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Folders and files

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parent directory


This directory contains all modules for Loris.

Modules should be entirely self-contained into a subdirectory with the following structure:

ModuleName/     - This file should contain technical specifications for any module in LORIS.
                    See any module (ie. modules/candidate_list/ for a template.

    css/          - Any necessary new CSS classes/files should go here

    help/         - Contains a markdown file of help content for each page in this module.

                    There is also a database "help" table, and if content exists in both
                    this directory and the database the filesystem help table has precedent.
                    The database should only be used for instruments, which are a type
                    of page that exists outside of a module.

    js/           - This contains any javascript for the module. (This is often empty in
                    git, as the javascript files are generated from the React JSX
                    when running "make") 

    jsx/          - This directory has no special meaning for LORIS, but by convention is
                    where most modules put JSX code which is compiled into the js directory.

    php/          - This contains classes that are autoloaded for the module's PHP
                    namespace. Filenames should match the classname in lowercase with
                    the "" extension.

                    The namespace for all classes in the module should be "LORIS\$ModuleName"

                    Classes in this namespace which match the classname of a URL of the
                    form $modulename/$classname/ and extend NDB_Page (or a subclass)
                    automatically have their handle() function delegated to in order to
                    handle incoming requests for the page. The lowercase requirement
                    ensures that the autoloader can find the file on case sensitive
                    filesystems, without requiring the URL's case to match our
                    coding standards class capitalization rules. The class with a name
                    which matches the name of the module serves as the default page for
                    the module.

                    There also must be a class named "Module" in the module's namespace
                    created in this directory. The Module class determimes module-wide
                    metadata about this module. The handle() function of the Module class
                    serves as an entry point for any incoming requests to the module, and
                    by default delegates to other classes as described above. In most
                    cases, simply implementing a class in the module's namespace which
                    extends \Module should provide reasonably defaults.

    tools/        - This contains any helper tools used either manually or by cron for this module

    templates/    - Location of any smarty templates for your module. Deprecated. Please use
                    jsx/ instead.

    ajax/         - Deprecated.