package main import ( "encoding/json" "" "log" "os" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) func getQuestionName(z *Zone, req *dns.Msg) string { lx := dns.SplitLabels(req.Question[0].Name) ql := lx[0 : len(lx)-z.LenLabels] return strings.ToLower(strings.Join(ql, ".")) } var geoIP = setupGeoIP() func serve(w dns.ResponseWriter, req *dns.Msg, z *Zone) { qtype := req.Question[0].Qtype logPrintf("[zone %s] incoming %s %s %d from %s\n", z.Origin, req.Question[0].Name, dns.Rr_str[qtype], req.MsgHdr.Id, w.RemoteAddr()) // is this safe/atomic or does it need to go through a channel? qCounter++ logPrintln("Got request", req) label := getQuestionName(z, req) var country string if geoIP != nil { country = geoIP.GetCountry(w.RemoteAddr().String()) logPrintln("Country:", country) } m := new(dns.Msg) m.SetReply(req) if e := m.IsEdns0(); e != nil { m.SetEdns0(4096, e.Do()) } m.Authoritative = true // TODO(ask) Fix the findLabels API to make this work better if alias := z.findLabels(label, "", dns.TypeMF); alias != nil && alias.Records[dns.TypeMF] != nil { // We found an alias record, so pretend the question was for that name instead label = alias.firstRR(dns.TypeMF).(*dns.RR_MF).Mf } labels := z.findLabels(label, country, qtype) if labels == nil { if label == "_status" && (qtype == dns.TypeANY || qtype == dns.TypeTXT) { m.Answer = statusRR(z) m.Authoritative = true w.Write(m) return } // return NXDOMAIN m.SetRcode(req, dns.RcodeNameError) m.Authoritative = true m.Ns = []dns.RR{z.SoaRR()} w.Write(m) return } if servers := labels.Picker(qtype, 4); servers != nil { var rrs []dns.RR for _, record := range servers { rr := record.RR rr.Header().Name = req.Question[0].Name rrs = append(rrs, rr) } m.Answer = rrs } if len(m.Answer) == 0 { if labels := z.Labels[label]; labels != nil { if _, ok := labels.Records[dns.TypeCNAME]; ok { cname := labels.firstRR(dns.TypeCNAME) m.Answer = append(m.Answer, cname) } } else { m.Ns = append(m.Ns, z.SoaRR()) } } logPrintln(m) err := w.Write(m) if err != nil { // if Pack'ing fails the Write fails. Return SERVFAIL. log.Println("Error writing packet", m) dns.HandleFailed(w, req) } return } func statusRR(z *Zone) []dns.RR { h := dns.RR_Header{Ttl: 1, Class: dns.ClassINET, Rrtype: dns.TypeTXT} h.Name = "_status." + z.Origin + "." status := map[string]string{"v": VERSION, "id": serverId} var hostname, err = os.Hostname() if err == nil { status["h"] = hostname } status["up"] = strconv.Itoa(int(time.Since(timeStarted).Seconds())) status["qs"] = strconv.FormatUint(qCounter, 10) js, err := json.Marshal(status) return []dns.RR{&dns.RR_TXT{Hdr: h, Txt: []string{string(js)}}} } func setupServerFunc(Zone *Zone) func(dns.ResponseWriter, *dns.Msg) { return func(w dns.ResponseWriter, r *dns.Msg) { serve(w, r, Zone) } } func listenAndServe(ip string, Zones *Zones) { prots := []string{"udp", "tcp"} for _, prot := range prots { go func(p string) { server := &dns.Server{Addr: ip, Net: p} log.Printf("Opening on %s %s", ip, p) if err := server.ListenAndServe(); err != nil { log.Fatalf("geodns: failed to setup %s %s: %s", ip, p, err) } log.Fatalf("geodns: ListenAndServe unexpectedly returned") }(prot) } }