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A multiplayer game room SDK using Ably as communication platform


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Ably is the platform that powers synchronized digital experiences in realtime. Whether attending an event in a virtual venue, receiving realtime financial information, or monitoring live car performance data – consumers simply expect realtime digital experiences as standard. Ably provides a suite of APIs to build, extend, and deliver powerful digital experiences in realtime for more than 250 million devices across 80 countries each month. Organizations like Bloomberg, HubSpot, Verizon, and Hopin depend on Ably’s platform to offload the growing complexity of business-critical realtime data synchronization at global scale. For more information, see the Ably documentation.


Ably GameRoomSDK provides an easy way to manage multiplayer game room related events such as entering game rooms, sending messages to other players, registering to presence events and more using Ably realtime network

Status: this is an alpha version of the SDK. It means that it contains some functionality and APIs that can change without notice.

GameRoomSDK has following features

  • Create / initiate a game environment that allows SDK to serve client functions.
  • Start a game : This starts a game and enables players to enter to / leave from a game.
  • Query for current players in the game.
  • Observe entries / exits from a game.
  • Enter into a game.
  • Enter into a room in a game, leave from a room in a game.
  • Listen to presence actions in a room.
  • Register to messages from other players in a room.
  • Send messages to other players in a room.
  • List all players that are in a room.

Ably GameRoomSDK is a pure Kotlin library and APIs are heavily based on Coroutines

Example Apps

This repo comes with an example app that is intended to showcase SDK functionality. Please add following line to your file to run example app


Concepts and terminology

GameRoomSDK uses simple concepts and terminology to make usage as intuitive as possible.


AblyGame is the environment for your games' multiplayer needs. It is where you initialise the environment and perform game wise functions such as entering the environment, leaving the environment and observing changes in the environment.


This represents a game room in your AblyGame environment. It has an id in order to differentiate with other rooms. You should make sure to provide unique ids to each of your GameRoom instances. GameRoom is an interface, so you can create your own custom implementations that suits to your own needs locally. Please beware that currently GameRoomSDK will only be able to transmit and receive id of your custom GameRoom instance.


This represents the player in your AblyGame environment. Like GameRoom it also has an id that is intended to differentiate players. This is also an interface so that you can implement your own GamePlayers interface.


This is a representation of a GameMessage. This message currently supports 2 types, TEXT and REQUEST.


This is the controller that maintains interactions between player and game room. For example entering a room, leaving a room, sending and receiveing message while in a room. Its lifecycle starts with player entering a room (including) and ends with player leaving a room (including).


This library is not yet published on any major publishing platform and only been used with an Android app. But you should be able to use it any Kotlin project by checking it out and adding it as a dependency module.

You can clone library using

git clone

This will clone the multi module Gradle project including SDK and example app. The easiest way is to examine the example app to see how you can add SDK as a dependencey.

If your project is in the same directory as ablygamesdk is add following to your settings.gradle file

include ':ablygamesdk'

Then in your app level build.gradle file add following

implementation project(path: ':ablygamesdk')

AblyGame example usages

Following are some examples of how to use functions that are provided by AblyGame

Game environment initialisation

You will need to initialise a game environment in order to activate SDK functionality

val ablyGame = AblyGame.Builder(ABLY_API_KEY)

You should replace ABLY_API_KEY with your own. Please login into Ably dashboard to retrieve your own api key. GAME_SCOPE is coroutine scope that you intend to run your AblyGame instance in. A Typical application scope for that matter could be defined as

val applicationScope = CoroutineScope(SupervisorJob() + Dispatchers.Main)

Start a game

ablyGame.start {
                AblyGame.GameState.Started -> //TODO replace this with your action of game started
                AblyGame.GameState.Stopped -> //TODO replace this with your action of game stopped

As you can see this method accepts a FlowCollector<GameState> for you to observe the changes on game state. You should make sure that the game is started before moving forward with other game functionalities

Enter a game

someCoroutineScope.launch {
            val enterResult = ablyGame.enter(gamePlayer)
            if (enterResult.isSuccess) {
               //enter successful
            } else {
               //enter failed

As you can see, you should invoke enter inside a coroutine scope. You must replace gamePlayer with your own instance of GamePlayer

Leave a game

someCoroutineScope.launch {
            val leaveResult = ablyGame.leave(gamePlayer)
            if (leaveResult.isSuccess) {
                //leave successful
            } else {
               //leave failed

You must replace someCoroutineScope with scope your are launching the function. You must replace gamePlayer with your own instance of GamePlayer

Subscribing to game player updates in the game

If you want to observe users entering / leaving a game, you can use the following example code

ablyGame.subscribeToGamePlayerUpdates {
            when (it) {
                is PresenceAction.Enter -> {
                    Log.d(TAG, "PresenceAction.Enter ${}")
                is PresenceAction.Leave -> {
                    Log.d(TAG, "PresenceAction.Leave ${}")

Get list of all players

You can get a list of all players in the game using the following code block

 coroutineScope.launch {
            val players = ablyGame.allPlayers()

As allPlayers is a suspending function, you must call this from a coroutine scope

Check if a player is in a game

coroutineScope.launch {
            if (ablyGame.isInGame(gamePlayer)) {
               //do something

Game room related functions

All game room related functionality is inside GameRoomController. You must get a handle of this to invoke functionality related to game rooms

To get a handle of GameRoomController in your AblyGame instance you can simply use

val roomsController = ablyGame.roomsController

Enter a room

val result = controller.enter(yourPlayer,yourRoom)
            when (result){
                is RoomPresenceResult.Success -> //successful
                is RoomPresenceResult.Failure -> //failure

You must replace yourPlayer with your own instance of GamePlayer and yourGame with your own instance of GameRoom

Leave a room

val result = controller.leave(yourPlayer,yourRoom)
            when (result){
                is RoomPresenceResult.Success -> //successful
                is RoomPresenceResult.Failure -> //failure

You must replace yourPlayer with your own instance of GamePlayer and yourGame with your own instance of GameRoom

Send message to a room

You can directly send a message to a room so that all room participants can register to and receive later

someCoroutineScope.launch {
            val result = controller.sendMessageToRoom(player, room, GameMessage(messageContent = message))
                is MessageSentResult.Failed -> //message sent failed
                is MessageSentResult.Success -> //message sent is success

Register to room messages

someCoroutineScope.launch {
            controller.registerToRoomMessages(room,MessageType.TEXT).collect{ receivedMessage ->
                // receivedMessage is received as ReceivedMessage

Register to player messages in the room

If you want to receive messages from all players in room, you can simply use following

someCoroutineScope.launch {
            controller.registerToPlayerMessagesInRoom(which, who, MessageType.TEXT).collect { receivedMessage ->
                //received message from receivedMessage.from

Send message to another player

someCoroutineScope.launch {
            val result = controller.sendMessageToPlayer(who, toWhom, GameMessage(messageContent = message))
                is MessageSentResult.Failed -> TODO()
                is MessageSentResult.Success -> TODO()

Register to presence events in a room

You can observe presence events in a room (currently supporting enter and leave) so you can react to it, for example notifying other players or updating players in your room.

controller.registerToPresenceEvents(which).collect { roomPresenceUpdate ->
         //do something with roomPresenceUpdate

Query all players in a room

You can query all players in a room like following. Notice that allPlayers() is a suspending function and needs to be called from a coroutine scope.

   val allPlayers = allPlayers(room)


A multiplayer game room SDK using Ably as communication platform







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