# GeoDNS Changelog ## Next - Avro logging feature - Default to use all CPUs on the system. ## 3.2.3 June 2023 - querylog: Add software version, answer data and IsTCP fields - Make Go module paths semantic versions - Remove extra bogus json field from query log - Update dependencies (and Go 1.20.5) ## 3.2.2 May 2023 * Go 1.20.4 * Updated dependencies ## 3.2.1 November 2022 * Go 1.19.3 * Add new country codes ## 3.2.0 October 2021 * Reload GeoIP 2 databases when they change (Tyler Davis) * Updated build process, rpm and deb packages now available * Build with Go 1.17.2 (Tyler Davis) * Minor fix to geodns-logs tool * Updated code comments (Sven Nebel) ## 3.1.0 August 2021 * NSID support * Support for DNS Cookies * dnsflagday cleanups * Add Russia's federal districts as country region codes * Update dependencies * Publish rpm and deb files ## 3.0.2 December 2019 * Better test errors when geoip2 files aren't found * Require Go 1.13 or later (just for build script for now) * Add geodns-logs to Docker image * Fix targeting tests (GeoIP data changed) * Update dependencies ## 3.0.1 April 2019 * Added Prometheus metrics support * Removed /monitor websocket interface * Removed /status and /status.json pages * Support "closest" matching (instead of geo/asn labels) for A and AAAA records (Alex Bligh) * Support for GeoIP2 databases (including IPv6 data and ASN databases) * "Pluggable" targeting data support * Support for "health status" in an external file (not documented) * Integrated health check support coming later (integrated work done by Alex Bligh, but not functional in this release - his branch on Github has/had it working) * Remove minimum TTL for NS records (Alex Bligh) * More/updated tests * Don't let the server ID be * Use 'dep' to manage dependencies * Remove built-in InfluxDB support from the log processing tool ## 2.7.0 February 13, 2017 * Add support for PTR records (Florent AIDE) * Test improvements (Alex Bligh) * Update github.com/miekg/dns * Update github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics * Use vendor/ instead of godep * Make query logging (globally) configurable * Support base configuration file outside the zone config directory * service: Read extra args from env/ARGS ## 2.6.0 October 4, 2015 Leif Johansson: * Start new /status.json statistics end-point Alex Bligh: * Add ability to log to file. * Add option to make debugging queries private. * Fix race referencing config and other configuration system improvements. * Fix crash on removal of zonefile with invalid JSON (Issue #69) * Fix issue #74 - crash on reenabling previously invalid zone Ask Bjørn Hansen: * Fix critical data race in serve.go (and other rare races) * Optionally require basic authentication for http interface * Fix weighted CNAMEs (only return one) * Make /status.json dump all metrics from go-metrics * Update godeps (including miekg/dns) * StatHat bugfix when the configuration changed at runtime * ./build should just build, not install * Fix crash when removing an invalid zone file * Don't double timestamps when running under supervise * Require Go 1.4+ * Internal improvements to metrics collection * Remove every minute logging of goroutine and query count * Add per-instance UUID to parsable status outputs (experimental) * Report Go version as part of the version reporting * Minor optimizations ## 2.5.0 June 5, 2015 * Add resolver ASN and IP targeting (Ewan Chou) * Support for SPF records (Afsheen Bigdeli) * Support weighted CNAME responses * Add /48 subnet targeting for IPv6 ip targeting * Don't log metrics to stderr anymore * Make TTLs set on individual labels work * Return NOERROR for "bar" if "foo.bar" exists (Geoffrey Papilion) * Add Illinois to the us-central region group * Add benchmark tests (Miek Gieben) * Improve documentation * Use godep to track code dependencies * Don't add a '.' prefix on the record header on apex records ## 2.4.4 October 3, 2013 * Fix parsing of 'targeting' option * Add server id and ip to _country responses for easier debugging. ## 2.4.3 October 1, 2013 * Fix GeoIP custom directory bug (in geoip library) ## 2.4.2 September 20, 2013 * Update EDNS-SUBNET option number (in dns library) ## 2.4.1 July 24, 2013 * Update dns API to use new CountLabel and SplitDomainName functions * Add test for mIXed-caSE queries (fix was in dns library) ## 2.4.0 June 26, 2013 * Add per-zone targeting configuration * Support targeting by region/state with GeoIPCity * Don't send backlogged zone counts to stathat when support is enabled ## 2.3.0 May 7, 2013 * Fix edns-client-subnet bug in dns library so it works with OpenDNS ## 2.2.8 April 28, 2013 * Support per-zone stats posted to StatHat * Support TXT records * Don't return NXDOMAIN for A queries to _status and _country * Set serial number from file modtime if not explicitly set in json * Improve record type documentation * Warn about unknown record types in zone json files * Add -version option ## 2.2.7 April 16, 2013 * Count EDNS queries per zone, pretty status page * Status page has various per-zone stats * Show global query stats, etc * Add option to configure 'loggers' * Add -cpus option to use multiple CPUs * Add sample geodns.conf * Use numbers instead of strings when appropriate in websocket stream * Various refactoring and bug-fixes ## 2.2.6 April 9, 2013 * Begin more detailed /status page * Make SOA record look more "normal" (cosmetic change only) ## 2.2.5 April 7, 2013 * Add StatHat feature * Improve error handling for bad zone files * Don't call runtime.GC() after loading each zone * Set the minimum TTL to 10x regular TTL (up to an hour) * service script: Load identifier from env/ID if it exists * Work with latest geoip; use netmask from GeoIP in EDNS-SUBNET replies ## 2.2.4 March 5, 2013 * Add licensing information * De-configure zones when the .json file is removed * Start adding support for a proper configuration file * Add -identifier command line option * Various tweaks ## 2.2.3 March 1, 2013 * Always log when zones are re-read * Remove one of the runtime.GC() calls when configs are loaded * Set ulimit -n 64000 in run script * Cleanup unused Zones variable in a few places * Log when server was started to websocket /monitor interface ## 2.2.2 February 27, 2013 * Fix crash when getting unknown RRs in Extra request section ## 2.2.1 February 2013 * Beta EDNS-SUBNET support. * Allow A/AAAA records without a weight * Don't crash if a zone doesn't have any apex records * Show line with syntax error when parsing JSON files * Add --checkconfig parameter * More tests ## 2.2.0 December 2012 * Initial EDNS-SUBNET support. * Better error messages when parsing invalid JSON. * -checkconfig command line option that loads the configuration and exits. * The CNAME configuration changed so the name of the current zone is appended to the target name if the target is not a fqdn (ends with a "."). This is a rare change not compatible with existing data. To upgrade make all cname's fqdn's until all servers are running v2.2.0 or newer.