptile=15]" #BSUB -N #BSUB -W ${walltime} #BSUB -x #BSUB -J ${casename} #BSUB -e ${casename}.err #BSUB -o ${casename}.out #BSUB -P ${projnum} module load intel module load impi EOF # write postprocessing script for yellowstone cat > postproc.sh << EOF #!/bin/bash EOF elif [[ ${HOSTNAME} == cheyenne* ]]; then nnode=$(( ${nproc} / 36 + 1 )) if [ ${nnode} -eq 1 ]; then ncpu=${nproc} else ncpu=$(( ${nproc} / ${nnode} )) fi exempi="mpiexec_mpt" # write PBS header for cheyenne cat > submit.sh << EOF #!/bin/bash #PBS -N ${casename} #PBS -j oe #PBS -q ${queue} #PBS -l walltime=${walltime}:00 #PBS -A ${projnum} #PBS -l select=${nnode}:ncpus=${ncpu}:mpiprocs=${ncpu} module load intel module load mpt export MPI_SHEPHERD=true EOF # write postprocessing script for cheyenne cat > postproc.sh << EOF #!/bin/bash #PBS -N pp_${casename} #PBS -j oe #PBS -q ${queue} #PBS -l walltime=00:15:00 #PBS -A ${projnum} #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mpiprocs=1 EOF fi # check hostname # write command # mpi run if [[ ${HOSTNAME} == yslogin* ]]; then cat >> submit.sh << EOF cd ${path_work} ${exempi} ${path_exe}/ww3_multi > ${path_out}/ww3_multi.out ./postproc.sh EOF elif [[ ${HOSTNAME} == cheyenne* ]]; then cat >> submit.sh << EOF cd ${path_work} ${exempi} ${path_e}/ww3_multi > ${path_out}/ww3_multi.out qsub -W depend=afterok:\$PBS_JOBID ./postproc.sh EOF fi # command for postprocessing script cat >> postproc.sh << EOF echo " Log files routed to ${path_out}" mv log.* ${path_out}/ mv ww3_multi.inp multi_inp/ ${path_exe}/ww3_gint > ${path_out}/ww3_gint.out mv ww3_gint.inp gint_inp/ ${path_exe}/ww3_ounf > ${path_out}/ww3_ounf.out mv ww3_ounf.inp ounf_inp/ mv ww3.*.nc out/ mv ${sav_res} restart/${rname_res} EOF # submitting job chmod 755 submit.sh chmod 755 postproc.sh if [[ ${HOSTNAME} == yslogin* ]]; then bsub < submit.sh elif [[ ${HOSTNAME} == cheyenne* ]]; then qsub submit.sh fi