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HLS.js Custom Controls


  • Controls: Play/ Pause, Mute/Unmute, Video Quality Settings, Video Seek Bar Automatically hides controls if no mouse activity for a while, Display controls on mouse hover, Display controls on mouse movement only if pointer is on video.

  • Video Quality: Default quality is set to auto, Quality options created from hls levels manifest. On manual quality selection, quality changed to selected quality level.

  • Demo Url:

(Supported Browsers: Latest Chrome / Firefox)

Source Code


Uses Gulp, LESS, Javascript

src/                          --> development source (html, less, js)
    js/                       --> folder to keep js files
        custom.controls.js    --> player configuration and custom controls event handling
        animate.controls.js   --> extra animation show/hide handling for controls
    less/                     --> folder to keep styles (.less)
        player.less           --> styles specific to controls and video player
        page.less             --> extra styles for placing player on page
        style.less            --> less imports
    index.html                --> base html file (video source to be provided in data-src)
dist/                         --> build output files (html, css, js) 

Installation - Build / Usage

$ git clone .
$ npm install

$ gulp

Build all source code files and fire a livereload server which serves the files in dist/. (Build files: (

  • less: Compile all *.less files in the less/ folder into dist/css/style.css
  • scripts: Concatenate and minify all *.js files in the js/ directory into dist/js/main.min.js
  • html: Copy all html files from src/ to dist/`

Deploy to gh-pages

Step 1 : Remove the dist directory from the project’s .gitignore file Remove gh-pages branch if already exists: git push origin --delete gh-pages

Step 2 : Make sure git knows about your subtree (the subfolder with your site). git add dist && git commit -m "Initial dist subtree commit"

Step 3: Use subtree push to send it to the gh-pages branch on GitHub. git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages